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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Clouds that cover our mind

Some time ago I began to write a summary of the buddhist point of view on the mind (Imagine the mind). I wrote that the mind is seen as a sun in the sky. Sometimes the sky is blue, other times is covered with clouds, and there are times in our life when our mind is completely covered with heavy black clouds.

Now today I wanted to review the texts I studied to describe those clouds.

First of all we remember that "all the different worlds of alive beings are created by the mind itself. All beings without exception are born from their actions" (Madhyamakavatara by Acharya Aryadeva)

What it means?
Or how it works?
We thought that somebody offended us and our reaction was aggression against this person. And we won that time. Next time we do it again and than again and again. This behaviour becomes natural for us. And we become an aggressive person.
But originally we were not aggressive.
It's our action that makes from us that aggressive person.

If you will analyze your reactions in everyday life, you will see that it's true: normally we have the same reactions on every similar action. We repeat every day the same movements and have all the time the same reactions.

And not only this.
If you register your thoughts during the day (it's interesting, try it), you will notice: we think all the day every day about the same things. We don't change our thoughts. We repeat and repeat and repeat the same. And than act. Rarely good, normally negatively.
We cultivate negativity and become worse and worse. We make negative actions in answer of our negative thoughts.

In this way our mind creates our existence.
One more example.
We have a neighbour that we hate. He is a person that makes to us everything bad he can imagine with his negative mind. But is he really that bad person or it's our mind that sees him in this way? Because
His mother thinks he is the best son in the world.
His wife thinks he is adorable husband.
His friends say, he is a good friend. ecc

What is that makes this man so bad for us?
What are the clouds that cover our mind and we can't see the adorable person in our neighbour?

attachment (for me and my)

And their "products" like aggression, greed, lazyness, jealousy and others.
This is what covers our mind.

Read first part Imagine the mind
Related post of Zubli Zainordin in Total Mind

Saturday, January 26, 2008

More about sound healing

This is the theme I'm interested very much and don't find answers to my questions else. So I'm in the period of exploration. In this blog I wrote different posts related to this idea like

Dalai Lama singing Heart Sutra - Prajna Paramita Hrydaya Sutra
Deep singing monks
Brain music terapy
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in YouTube!!
Tibetan Sound Healing Part 4

All these posts are examples of what we can prove if listening to "special" music or sounds that are thought to influence our mind.
I found them very powerful and useful, it's my own opinion. I listen to Hart Sutra to eliminate obstacles when I have something important to live, I use the practice of syllables explained by TWR if I have a negative feeling that disturbs my existence. But the main point here is my faith in these practices.

The healing practice I want to present you today exists in all Asian countries, I think. I know about the same practice in Japan, for example. The videos I post here are about Tibetan healing only because the most clear videos I found were about Tibetan singing bowls.
The first is a concert of gongs and the second is about the therapy.

You are perfectly right, we can do the same using the music we like, but I think here are other physical characteristics of the sound important, not only our personal mood. So, for example, I love fried potatoes and can eat them all the day every day of my life, but they are not good for health -to explain my idea. It's scientifically proved that some popular music makes bad to our ears, mind and health generally.

Here is sound healing therapist how he works:

Here is very interesting explanation of the phenomena and an other interesting thing is how the sond changes with every movement doing nearby. And maybe the best as music in all these videos.

Very Interesting Posts:
suggested by Zubli Zainordin in his Total Wellness that continues the discussion we have here in my posts about mind and this post: What the Heck Are Binaural Beats?
When Bowls Sing! written by Footiam
What is a singing bowl

Friday, January 25, 2008

Imagine the mind

Read second part Clouds that cover our mind

How is our mind?
We can imagine it as the sun in the sky.

One day is sunny, there are not clouds and our sun is shining brightly to everything and everybody. All creation is happy and so many beings are basking in it's rays.
Other day is sunny too, but there are clouds and they come and go.
When the weather is not good, all the sky is covered with dark clouds and everybody looks for a warm place to hide himself from the storm.

But we know, it's not forever. The clouds will go away and the sun will shine as before.

In the same way our mind, so as it was given to us by the nature or God or what you like, is something shiny and good for everybody. Remember the mind of the kids. With time clouds cover and cover it. What are those clouds? Those blots?
ecc ecc

Why are they clouds, blots? Because they are not permanent. They come and go. But we remain, our mind remains. So our mind is not the same with the clouds.
You raise in the morning with sunny spirits. But than you hear somebody speaking bad about you and you feel very bad. But later you forget about it and turn to be sunny as before
So we can say that the clouds come only when there are conditions for them. Clouds depend from conditions.

Because the clouds are something that comes and goes, we can do in the way they go and even don't come more.
We can liberate our mind from all negative emotions, thoughts and feelings.
And become sunny forever.

Summary of the Buddhist Teaching about the mind.
Different sources: texts, sutras, comments ecc.

Read second part Clouds that cover our mind

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tibetan Sound Healing Part 4

For those of you who is interested in the teaching of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche there is a good notice: finally we have
Tibetan Sound Healing Part 4: HUNG

About the first 3 parts of this teaching I wrote in my post Tenzin Wangial Rinpoche - in YuoTube!!!

If you don't know it else, it's about how to transform your negative emotions in those positive. In Love, precisely. All these using the syllables that you repeat and your imagination.

You don't need to be buddhist or something other. You only need the desire to live more happy life. Without anger, bad thoughts ecc.

This practice is very simple and effective. As other practices TWR presents.
Try it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What they did to reach Enlightenment

I read and received some learning stories in the last time and because I like learning stories very much, I write them here.

This first I don't know, maybe I heared it in TV and do not remember too much. I tell here the main thoughts from there.

The story is about somebody who asked Jesus Christ to tell him the secret of his realizations.
-I gave to eat to many persons, but if I did it without Love it would cost nothing, said Jesus. I made many miracles, but if I did them without Love they would have other significance.

There were other examples like these, but I don't remember them. The sence of all them was that everything he would do with other motivation, would have other meaning.
I thought about it and understood that this is right. I tryed to "give bread to other persons" with different "feelings" like
(with hatred) : Eat!
(with abhorrence): Eat!
(with love):Eat!
and every emotion gave different result (obviously, but I've never thought about it).

This is an other story, from Buddhismus, i received it from my friends. The story is in italian, I'll shortly translate it after the text.
Un tale chiese al Buddha: «Vorrei sapere qualcosa sullo stato di pace di cui parli, quello stato di solitudine e di quieto distacco. Come fa una persona a diventare calma e indipendente senza desiderare di aggrapparsi a nulla?».
«Una persona arriva a questo - rispose il Buddha - sradicando l'illusione "io sono". Stando sveglio e attento, comincia a lasciar andare gli appigli mentre si presentano. Ma qualunque risultato riesca a raggiungere, deve guardarsi dall'orgoglio interiore. Deve evitare di ritenersi migliore degli altri, o peggiore o uguale, dato che i paragoni danno risalto all'io. Dovrebbe cercare la pace dentro e non dipendere da essa in nessun altro posto. Perché quando una persona è calma dentro, l'io non si trova più. Nelle profondità dell'oceano non ci sono onde; è calmo e immoto. È lo stesso per la persona pacificata; è tranquilla, senza alcun desiderio da afferrare. Ha lasciato andare i fondamenti dell'io e non ricrea più l'orgoglio né il desiderio».
dal Sutta Nipata
Somebody asked Buddha: What did he to reach this state of quiet and indipendance?
-A person arrives to this state eliminating his/her illusion "I am", answered Buddha. But any realization you reach, you have to control very attentively you internal pride. You have avoid to think you are better or worse or equal to anybody. Because comparison makes "I" grow. You have to create internal piece and don't dipend from any other place. Because when a person is quiet iside, "I" do not exist. There are not waves in the depth of the ocean, it's quiet and without movement. E quiet person is the same: quiet and without desire to grab anything. (Sutta Nipata)

I don't know the author of the pic I posted here. I like it very much and think it gives right meaning to this post.

Related post:
Life's Brief Candle

Friday, January 11, 2008

What do I think about healing with the power of the mind (answer to a reader)

It's a great pleasure to sit for the fire and look at it. Interesting is that our cats adore it too. Two females sit very often on the special chair in front of the fire and can look at it for hours...

When I look at the fire, I see a Goddess. Dakini. Do you know something about Dakinis, these Sky-Dancers? Very romantic concept, you know... And about 5 Elements? I did not write about this fashinating thing else. Sincerely, I have to learn it more. There is not the full understanding, full acception for me. And I need this full acception as a part of my soul to use it.

In the last period I published different posts from this blog on different Bookmarking Services and had great interest, but a bad comment too. Not only this is the matter why I write this post today. I received some questions from different persons where they ask me about my experiences with the techniques I mentioned in my posts (Warrior Sillables and Golden Light-Sherab Chamma practices from Bön tradition)

Now I tell you some words about my point of view.
I want to precise, I don't want to "convert" anybody here. You are adult persons and we speak here that everybody has his/her own Way to do. In the bad comment I received, the person said me "I hate all you who tells this stupidities" (more or less). Oh my God, do you think I sell you something here? Do you feel I try to attract you in my network? I only tell you: you can find your way to heal yourself. Try, work.

When I looked for a Path for me, I tryed many possibilities. Magic, New Age, Hinduismus (read some treatises), Buddhismus, Bön. I was very diligent student. When then arrived the moment for me that the Teaching do not answered my questions, I saw these answers in an other place and that is why I changed for other Teaching. Why "hate"? -look for the answer and you will find it.

There is not difference in the Creation. There is the difference in our capacities to understand. Everybody can find a Teaching that answers his/her questions. Look around you and you will see it.

Now about the healing.
The main part of the healing is that you want to be healthy and want to work
(oh, no, it's not soooo easy. Most of us say that want to be healthy, but waits that a prince comes and heals us with one kiss. And it will never happen, excuse me).
That you believe. I tell from time to time: we can heal the great pain of our and others bodies with only force of our mind. I do it. It needs some conditions:
1/ You have to be conscious about your situation in that moment. This is the most difficult part of all healing, as said.
2/ And than you have only be sure that the High Force will heal you.
3/ Do your practice.
4/ And be healthy.
I do so. And the pain goes away. Forever -with some practice.

With the force of my mind (despaired) I could maintain my dying dog for 3 days conscious, without pains (and happy -he was incredible, that dog). The medicine can make this effect only 1-2 times for some hours, said me the veterinarian when I asked him to help.

Go to YouTube Ligmincia and listen to the explanations of Tenzin Wangial Rinpoche about sillables -Tibetan Sound Healing- (3 videos, today). Do what he says, believe him in that moment. And you will have the result -love or what you need. He do not convert you. He only explains the practice to do.

Act. You have responsability for God to maintain yourself healthy and happy. (quote from Zubli Zainordin that has nothing with Bön if you think I try to convert you).

Related post:
Total mind

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Brain music terapy

It's the first time I read about something like this.

Institute for Family Psychology of Houston treats depression, sleep disorders, anxiety of persons with their own brain music. They recod the brain waves of a person, convert them in music and use this music when the person sleeps to cure him/her.

This music sounds like a simple piano melody

In Houston this terapy, developed in 1990th, is used for a year and were treated about 100 patients. Most of them felt better. Why I bold "most" because personally do not believe in this too much. Why? When we have our mind in anxiety ecc how can our brain do not be affected by it?
The first recording costs about $550 and is effective for about three months for most patients because the brain adapts to the music. Patients then, for the same price, are encouraged to get a second recording, which usually lasts about four years
writes, the source of this news
Maybe it's about the gift of the God to us, the natural Great Joy...

Related post:
The Total Mind by Zubli Zainordin
What happens to you in the Cheops' pyramid

Friday, January 4, 2008

Lama Tsering's broadcast of Tibetan Buddhist Teachings

I found interesting collection of podcasts. Sincerely I don't know else what it is, but I post here the list of content first of all to have it nearby when I need it.
This is the page where I found it. And under here is the list:

22 Life in relation to death part - part 4
22 Life in relation to death part - part 3
22 Life in relation to death part - part 2
22 Life in relation to death part - part 1
22 The Four Immeasurable Qualities - part 4
22 The Four Immeasurable Qualities - part 3
22 The Four Immeasurable Qualities - part 2
22 The Four Immeasurable Qualities - part 1
22 The Infallible effects of Karma - part 4
22 The Infallible effects of Karma - part 3
22 The Infallible effects of Karma - part 2
22 The Infallible effects of Karma - part 1
22 Spirituality and relationship - part 3
22 pod22 Spirituality and relationship - part 2
21 pod21 Spirituality and relationship - part 1
20 Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche talks to Lama Tsering about his teachers
19 Cultivate the merit giving conditions for others to listen to the dharma - part 2
18 Cultivate the merit giving conditions for others to listen to the dharma - part 1
pod Obstacles can be blessings
pod Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche: "Enlightenment is to be free of obsessions
pod Who are you fooling - part 1
pod Who are you fooling - part 1
pod When Life is difficult - 25,6 MB
pod Perfection in Action - 6 MB
pod Healing Power of Mind - part 3 - 13 MB
pod Healing Power of Mind - part 2 - 14 MB
pod Healing Power of Mind - part 1 - 12 MB
pod pod Sacred Spaces - 21MB
pod pod07 Taking Happiness and Suffering on the Path - final part - 17MB
pod pod06 Taking Happiness and Suffering on the Path - part 3 - 9MB
pod pod05 Taking Happiness and Suffering on the Path - part 2 - 9MB
pod pod04 Taking Happiness and Suffering on the Path - part 1 - 9MB
pod pod The True Nature of the Mind - final - 13 MB
pod pod The True Nature of the Mind - part 2 - 9MB
pod pod The True Nature of the Mind - part 1 - 9MB