This report was interesting for me because I take part of this group and would like to remain young as long as possible. I do not feel that I'm "older person". Maybe it's because I have many friends who are older than me. In any case, time passes for me, too, and I wanted not to stop it but to live my age independently.
Here are some quotes from this report
Employment at transition into retirementSo, as you can see, we are very busy persons. And this information will maybe be interesting if you did not know it (I didn't)
Participation/social inclusion, including engagement in voluntary work and mental health
Life-long learning and e-inclusion
Physical activity and nutrition
Utilisation of health services and intake of medication
Carers of children and older person
SEVEN is a European network of 29 organisations promoting lifelong
learning and volunteering for senior citizens. The member organisations
are local governments, NGOs, research centres and universities. The
main aim is to generate international exchange, and allow for voluntary
work and lifelong learning to benefit from a “European Wide Space”.
More information is available at:
ENOVO was created in 2005 as a new working group as part of
Volunteurope to promote older volunteering across Europe. ENOVO
works to develop new opportunities for older volunteers, exchange
good practice and open new funding opportunities and combat
ageism in volunteer agencies. It measures the impact of older
volunteering efforts
The Lifelong Learning Programme (2007-2013) aims to make lifelong
learning and mobility a reality; improve the quality and efficiency of education
and training; promote equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; and
enhance creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels
of education and training. Within the broad programme, several of the
funding streams are relevant to active ageing issues, including providing
support for teaching computer skills to older people, learning through
networks and intergenerational exchange. In particular, the Grundtvig programme aims to develop the
adult-education sector to meet the changing needs of learners taking adult education and non-mainstream
education courses.
More information about the Life Long Learning Programme is available here:
For the grundtvig programme
EUNAAPA is a network that aims to improve the health, wellbeing and
independence of older people throughout Europe by the promotion of
evidence based physical activity
More information is available at:
Here is the report if you are interested and want to read it