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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Against GM products: GM Soy is Dangerous!

I just wrote about the petition you can sign to convince European parlament to change their erroneous decision about the GM plants and foods. Here you can read an article I became a moment ago.

Please, read my post and my personal experience here Against GM Foods and sign the petition because they need one million of signs to pass it to the parlament.

Soy goods have swept the nation, taking over grocery stores and health food stores alike, with the perception of being a natural and wholesome source of protein and more. Tofu hot dogs and burgers are found in the "healthy eating" section of the grocery store. Many babies are downing soy-based formulas in place of breast milk. Clearly, there are firm believers who claim that soy is a miracle food, but others reason that daily soy consumption can increase the risk of developing certain health problems.

Independent research has raised many questions concerning the relationship between soy and breast cancer. Decreased brain function in men has been linked to soy, and now scientists are questioning soy and its relationship to developmental abnormalities in infants. Essentially, soy may not be the health food that you think it is. ChicagoHealers Practitioner Dr. Tom Bayne, DC offers the following, potentially surprising, facts on soy.

  • Soy Contains Natural Chemicals that mimic estrogen called isoflavones. Animal studies show that this chemical can alter sexual development. What’s more, Japanese researchers found that as little as 2 tablespoons a day of soy powder had a dramatic effect on thyroid function. It created a state of hypothyroidism with early goiter changes in spite of adequate iodine intake. They also found that the effect lasted for 3 months after soy consumption was discontinued.
  • Soybeans Contain an Anti-Nutrient called phytic acid. All beans do. However, soybeans have the highest levels of phytic acid compared to other beans. Adding to the high phytate problem, soybeans are highly resistant to phytate-reducing techniques, such as long, slow cooking as used with other beans. Phytic acid blocks the absorption of certain minerals, including magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. This is of particular interest when it comes to soy-based infant formulas and the nutrient deficiencies created in the name of health.
  • Soybeans Contain Enzyme Inhibitors that decrease protein digestion, create bloating, and eventually lead to amino acid deficiencies. Additionally, soybeans contain hemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance which causes red blood cells to clump together. These clumped blood cells cannot properly transport oxygen to the body's tissues, which can lead to cardiac difficulties.
  • Soy Straight from the Ground is Not for Human Consumption. Only after fermentation for an extended period of time as seen with miso and tempeh production are the beans, or the soy protein isolate, suitable for digestion when eaten. Another method of making the beans edible is through extensive processing such as chemical extractions and high temperatures.

One would assume that anything that can cause decelerated thyroid, depressed hormones, digestve failure, blood clots and nutrient deficiencies would be illegal to sell. It probably would be illicit if the average person were selling it, but when the lead dominators of agribusiness can pay for research studies and manipulate the findings to their liking, it creates a multibillion dollar industry from a bean that was considered waste and animal feed as recently as 100 years ago. Genetic modification has meant that all seeds are purchased from one supplier. This is truly big business at its worst. Practitioner Dr. Tom Bayne, DC. offers the following tips for safely incorporating soy into your diet:

  1. Fermentation: Fermentation reduces the phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors, and hemagglutinin. Although it reduces the existence of these substances, it does not eliminate them completely. We recommend that you eat only small amounts of soy.
  2. GMO Free: Be certain that the soy products you ingest are not genetically modified, and are preserved in a fermented form like that of miso or tempeh.

The best advice is to steer clear of soy protein powders, foods and supplements that are not fermented and GMO free. There is no need to fully eliminate soy, but everything should be eaten in moderation.

Please let me know if you are interested in an interview with Dr. Tom Bayne, D.C. For more information go to

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