Now today I wanted to review the texts I studied to describe those clouds.
First of all we remember that "all the different worlds of alive beings are created by the mind itself. All beings without exception are born from their actions" (Madhyamakavatara by Acharya Aryadeva)
What it means?
Or how it works?
We thought that somebody offended us and our reaction was aggression against this person. And we won that time. Next time we do it again and than again and again. This behaviour becomes natural for us. And we become an aggressive person.
But originally we were not aggressive.
It's our action that makes from us that aggressive person.
If you will analyze your reactions in everyday life, you will see that it's true: normally we have the same reactions on every similar action. We repeat every day the same movements and have all the time the same reactions.
And not only this.
If you register your thoughts during the day (it's interesting, try it), you will notice: we think all the day every day about the same things. We don't change our thoughts. We repeat and repeat and repeat the same. And than act. Rarely good, normally negatively.
We cultivate negativity and become worse and worse. We make negative actions in answer of our negative thoughts.
In this way our mind creates our existence.
One more example.
We have a neighbour that we hate. He is a person that makes to us everything bad he can imagine with his negative mind. But is he really that bad person or it's our mind that sees him in this way? Because
His mother thinks he is the best son in the world.
His wife thinks he is adorable husband.
His friends say, he is a good friend. ecc
What is that makes this man so bad for us?
What are the clouds that cover our mind and we can't see the adorable person in our neighbour?
attachment (for me and my)
And their "products" like aggression, greed, lazyness, jealousy and others.
This is what covers our mind.
Read first part Imagine the mind
Related post of Zubli Zainordin in Total Mind