I think it's very important and powerful practice.Specialy if you do it together with observing your or others ill points and/or sending your energy to these points.
In my practise mudras + mantras + energy helped to avoid aches even in persons befor death.You know,the aches do us made.Unfortunately I'm not a great healer.But when I saw it, I did that 2 ancient persons learn mudras and chanting mantras. Oh,how were they angree with me:they,orthodox,never will do this buddhist practises!!! ecc ecc) Now they understood I don't speak about religion.Every pupil knows,sound is not religion and energy is not religion... Today this 2 old ladies tell me how mudras save them the life,what have i do if I have headaches ecc.I smile.
This thoughts about chanting mantras I found on this site
I found this site not very useful,but this page is interesting.Here are some quotations from there
"...Chanting a mantra opens the body and stabilizes the mind, bringing it to a place of stillness.
Mantras are sound vibrations that purify the mind and return it to its innate stillness and brilliance. The natural mind is skillful, quiet and alert.
on a practical level we are interested in it because it will give us a deep baseline breath.
Nothing attunes body, mind and breath like sound pulsation.
Chanting practiced regularly will help everything from regulating breath to cultivating a lack of self- consciousness...."
If you want to try
you don't need a mantra you find here or there.It's enough a little prayer from your own religion.Like "pater noster".The only problem can be when you understand every word and you can be distract to the sense of these words.So is good if you repeat a mantra.
The other help for you can be mala.

Here I have one with 7+7+7 pieces and other with 108 (27x4 times to repeat) pieses.
It's my antideperssant.No chemistry,no allergy,no indigestion and no prize too.Gratis.
in my post "how I do meditation" -Bon-page -My Interests Site
http://interests.page.tl/B.oe.n.htm I described the technic.
Take mala so as I take it in my hand and pass to other piece with every new breath if you observe you breathing or to the next time you repeat your mantra.
Relax muscels and concentrate on observing or repeating.Your breath becomes slowlier ecc Don't move (hands,tongue,eyes,feet...)
It's goog for other psychological technics like repeating sentences - see about it "Diary" post "how to do meditation" and others
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