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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Purifying Treatment -Herb Tea

Purifying treatments are very useful to clean our inner organs from "limestones". I know that stones in different organs are very frequent problem and the reason why the organs are removed. Virtually, there is not an older person -from the age 60-65- that did not have these pains. I do purifying cure 2 times a year, normally, in spring and in autumn. With the hope that we will avoid this illness. I make herb tea with


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milk thistle (Silybum marianum)

The preparation is very simple . I take a earthenware pot where I boil water (you have not touch the infuse with the metal objects). In this case you see pieces of Lapacho in the pot because, as I said in my previous posts, I decided to continue with Lapacho.


A special mug is useful but not necessary. I put a spoon of the herbs (mixed) in it and cover them with boiled water.


Because the herbs are very nourishing, it's better to drink the infusion in the morning and reduce the quantity of sugars in the diet.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September: Continue with Lapacho

This year, I wrote different times about our attempts to use Lapacho to strengthen health (Useful to Prevent, Delay, or Treat Cancer -Lapacho). Specially, because we are not too young more, and the deseases of the age do not bypass our house.

Sommer finished for me 2 weeks before the end of August. I noticed that my nails became thin and fragile. The action of Lapacho finished, probably. I do not know why is it every year for me: nails and hairs suffer incredibly the change of the seasons.

I do not know, if I'm right, but I read in the books about the Eastern medicines (Ayurveda etc) that it's better to avoid to use herbs till September, 15 for health improvement. So, I respect this rule and wait for this date every year.

Now, what I want to do this year? I want to prepare the cleaning herbs (artichoke, birch, dandelion, milk thistle) and will add Lapacho to this mix. Not so much as I did in spring. I'm very afraid that I'll begin to add weight once more. I'll use only a very little quantity: only a pinch.
And will write about the results here, clear.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

There is No Buddha Outside Of the Mind

Sound healing is a very powerful technique to relax, to find a balance in the own life. The posts of this blog are often dedicated to the sounds and their use for meditation. I found 2 interesting videos with mantras today. these sounds were studied for centuries and maybe for millenniums to touch the most deep and important strings of our soouls. There are only 2 monasteries teaching this kind of singing as I know.

In any case you will enjoy the holy silence and majestic beauty of excellent film about Himalayas

The other example of deep singing