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Friday, October 19, 2007
Close for 2,5 weeks
Today I have to say good-bye to you. For serious reasons I have to go in Russia and return to blog on November 7.
In this period I will have not access to internet. Maybe I'll go to internet club there but I don't know if it will be possible to submit a post from there, I had great problems with access in summer.
If you'll find a new post it will be only to maintain my blogs working, not that I can answer your comments or mails.
So you will find me to visit your sites only when I return in Italy.
I wish you all the best for this period and for ever too. :)))
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Some days ago I wanted to write a comment but could no remember how to write "Yin and Yang" words. So I decided to refresh this information in my head . And all of a sudden, met an other theme that interests me and that I can't understand in my heart: 5 elements.
What I read in different sources about these two energies:
We speak here about unity of opposites. Two complementary principles cosmic forces that build everything in this world.
Dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, weak, confusion and turmoil, femminile corrisponds to the night.Yin.
And bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, strong, peace and serenity, masculine corrisponds to the day. Yang. These two are constantly moving.
The yin and yang accomplish changes in the universe through the five material agents that produce one another and overcome one another. All phenomena can be understood using yin-yang and the five agents. All things follow this order so that all things can be related to one another in some way.
This can be explaind in 3 points
1- all phenomena change into their opposites in an eternal cycle of reversal
2- since the one principle produces the other, all phenomena have within them the seeds of their opposite state
3- even though an opposite may not be seen to be present, since one principle produces the other, no phenomenon is completely devoid of its opposite state. "presence in absence."
This principles are on the basis of the Medical Theory.
If you remember, I wrote about other point of view. They said: our body is a result of our thoughts. It's a map. If you know to read this map, you can change the results. I think, these 2 theories are the same ruts. In what sence. If you see "darkness" as a result you have to work to change it in the way you desire. You need sun, activity, serenity... I say it to give an example.
Maybe it's working so, but I don't understand this idea very good.... else
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Personal Mantra
It happend years ago. There were some great tragedies in my life and I was lost in this world. I understood I have to do something to begin to live normally and went to psychologist, than to magician, than to New Age followers. These last helped me a lot.
But after these experiences I understood I have to look for the Wisdom in Hinduism, because all "specialists" I knew in that time used parts of Wisdom that came from that Teaching (my knowleges about were just enough to understand it).
I began to read texts.
In one of the books I saw a mantra. There were different mantras in that book, but I saw THIS mantra. I read it, but had a feeling, to miss something .
I had so great wish to learn it good, that I went in ILTK for Teachings.
I asked all nuns about it, and was very decided but disperate after 2-3 days there, because nobody wanted to help me, and I can't learn this mantra...
I did not know many things about this system at that time...
At the end, they helped me and I, happy, repeated my mantra using new buyed mala all 10 hours I needed to turn home.
Years passed, and I received real transmission of my mantra too. But I think the real transmission was my wish, my intention, my desire. I feel something special for this mantra, I have a special relationship with it.
I looked for the Teaching that answers my questions and found it. I asked about this mantra the Teacher... and he said me, it's not from this lineage.
I wanted to follow every word of the Teacher and abandoned my mantra.
And was unhappy. Sometimes I wanted to repeat it, but stopped myself. And was unhappy.
Till some days ago, when footiam
wrote me this link about mantras Steps to Mantra Meditation. I read there: Once a mantra is chosen, it should NEVER be changed, however much you may like to. ... Be warned that this is a mistake and will result in complications at higher levels in your spiritual journey.
I turned back to my mantra and that day was our great feast. We were happy to reunite. I don't say "I", because it was a reciprocal joy.
Believe or not believe.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Do you want to help your blogger's-friends?
One of the friends, Terry, in his recent post about Alexa ranking writes, we can help one other to reach highest blog rank on Alexa if we install the Alexa toolbar and than simply brows internet,visiting our blog-friends sites. This will do in the mode that Alexa knows about us.
For more info visit Terry's post, because I'm not very informed about all this things.
To instal the toolbar click this address
I installed this toolbar. So when I visit your site it has to add points to your Alexa-rank. I understood it's enough to have it installed in the browser, nothing more. Or not?
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Hystory repeats. Burma
What can you do with faked-up votes?
With persons that believe these companies for dummies?
Those that believe politicans filling their pokets with dummie's money?
I think nothing.
But the pacific buddhist monks think in other way. They act.
My buddhist-friends from ILTK (Pomaia,Italy) sent me e-mail appeals and photos, but I was silent. Only yesterday when I saw that photo I posted here, I remembered the monks are doing the same today. They protest, they know, they will be tortured, but they act. Are we able to do this?
Monks confined in a room with their own excrement for days, people beaten just for being bystanders at a demonstration, a young woman too traumatised to speak, and screams in the night as Rangoon's residents hear their neighbours being taken away.(The Indipendant)
Monks are highly respected figures in Burmese society, and treating protesting monks in the same way they might treat dissidents and ordinary citizens risks provoking huge public anger, he adds. (
Friday, October 12, 2007
Hystory repeats
Am I write, there were photos from Burma that seem to be equal to this?
Thursday, October 11, 2007
A button for my blog
Here I post this code and want to see the result:
I put it in "Diary" in the place of "My blog-friends" and it works!
Want somebody to exchange buttons with me? :)))
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Read hair loss product's reviews online
Do you know that a hair has a long life? From 2 to 6 years. And each grows approximately 1 cm per month.
Some hair fall out normally each day. But from time to time we have excessive (more than normal) hair loss. Why can it happen?
There are different causes. It's normal in spring and in autumn. But it can happen after an illness or a major surgery, if you have hormonal problems or in women after they had a baby, some diseases and infections can cause hair loss too.
If you have this problem or want to prevent it and look for specific products, go to This site posts reviews of different products. In this case they present you the best and more popular hair loss products like provillus that creates the optimum environment for healthy hairs. You can read reviews written by customers like you and make the best choise.
Than you can post YOUR opinion about products you use and/or vote it.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Energy-Being (1)
we are spirit having human experiences
I said it many times, I'm a great believer of the theory that everything in this world is nothing else as Energy.
Many practices are using our consciousness to influence organs of our body. As said Terry from Alternative Cures blog, they re-introduce harmony and balance of the self.
I did not know about this experiment:
A kind of photography can fix on the photo our energy. That is what you know.
Do you know this:
The photo of the energy of the same part of the body is different when the person is angree or is happy.
Other idea:
Our body is the map of our consciousness.
Something happens in our consciousness -this produces energy, thoughts,intention -intention creates action -other thoughts, emotions, energy that leave their steps on our body.
So very important in this sence is to understand, what creates this/that reaction of our body.
Normally we do always the same things, do them in the same mode, we have the same reaction on the same actions of other persons. If we can analyze this our behaviour and correct it, the things can change for us. And our body can change too.
From all this we can deduct:
First of all we have to work with our (and our nearest persons than) consciousnes.
I tryed with positive sentences. I don't describe here the technique, I think the persons that read this blog know it.
I had a list of sentences and read them loud in bed 21 times every sentence (I have mala, that is why 21 times) for 40 days (as says Norbekov). The result was good. But not sufficient to influence how I wanted unconsciousness. I meen that hidden thoughts, those we don't "hear" in our head.
Positive sentences are good but not sufficient.
I need other technique, but I don't know what.
One more:
Why problems in our body are always with the same it's parts/organs?
Once I analyzed events of all my life and... everything I did had always the same way to proceed and the same way to finish. I wanted to have other results, did this and that, but... nothing to do.
so the main thought of this first part is:
our body is the result of our consciousness.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Sutra of Golden Light
'This text is very precious; it brings peace and happiness and is very powerful to stop violence. It gives incredible protection to the country from violence etc. By hearing this text, one's karma gets purified.
Describe your experiences with hearing, reading, reciting, giving or receiving, or just thinking about the Sutra of Golden Light, and to respond to other’s experiences.
Translations in
- English
- Golden Light Sutra (LTR)
Golden Light Sutra (A4)
Lama Zopa Rinpoche on the
Benefits of Sutra of Golden Light
- Chinese
- Chinese Alternate Version of Translation
Colophon on the Compositefor Chinese Translation
Notes on the Composite by Translator (English) for Chinese Translation
- French (final version, May 2006)
for the July 2007 version of this translation click here »
- German (final version, March 2007)
- Italian (Note:This translation is still a draft. Final version will be available Sept, 2004)
- Spanish
- (Following is chapter One of the Spanish translation only. For a hard copy of the entire translation please go to The Foundation Store or Ediciones Dharma.)
Notes on the Spanish Translation
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Music and chakras
C Octave | Next Cycle | |||||
B "Si" | Crown | MM/Silence | Violet/White | |||
A "La" | Third Eye | OM | Purple | |||
G "Sol" | Throat | HAM | Blue | |||
F "Fa" | Heart | YAM | Green | |||
E "Mi" | Stomach | RAM | Yellow | |||
D "Re" | Gonads | VAM | Orange | |||
C "Do" | Base | LAM | Red | |||
bulbs on you, making music as you go.
No, I know about connection between chakras and sounds, but in the practices I do, we don't change tone of the sound. We chant A in the same mode as OM ecc. And the sillables are not bounded with the same chakra forever. One practice uses A in the crown chakra, for example, other practice uses OM for the same chakra. I don't know why, I think it's not important for me.
As example you can listen to the teaching of Tenzin Wangial Rinpoche
When I read that information, I thought that it could be interesting to bound sounds with mudras of my previous post.
And another thought from today experience I find interesting (I didn't know about it):
Every chakra has petals (this you can find in every kundalini-manual), every petal has it's Sanskrit letter. If the yogi knows the problem of the body and knows what energies can help, he can create from those letters personalized mantra. Chanting this mantra is possible to resolve the problem using specific sounds.
One more quotation from this site I like very much
we are spirit having human experiences
Friday, October 5, 2007
Opening your chakras
We hear too often these exciting words and begin to "practice" something we've read or hear -clearly to reach in some hours the Enlightenment.
But if we are serious, we can meet obscurations and obstacles when we do something, if our chakras are closed (and they are). In my practice I have this problem too. Yes, I do purifying practices, but in the last time I thought, it's necessary to think more about opening the chakras.
First of all I wanted to tell you an interesting learning story (I don't know what Teaching comes it from). I'm sure, you'll like it.
So he decided to go to one very important monk to ask him for advise.
That monk was sitting near his door and when the young man
told him his story, said: "Do you see that sieve there on the earth?
Put me please some water from the river".
Good, when a monk asks you to do something you have to do.
The young man took that sieve fom the mud. It was very dirty.
But the monk wanted it so as it was. Young man went to the river
and turned back without water. "Try once more",- said the monk.
So did he different times but could not bring any water to the monk.
"It's unpossible to bring water with the sieve",-said he finally to the monk.
"You are right. It's unpossible to bring water, but the sieve is now very clean."
So, I try to do often purifying practices, specially when I have to go to a ritrit. Lopon Tenzin Namdak said once "If you put nectar in a dirty vase, you will ruin the holy drink".
All this I tell you because I found a very interesting site with good description of chakras and what is more interesting for me, there are MUDRAS that they use to open these chakras.
Open the Root Chakra
Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch.
Concentrate on the Root chakra at the spot in between the genitals and the anus.
Chant the sound LAM.
Additional techniques to open the Root chakra
Open the Sacral Chakra
Put your hands in your lap, palms up, on top of each other. Left hand underneath, its palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand. The tips of the thumbs touch gently.
Concentrate on the Sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back).
Chant the sound VAM.
Put your hands before your stomach, slightly below your solar plexus. Let the fingers join at the tops, all pointing away from you. Cross the thumbs. It is important to straighten the fingers.
Concentrate on the Navel chakra located on the spine, a bit above the level of the navel.
Chant the sound RAM.
Sit cross-legged. Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breast bone (so a bit above the solar plexus).
Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the heart.
Chant the sound YAM.
Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them slightly up.
Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat.
Chant the sound HAM.
Put your hands before the lower part of your breast. The middle fingers are straight and touch at the tops, pointing forward. The other fingers are bended and touch at the upper two phalanges. The thumbs point towards you and touch at the tops.
Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra slightly above the point between the eyebrows.
Chant the sound OM or AUM.
Put your hands before your stomach. Let the ring fingers point up, touching at their tops. Cross the rest of your fingers, with the left thumb underneath the right.
Concentrate on the Crown chakra at the top of your head.
Chant the sound NG.
Warning: don't use this meditation for the Crown chakra while you don't have a strong Root chakra (you need a strong foundation first).
Thursday, October 4, 2007
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