Some days ago I wrote about aromatherapy and said, I never use it. Except rare profumes or incenses I normally not like smells. And it is not treue. Not completely true.
Do you remember I bought some stones and aromatherapy objects: incenses and others to resell them ("Mystic Gemstones Blog"). Among others I have "Sleeping stones". What are they? Pumice stones impregnated with pure lavender oil. If you put them in a cup and place them near the head of your bed, you will sleep deeper and the sleep will be more restful. When you do not feel their smell you only shake them and they are refreshed.
In the morning you put them back in their plastic bag and you have them fresh in the evening.
Because I was very busy with the semiprecious stones I forgot completely about them. But this autumn after the operation I could not sleep. I tryed with this or that but than I suddenly saw the box with these stones. I took one bag and now I use it. I have the bag with the stones near the bed and open it in the evening. They smell very good, I have not problems with it. And I really sleep better in the last period.
I wrote about different possibilities of sound healing in this blog. Drums, music of the nature, metal bowls. Suddenly, I found these other type of singing bowls and an example of the meditation too. I thought it is interesting not only for me.
Those are not metal but crystal bowls and I've never hear about them neither abut the use of them.
I think, sound healing is very powerful but it is very personal. I want to explain. Sound is a vibration. Not all vibrations are good for YOU, personally. For example, I never buy those all sorts of devises that promise to cure you with vibrations. I feel bad when I use them. And if the vibration is not good for you it can provoce the growth of tumors for example or create other problems. So, if you don't like a sound, a vibration, never insist on using it.
If you turn to my posts More About Drums And Sound Healing and Trance Dance Healing and listen the videos I posted there you will notice very different action of those sounds in confront with these. It would be very interesting for me if you write about your reaction on these different sounds.
As for me, I feel good when I listen to drums (those posts) and I feel not very good listening to the sounds like those produced from crystal bowls.
Do you use aromatherapy in your life? I rarely do it. And maybe this is the reason why I rarely write about this branch of alternative techniques here. I don't like scents and don't use them normally for meditations too.
Today I want to tell you the interesting peculiarity about aromatherapy.
Did you know that the parfumes do NOT belong to this techinque? Because their smells are a result of the collection of the synthetic chemicals. I did not know it. Only NATURAL scents concentrated in essential oils belong to aromatherapy!!! This is what we have to learn from this my post today.
Like all other schools this one uses it's medicines only for POSITIVE changes in the state of the person.
I use oils at place of creams for skin. I could not use synthetic creams for allergy but I have very dry skin. Natural oils donate to my skin young and shiny look. I think so. :0)))
Now if you look at the photo -this is one of the scents I can smell all days long. And eat them every day too. These are wild strawberries. Natural, from a forest don't forget it!
I thought all my life that labyrinth is a sort of game. Now I discovered it is not so. These constructions were -first of all- the paths to Enlightenment. And you can find them even in the most important gotic churches like Chartres and Amiens and Siena. I would really like to visit these churches. But today I want to tell you about the healing use of these constructions in modern society.
Imagne, they are used as a very successful mode to relax persons and to cure stress! They say, there are about 2000 labyrinths in hospitals and similar centers only in the USA!
I have to confess, I've never seen one of them in my life. Maybe it is relaxing, I don't know. I wanted to write about labyrinths because I read about a couple in Denmark that createda labyrinth from great trees on their soil .
You can create a labyrinth to cure stress or to relax with anything you have and everywhere (stones, sand etc). The simple way is a finger labyrinth. Unfortunatelly, I did not understand what it is, and can't explain it to you here but you can download them from some sites in internet. Excuse me, maybe next time I will add one too.
For those friends that are interested in teachings of Tenzin Wangyal Rimpoche and live in Europe.
We have a very important event this year: TWR will teach this year in Italy, in Milan from 30 October till 1 November. It will be the teaching about Dawa Gyaltsen, and the video registrations in different languages you can find in you tube in the page of Ligmincha. More information you can find in my blog "Yungdrung Bon Blog"
The other important event that comes from ligmincha is the practice of Sherab Chamma. This time the practice will be translated on Sunday, Oct. 11, 2009, 12:30 - 1:45 p.m. Eastern Time U.S. TWP published a video of this practice registrated on June, 21 2009.