This is an incredible recipe. I would never believe that something like this can completely destroy appetite. I drink it and do not want to eat more!
Ingredients are:
lemon juice, cayenne pepper, honey
mix these 3 in a glass and add good water
They say, turmeric and cayenne pepper are among the best foods for liver. So, I changed the "formula" and added turmeric, too.
Where this recipe comes from?
I had to "clean the liver": I had to drink water with salt in the morning. Than, I had to drink this juice 8 times a day. This is how I learned about this aliment.
I do not think, it's good to drink so much lemon juice a day. And to assume so much species. By the way, I felt very very bad after the "cleaning", yesterday. Really very bad. I do not think, I'll repeat it once more.
But I learned the recipe of this very delicious cocktail. It is is TASTY! Once a day it can be good, surely.
Weight Loss became for me one of the most important things in the life. Some of you laugh about it but if you arrive at the point when the excessive weight of the body becomes an obstacle for many activities of your life and, as it is not enough, it is dangerous for your health, too - no, I'm not right, if you are obese, the only meaning of this is that you do not have good health more. It means, you have at least grave liver problems, right? So, I arrived at the point when the decision had to be made.
Three weeks ago, I received finally my bian stones and decided to begin with reflexotherapy. There are many sites and articles about it - you can see one of the graphics here (I don't know where is it from, my PC saved all the pics from the sites I visited that day), I've written some posts, too.
So, 3 weeks ago, I asked one of my friends, a doctor, to explain me where the acupuncture point I'm interested in are situated.
The doctor said me, I have to do only one simple thing, if I want to loose weight: I have to sew up my mouth. It's the only effective way and there is nothing to do: I have to eat less and have to count calories I assume during all my meals.
You will not believe me, but I began this "therapy". And here I want to tell about my way and my progresses. This is the first part. And I'll continue till I'll win this battle. I'll even begin a new category in this blog "My Weight Loss Battle" so that all the posts about it are "visible" in one click.
From the first day, I began to write what I eat and how much calories are those meals. It's not so difficult, as I could imagine: there are special sites where it's enough to enter your parameters to have the numbers you are looking for.
One thing you have to understand: every site gives you an other number. Here is the other "offer"
You should consume about 1,655 calories a day to reach your goal weight of 65 kg . This is at a reasonable weight loss average of 0.46 kg per week, which should be reached by January 22, 2014.
Experts recommend weight loss at the rate of 0.25-1 kg/week. Remember that this estimate is based on your body weight, height, age, gender, and activity level. It may vary slightly depending on other factors.
Generally, women should not consume any less than 1,200 calories per day, and men should not consume less than 1,500 calories per day.
My personal results were very surprising at first: the first week I lose 3 kg. I had 82 and was 79 after only one week (78,9). Next week was not so impressive: 77,9 Now, I wait for the results of the 3'd week but I know that I turned back to 78,2 these days (I added a new program).
It was interesting, to count calories. And I did not suffer without my "normal" quantity of sweeties and high-caloric foods. I thought, it will be much more hard for me. Yes, I knew, I eat great quantities of everything and eat too often (I am near PC all the day...) but I could not renounce on it. Yes, I knew, it was mostly psychological dependence. But I could not control myself. It was impossible...
And, maybe for this reason, take this action was so easy. Now, I can not eat half a day and I do not feel necessity to eat.