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Friday, January 29, 2010

Why Is Fish Oil So Important

Confess: I don't like fish oil from my first days. You can do not believe me but I remember till today my mother with that bottle and spoon even if I had not more than 4 years. And is possible It is the reason I can't stand the taste and the smell of fish all my life. Unfortunatelly, now, when I am next to 50 I have to assume it to avoid different problems of the health. First of all it is about the stagional shortage of Vitamin D. The exposure on the sun is insufficient from September till April even here, in Italy. What have we say about nothern countries?

Not only bones become thin, brittle, misshapen when Vitamine D is scanty in the body, situation that favours osteoporosis, very frequent actually in the women. Fish Oil is rich on polyunsaturated fat, Omega 3 fatty acids, that can help us to avoid many problems of the mature age. Cholesterol levels, heart diseases and Alzheimer's disease are only some of them. And the prevention is not so difficult. It's enough to remember the remedy of our grandies and mothers.

I had to add fish oil to my diet. I'm fortunate, it is not necessary to drink fish oil so as it was when I was a little girl. I buy tabs that have not taste neither smell of fish. It is possible even choose between different types of fishes because the fish oil is made from cod, salmon, tuna, sardines, herring and mackerel and other species of fishes, and they come from different seas.
So if you are not too young, think about changes in your diet and add fish oil to it.


  1. I don't like fish oil too/ I remember having tried it just once.

  2. Uuuuffff.... I had to eat it all my "babyhood"... Imagine what a tragedy.
