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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bare-Hands Operations Or Psychic Surgery

Many years I know about this operations but I've never seen real photos of this practice. Today I wanted to find an article about crystal-therapy and found casually this site in Russian -where I took this photo and there are many photos there else- and than other sites that I will give you addresses in the bottom of this post.

The author of Russian article writes about 5 types of healers in Philippine. Those who uses herbs, meditation and mantra, psy-surgerians (where "psy"=energy), energy-healers and classical massagists that use reflexotherapy, crystal-therapy (that is why I'm in this site...) and other similar alternative medicine techniques.

What was interesting for me in all this, is that some days ago I spoke with one woman that told my how she cured her toothache with "Gold Light" practice. She did not knew the name of the practice but she told me that after "treatment" the aches passed miraculously.

That is why it was interesting for me to know that "these cures are very efficient and need a few time for them and I've seen personally splendid results in the cure of grave illnesses after only some passes of the healer".

The healer did that "passes" only to show his activity to other persons. He doesn't need to make any movement when he does it, be sure. I use this practice for some years but sincerely I do not believe myself every time I do it till now. Yesterday was the last of the "practices" for me.

I have grave problems with my spine. I have them from 14 or 16 years and was even partially paralyzed some times when I was very young. I want to say that the situation is grave enough. So, yesterday I woke up with the aches that promised me that I will be not able to move till a good big injection of anesthetizeer and the best was that my husband was at work and nobody could help me -to prepare everything necessary for this injection. So before I could do it I had to pass nice time probably on 4 legs -till I could arrive in the other rooms where I could do it.

I remembered about "Gold Light" practice. I did it, slept a little after that -and woke up without any memory about "nice" time I had to pass this morning.

I want to say with all this that the miracolous, paranormal practicesare very effective really and everybody can do them (well, not psy-surgery, obviously) to help oneself and other persons. I think. And here is a quoter from this page:
"It is only positive energy."
Spiritual healing is a no-touch therapy. It comprises of eight techniques, including crystal healing, pillar of light, and sound therapy.
"We keep on invoking sanjeevani shakti (positive life forces) and flood the body with it. Slowly the negative entity is overpowered and withdraws." (this is what I do too)
And spiritual healing is not confined to people: even places with negative forces can be turned positive. (this I did not know else)
Article about Alex L. Orbito (0n the last photo)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Pls, Do It Just Now

Тысяча будд
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Many of you, my dear friends, partecipated on the feast of Vesak on May 19. Maybe I'm not right, but I think that Vesak is not the possibility to eat one time more on the day but to recite sutras or listen to them. And to make your practice.

Every good action you will do in this period will moltiplicate your merits 100 000 times -but every negative action will moltiplicate the negativity too.

So, today I wanted to recite Sutras with me and to listen to Hart Sutra with me.

If you open the page of Sutras in this my blog you will find first of all Golden Light Sutra translated in many languages. It's a big Mahayana Sutra, but you recite only the 4 Chapter in the way that somebody hears it. I recite it always when my animals are with me. In this way I hope they have better reincarnation next time.

You can open this page with Heart Sutra deep singing by the monk. The Dalai Lama singing is not good in this re-registration. If somebody wants to have the file I have in my PC or if you now how can I do to registrate it and post here, pls write to me.

Finally here is The Noble Mahayana Sanghatasutra Dharma-Paryaya in english. You can recite it and it's very good to recite and to distribute this sutra to other persons. Unfortunatelly I don't know if exist other translations except italian. (ILTK)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nobody Can Assure Us That Tomorrow Will Come Before The Death

Some days ago I promised to Debasis to write about the meditation on death.

Now I have 3 texts of 3 different schools for me (A-Khrid, Lam-Rim and a text of Dzog-chen teaching that I have not the name here) and all these texts offer the meditation on death as the way that will show us the urgent necessity to ACT today, now, in this moment -and to practice Dharma in sense of right way to live and buddhist practices as the Path too.
This is the main thought of this meditation.

I'll try to make a sort of Summary here.

Meditation on death is the 3-d part of the preliminary practices, practices that have to show you the necessity to discipline our mind and to choose the Path of Dharma.
1 part is the meditation on the sufferings in samsara (in our "realm", life, world)
2 part is the meditation on the enormous difficulty to obtain human life full of benefits.
Because thre are 6 realms of existance, and we reborn in one of these realms in conseguence of the prevalent negative emotion we follow in bardo, the state after the death.
3 part is the meditation on death and impermanence. This one has to explain us that we have not time to wait to begin a right way to live.

In this post I want only to sum the main thoughts about this 3-d part.

There are 3 points in this meditation:
1. Consider that the death is certain.
2. The moment of the death is unknown.
3. There is nothing (except Dharma) that will be helpful to us in the moment of the death.

"If you will not think about death, the understanding that you have not time for vain things will never raise in your mind. You will be lazy and will think about the facts of this life, will be content and do nothing.
But if you will remember the death, will meditate about it every day, the understanding of the impermanence will born in your mind and Dharma will born itself in your mind. So meditate on impermanence."
If we don't think about death, we clutch at impermanent things so as they are permanent and have not time to practice Dharma.

There is no body that was born but will not die.
There is not place where we could live forever.
Even if we will run very fast from the death, it will overtake us.
Rich or poor, king or slave -there is not condition that will help us to remain alive.
There is not medicine or mantra that will conserve us alive.
Our life could not be prolonged but becomes shorter and shorter from day to day, from minute to minute.

Some persons try to run away from the signs of impermanence. They make plastic surgery to become a face without wrinkles for example, but they don't become more young after that.

We have to understand that there are too many possibilities to destroy the life and there are too few possibilities to continue it. The life is too fragile. We think: "Yes, I have to die one day, but not today" but we dont think that there are so many possibilities to lose it. And we prepare money, houses, things for tomorrow, and we don't think that tomorrow maybe will never arrive.

Our body is too fragile, as said, and as conseguence there are too many possibilities to die in every moment.
" the period when this body that we lend is without illnesses, lives in pleasure, is not damaged, is this the moment when we have to understand the main sense. When you are ill, old or in bad conditions, even if you understand, what you can do?"
And finally, in the moment of the death there is nothing that will help you. You can't take money with you, you can't take your relatives or friends with you, nobody can help us. Only Dharma can help us. So, don't lose your time in vain things. Don't lose your time. Don't think you can do good things one day. Do them now. Because nobody can assure us that tomorrow will come before the death.

Шанхай. Нефритовый Будда.
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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thinking About The Death

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When you begin to speak about our death with other persons, they don't want do it. Very often they will say you, you have to finish this speach. But it's bad tradition. We have to remember about it. How is said, "memento mori"?

Mediation on death is one of the main parts of the preparative practices in Buddhismus, you know. I learned it when I was a student in ILTK, these is one of the important parts in other Schools.
The situation is so, more or less, if said in poor words:

1. There is only one thing that we are completly sure in this world: everybody who is born will die.
We can do this or that trying to extend our lives and maybe we can be succesful in it, but -later or earlier- we will die.

2. In our death we will be alown. Nobody can come together, and there is nothing we can take with us. (...only Dharma...)

3. Nobody can assure us that next morning will come before our death.

Don't wait for tomorrow. Don't thing you will have time for important things one day. Do all necessary things now. ( practices ecc)

About a week ago I had not patience with my old dog and hit her different times. She has a bad character, now when she is old she is really impossible. I try to make her move a little, call her for walks, but it's necessary to call buldoser to make her move some passes. So, I became too angry and hit her.
Some days later -she forgave me and understood that she has not be so disobedient too- she waited for me when I picked up cherries. I went down and began to speak with her and caress her.
But something happend with me. When I did it, my eyes saw that I buried her dead body. It was terrible. I spoke with her, caressed her but my eyes saw her dead.
She is my only friend after the death of Imir. There are cats too, but cats are not the same as the dog. And than we live with her fast 12 years together. From her 3 month of life. Now she is old and very ill and there is not so much time left for us.

This vision I had it 2 or 3 times. Everytime I caressed her, I saw her dead body and I bury it.
I cryed all the day and the night. I had headaches and other "pleasures" we have after crying too much.

But the next day I was happy to have this vision. I remembered to show her my love. I remembered she will die in short time, and that I'll "kill" myself after her death if I do nothing to make her happy when she is with me else.

So, the meditation on death is a priceless tool to remember us to give as much as possible love to our loved beings.

Monday, May 12, 2008

What Is A Group For You?

Золотой Будда
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"A Sangha is a community of resistance, resisting the speed, violence and unwholesome ways of living that are prevalent in our society. Mindfulness is to protect ourselves and others. A good Sangha will lead us in the direction of harmony and awareness. The substance of the practice is most important. The forms can be adapted."
~ Thich Nhat Hahn
What is a group for you?
No, it's not an empty question. It's something important.
It's something that destroys you or creates you. I think so.

In the last period I visit many places where the persons are discuting this question. And for me it has it's enormous importance because I'm very hardly dipending from MY necessity to be a part of A group. Psychologically I'm "a cat that walks for it's own". But I need a group. Comes is from my communist education or is it an atrophysm of the dipendance of a child from his/her mother -I don't know, but I spend years to liberate myself from this dipendance. Unsuccessfully.

Well, the group has many good sides. (excuse me if I use not very good written words: it's deep night now, but I wanted to finish this post)
It organizes us, disciplines us and creates the sense of responsability, compassion, non-judgment. It gives us the sense of our "normality" if our interests are not normal in our society (ex.: interest for buddhism in a catholic country).
It gives us the human contact that we need soo much.

But the group destroys us.
It levels all the members normally.
You have to be as all if you want to be a part of a group. You have to be accepted and you have to accept the rules. A good individualism is not for a group.
Every group can help you till you have a space to grow in it. When you accept supremacy of group-leaders. When there is not a leader in a group, when all whant to be leaders, the group is finished.

So different thoughts about it...

And here you can download audios "Stages of meditation" written by Dalai Lama.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Interesting Image

I think it's very interesting image first of all for the expression of Buddha, than this statue that is in this interesting place. And finally all together seems to be similar to Khambo Lama Itighelov, that I wrote in my other post about.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Advise Of Lopon Tenzin Namdak

I think this little "interview" will be interesting even for advanced practicioners. (Yes, I think about you, you know. ;)))

HMV: How do you concentrate into the natural state? On what do you focus
your awareness?
LTN: There is nothing to do. Just leave it to itself. If you do
something, if you try to do anything, then you are not in the natural
HMV: So there is no method.
LTN: No. Just keep the natural state continuously.

If one rests in the natural state
without seeking anything,
Without any specific method
concerning how or when to rest,
that is meditation.
The All Creating Monarch

HMV: How do you stabilize the natural state?
LTN: Just do nothing.

HMV: Just sit there with my eyes open?
LTN: No. That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether your eyes are
open or closed or whether you are down in your bed. If you are familiar
with keeping thè natural state, if you are quite advanced with this
practice, then you can talk, or you can do everything without disturbing