Time ago I found an interesting site in Italian "Istituto di Ricerca della Coscienza" ("Institute of the research of the Conscience"). One of the articles of Umberto Di Grazia tells about "alternative communication" (
Il Filo Sottile).
What is it about?
Some examples from this article: Infatti nel momento stesso in cui, in una delle battaglie del Piave della prima guerra mondiale, il mio parente morì per un proiettile di mortaio, il cane, che si trovava a Messina, emise un urlo di dolore e cadde privo di vita.
Infact, in the same moment, when in one of the battles near Piave of the First World War my relative was dead for the bullet of a mortar, his dog, that was in Messina, howled from the pain and fall dead.
There are some other similar stories in this article. Other examples tell about persons that feel their pets are suffering and about a sort of meditative exercises that makes Umberto and other persons try with their pets. When he sees his cat maks like wants to sleep, he closes his eyes, concentrates on the image of the cat for him and trys to call the cat. And the cat answers him and they have a sort of "meditative" communication.
So, the question of Umberto is: why we don't want to accept the idea that there are "alternative" modes of communication? Everybody knows many of the examples like he describes in his article...
Why I write about it?
First I tell you some stories from my life.
Only to explain you what I'm speaking about here.
Once I had an Airedale. Our strange relation began when I went to buy her. There were about 7 puppies and I did not know which I have to take. When I took her in my hands, I felt like "Take me!" -and I bought her, because she wanted it.
About one year later I went in Italy to my friends that invited me to them for a summer. Bessy remain at home. One month later I became to dream terrible things about her. She wanted I come home and she threatened me with death ecc. I called my mother and asked her if Bessy feels good. Yes, I think, my mother answered. I asked her to take the dog to the veterinarian, when I had to call her the second time. And imagin, Bessy had bad insects that ate her under the skin.
Later, when I married in Italy, I could not take her with me. But she could communicate with me and she waited for me next 4 years. I am sure about it, because I had always messages from her. I don't know about her life. My parents gave her to a young couple that had to be very good with her.
Once I was trying to meditate and my dogs were near me. It had to be a simple meditation, I think, I don't remember WHAT it was, but I was very surprised when my dogs come nearer to me and began to look at me astonished and with some strange sounds. I understood, they "hear" what I do in my meditation state, they did not wait I'm able to do something like this. From that time I saw that they "hear" it every time, they stop their actions, try to not disturb me and wait that I finish my meditation.
I know, you are not amazed by my stories and will say -it's normal, nothing special. We speak -and in this blog too- about all our "paranormal" possibilities. We are able to these sorts of communication ecc ecc.
I wrote this post pratically to ask your help.
Could somebody give me
PRATICAL advises how to connect?
I know, I'm not stable in Natural State. It's only for my lazy nature. And I have periods, when I feel the connection very strongly, but I never could
feel the connection with other persons.Except one case when I felt the connection to Dalai Lama (Through one monk that had a meeting with him. D.L. said them (it was a group of european monks): now, think about your friends, whom you want, because all them will receive this benediction. She remembered all our group of students. In that moment I did not know about it, but that day was so absolutely special for me, that I could not forget it. I can't understand: how great is the power of this man, that could influence unknown persons through middlemen! Incredibly!)Can you feel this connection?