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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Common For All Persons Consciousness
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If you make a research, you will notice a strange thing:
There are many questions that "normal" persons call "paranormal" and begin to laugh about you if you want to discuss them. But there are governative programs in different countries (with US and Russia at the top) where the best scientists study these phenomena for many many years. Presidents and governments change but they continue their work.
Why? if it's so great stupidity to believe in it...
Yesterday I watched a program that told about studies of common for all persons consciousness. The program in US began in 1998. Scientists have their transmitters all over the world and measure the intensity of "common emotions". So, they noticed the big picks on their computers in the days when princess Diana and some days later Mother Teresa were dead. There are picks in the days of common feasts like New Year.
The most interesting is that -in cases of great or terrible events- these picks come EARLIER as the event happens. So, the pick in the day of terrorist attack of 11 September 2001 in US happend 4 HOURS earlier. The same happens in the days of earthquackes etc.
In the same row stand the cases of common prayers.
One village was in very bad situation because there were not rains that summer. Finally they go to their prist and he says they have to organize procession to ask god for rain. During this procession (where partecipated persons from all that region), it began to rain from the clear sky. This is not a stry, it's a real registrated fact and there are different facts like this.
Some days ago I wrote that we are able to "hear" sounds of very low frequences ( Serie Of Documentaries About Tigers). So, our mind and our body are very sofisticated instruments that we don't know to use. We are like ostrichs that hide their heads in the sand to protect themselves from the knowledge...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
We Like Sufferings
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It's a known psychologial fact: we like sufferings. We want them. And do everythig to have them. Remember more and more popular tours with extreem. Love. Other emotions.
How it works? We create dangerous situations, fear, we make our body to be afraid of different actions -and than we reach our "pick". We are tired but happy. We need these emotions to be happy.
A mother of a great family is very tired, the children create so many troubles nd problems, they make her cry and lose patience. But she will be unhappy if she remains alone even for some days.
These are simple examples of what I want to say.
When I listened to the teaching I liked the affirmations of Namkhai Yeshi about actions. Every action is nothing else as the way to suffering and the way of the sufferings. And the result of every action is suffering.
We feel alive only if we act, move. And the life gives us a prize for every action, "sweetes".
Is this the reason why the world is always on the same step?
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. Open Webcast
Timetable on the site of Dzogchen Community webcast
Interview with Ch. Namkhai Norbu Rinpoce in italian
Thursday, December 11, 2008
More About Drums And Sound Healing
I wanted to learn more about this technique and found an interesting scientific article. Here is what was written there:
Sounds that use shamans are similar to their breath or heart rhythm (at the beginning). When they drum they take it high, near the face or near the head. This way the resonance in the head is much more strong. After some time of this drumming every person can reach hypnotic state that is similar to the trance of shaman. The brain shows Tetra-waves and sometimes even Delta-waves.
Interesting information:
This art was very important in Africa. So much, that they could cut the arms and hands for an error in the execution. (that is why they are so brave in this art! :)) ).
Christian church did not like keltic drums. So much that they annihilate all the drums existing at the time (about XVII-XVIII cent.). You can find them only on the pics today.
Irish drum is known as "bodhran" that means "chant of the cow" (maybe were made from the skin of the cows)
Watch these 2 videos. I'm sure you will like them. First is (original!) shaman dance from Kamchatka. By the way, look at the face of the dancer from first till 3-d part.
This second I did not understood where comes from. Maybe from Siberia. I laughed when I read one of the comments to this video: Allah bless them and show them the right path. We cannot accept defferences of others...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Trance Dance Healing
It's said we use today different sacral things for entertainment. We forgot their's meaning.
Trance Dance is a tool to heal and to be in contact with spirits. A way to reach meditative state, very easy way. Rhythm, sound and movements of the body. The "trance" that can be reached is the deep meditational state.
Tambour is used as musical instrument for this dance because it's sound is similar to the sound of the heart. And this constant beating is so familiar to our body that we believe it, forget everything, relax completely and our mind becomes silent.
This video is not the best examp, but the elements are to consider if you are interested in this healing.
Finally a valid example of these sounds:
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Geshe Gelek Jimpa About Zhang Zhung
You can see what did scientists with poor our Geshe and read about Tummo in this artticle of Harward Gazette HARVARD GAZETTE ARCHIVES Meditation changes temperatures where on the photo is our Geshe.
After his tour in Italy this spring (my post Studying "Gyalwa Chaktri" With Geshe Gelek Jimpa ) Geshe Gelek is now in Nepal and maybe in Tibet too. He wants to learn more about Zhang Zhung. They say it was a kingdom where many important Teachings come from. Many persons try to find rests of this country and to learn more about these Teachings and miracles that were there. If it ca be interesting for you watch these group of videos Search Of Zhang Zhung
These are addresses of other videos of these group:
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Dolmens Of The Emerald Valley, Sochi
I write about them in this blog because they have something common with the theme of it.
The word dolmen comes from celtic "tolmen" that means tol=table and men=stone. They come from megalitic period (about 3-2 000 years BC), there are in all the world except Australia. Many of them are in the places near the sea. Dolmens are plates of the stone that are on other stones. And these are cases of the place I show you here. Somebody said they are equal as those in France and Italy.
There are abour 10 of them and most are in bad conditions. But there are 2 that are so good that I could do the photos.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Rebalance Your Energy And Your Mind. Your Meditation
To end the mind’s distraction would be to end samsara itself;
the key to this, he realized, is to bring the mind home to its true nature,
through the practice of meditation. Sogyal Rinpoche
Meditation may also be thought of as a technique by which
we dimish the force of old thought habits and develop new ones. H H 14th Dalai Lama
But by thinking of the Dharma we experience tranquillity
and that tranquillity gives us pleasure. This is worthwhile isn't it?" -
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
"Let the water settle; you will see the moon and stars mirrored in your being."
--Jelaluddin Rumi
From "What is meditation?& How to meditate"
When I began to visit the meetings of Soka Gakai buddhists (it was the first buddhist group I knew), they used to speak about the benefits they are buddhists every time. Because there were different new persons on their meetings always and these persons asked this question. That buddhists told about different things like "I began to study", "I found a new home" etc. Well, I agree, the answers were not very intelligent. Would you not study if you would not buddhist? Or would you not look for a new flat if you need it?
But the same question I asked myself sometimes. And there is only one answer to it. Buddhism leads to happiness.
Here I wanted to write some phrases from the video I liked very much:
"If this Path leads us to Happiness, than the Path should be Happiness too.A Stressful path will not lead to the relaxation destination, I don't think so. That is what Buddha said.
There is no way to the happiness. Happiness itself is the way.
The path of stress and pain will not lead us to destination of Happiness..." (How many times we remember it in our lives?)
In this videowe hear about Skylike meditation. But there is not explanation. Do you know more about it?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
About Energy Bubble And Compassion
The first video is a demonstration of energy bubble on a seminar at the Singapore Police Headquarters.
It is the "practical part" of the theory.
The other video is more phylosophical part. The most important part, really. I adore this practice because it gives real happyness. It's my personal perception of the practices of Buddhismus (generally, without schools. You know, I follow Bon, and it is not buddhismus-buddhismus but occupates with the same Great Ideas. So, to be more simple and clear I use more known word here).
When I watched his video, I was very touched by the story Dalai Lama told about the monk that came from Chinese gulag. The monk was afraid of great danger. Dalai Lama says, he thought the monk will say about the danger for his life. But the monk said: he was afraid of great danger to lose compassion for Chinese people.
The greatest danger in the life: to lose Compassion for the enemy...
Great, no?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
My Dream About A Snake
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There is an old joke that says: the life is as zebra, with black and white lines. We live white line, than black line, than comes white line once more. What to do to live the only white line in the life? It's simply: when you are on the white line, don't go across it. Turn left or right and continue to live always on the white line. Simply, no?
Well, I remembered this joke because I have a large black line in this period. One event, than second, finally third. This third is a very grave intoxication I had some days ago and continue to fight it else. And this is not interesting. Interesting is that I had a special dream a night before it.
Here is it:
I am in my house and know that there is a great cobra in the room. I know that I have to catch it brfore she bites somebody who don't see it. So I begin to catch it and finally I have success. By the way, I'm not afraid of it, not angree, nothing. Normal, very calm situation. I take the cobra in the hand but it is able to bite me a finger. The figer becomes black and I know, that I have to do something, otherwise I'll die. But I can't do anything because I have to take the snake.
The "coincidence" is that the next day I wake up with this intoxication that becomes more and more grave during the day and the next day too.
You want to know, why I write about my dream in this blog? It's simply. To remeber and to analyze own dreams is an important training in many alternative medicine schools. And the last one I read about said: you have to control your mind in the night. Write every dream you remember, so you will remember your dreams better and better every time. Analyze your dreams and events of your life. In this way you will understand meanings of your dreams. At the end you will be able to "order" dreams to learn your or others future etc.
This dream about the cobra was my second day (night) of "training". :)))
Friday, October 31, 2008
Su Jok Therapy -Special Points To Heal Pain
In different texts I found that there are special points on the hands to press with or without power. If you know the right points, was written, you can heal ANY pain. This is very important for me and I had a hard time looking everywere for information about these points. Sincerely I was not successful with this research many years. In Russia in October I found a book about Su Jok, and seems to me, it explains just what I wanted to know about these points.
Turned in Italy now I found different sites in internet about it. Here I post videos I hope will be interesting for you because they explain the technique of this therapy.
Finally, I found a site where you can see the same information I have in a book I bought about this therapy.
I wanted only to present you this therapy today and to ask you if you have experience with it and are more informed about it. I will be very happy if you write it here.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
To leave you for a months with best greetings I wanted you watch these photos of the murales of Lukhang Temple that are the Buddhist Teaching (dzogchen mostly, I think) in pictures made to educate the Teaching same and life to young Dalai Lamas.
Here is the other link to Lukhang Temple article.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Why These Incredibly Stupid Positions In Kama Sutra?

I've never thought about it, but have you ever asked the question: why many positions that we can see in the innumerous books about Kama-Sutra and similar editions are practically stupid? Well, the first example I have on this same photo.
Look at this part I cut from the photo from Footiam's post. If you watch it attentively you will agree with me: the figures are depicted upright, not horizontaly, I want to say, not in bed in other words.
All we here are adult persons, so I think you understand me: is it not crazy? Is it possible to have pleasure at least for one of the 4 characters of the scene, or to make babies in this position?
Here it is. (I think it is very plausible even if I am not completely sure that it comes from there)
Vedas told: if you want to have a special reincarnation as your baby (manifestation of a Buddha or Bodhisattva etc), you have to make it in a special position. This position -every time specific- was suggested to the future parents in the temple, I think. This is the reason of "stupidities" we find in many "specialized" pictures.
My thoughts about it:
can you imagine how laughd the prist after he suggested something similar the position on the photo? At his place I would make everything to assist the execution...
A Special Mudra
Now he learns to make high quality photos and videos and presents them in Spymac trying to earn some money with them. Hope he is successful with this project.
I'm interested in buddhist meditations and mudras, you know. Debasis visited a buddhist shrine and made video and photos there. I found interesting the positions of Buddha in these photos -and the mudras too. The position on the first photo is "classic", but the the second photo is interesting. I've never seen this mudra, I think.
I wrote some posts about mudras in this blog, you can find them in categorie "Mudras"
Some time ago Footiam wrote a post about mudras too but I can't find this his post, have to ask him about it
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Law of Attraction In Action
To finish the story of this uncle I have to say he never knew to use his Gift for something good. He was in a prison, was poor, was ill after prison... How these things came to him, so they went away.
Once I said to me that I knew 2 equally bad persons one after the other. I wanted to analyse the bad period of my life and noticed that ALL the bad persons I knew in that period were equal. They had similar characteristics, the circumstances of our meetings were equal ecc. And the results of these acquaintances were equal. And all the period of my life characterized of these persons was not only tragic for me, but had the same characteristics.
From other side, have you noticed this?, you have an aim sometimes, youdo everything you can to reach it -nothing to do. You analyse what you did, correct errors -nothing to do. You study the thing, change your attitude completely -the same result.
And you know a person that don't have this aim, does nothing special, doesn't move a finger -and has what you are trying to reach with so great efforts...
The Law Of Attraction...
I read today an article where was written about this law for wealth and for partners. It was said there: our lifes depends from our beliefs.
Turning back to that my black period. After I was only some passes from the death as a result of that, I left that group of persons, left the aim I has with them, began the new life practically. In that period I joined Bon-group of Italy too. My life changed, I began to heal slowly and after some months the circumstances changed completely.
What I think now about that circumstances.
I think, from my side I had the wrong aim. But. The wrong aim attracted in my life a wrong person (or maybe is right to say that person was just in the group I joined). The first. The other wrong persons were attracted to me till the first of them were among my acquaintances.
That bad person attracted similar bad persons in my life.
When that person left my world, other similar persons left it too.
What do you think about it?
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Tuesday, September 9, 2008
5 Clever Advices To Change Bad Habits
Well, save your money and don't go to the healer. Last researches affirm you can heal these habits in this actual moment. Because they are nothing else as automatisms and -as such- can be interrupt.
What to do?
1/ Recognize the fact that bad habit is a strong and steady and impulse.
2/ Notice impulses, how many times they present. Practically have a diary of this bad habit.
3/ When the bad habit presents? When you are bored? When you watch TV? Are in the car? Practically you have to understand if you are not concentrated in these moments.
4/ Try different techinques of relax and use them when you are in the situation when bad habit emerges.
5/ Begin to do something completely different in this moment. To caress your dog or cat for example.
The most important is awareness.
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Meditation And World Creation By Chuang-Tse
About 2 weeks ago I learned from my friend about Zhuangzi (Chuang-tse), a Chinese philosopher from Taoism tradition, I think. My friend told me a quarter that in English has to be something like this:
It's easy to learn the Path, It's difficult not to speak about it. Learn and not speak -so you can reach natural. Learn and speak -so you will reach human. Persons in ancient times appealed to natural, not to human.Well, if you know better translation, I'll be very happy to post it here.
So, I wanted to find more stories from Chuang-tse and found a splendid adopted to modernity translation in Russian of a fable about Phoenix and crow. I wanted to tell this story here too, because I like it very much, but I could not find it in English. If you want, you can translate it from this page in Russian with a translator you can find on the right here.
But I found a page with different translations from Chuang-tse in English and one of these stories touched me very much.
I think, the words I posted in bold are very interesting if we read them not letterally but from psychological side. As a meditation.Hui Shi said to Zhuangzi, "I have a large tree, of the sort people call a shu tree. Its trunk is too gnarled for measuring lines to be applied to it, its branches are too twisted for use with compasses or T-squares. If you stood it on the road, no carpenter would pay any attention to it Now your talk is similarly vast but useless, people are unanimous in rejecting it."
Zhuangzi replied, "Haven't you ever seen a wildcat or a weasel? It crouches down to wait for something to pass, ready to pounce east or west, high or low, only to end by falling into a trap and dying in a net But then there is the yak. It is as big as a cloud hanging in the sky. It has an ability to be big, but hardly an ability to catch mice. Now you have a large tree but fret over its uselessness. Why not plant it in Nothing At All town or Vast Nothing wilds? Then you could roam about doing nothing by its side or sleep beneath it. Axes will never shorten its life and nothing w ill ever harm it. If you are of no use at all, who will make trouble for you?"
And here is the other quater I like too, interesting explanation of a deep phylosophical concept:
"No," Zhuangzi said, "when she first died how could I have escaped feeling the loss? Then I looked back to the beginning before she had life Not only before she had life but before she had form. Not only before she had form, but before she had vital energy. In this confused amorphous realm, something changed and vital energy appeared,- when the vital energy was changed, form appeared; with changes in form, life began. Now there is another change bringingdeath This is like the progression of the four seasons of spring and fall, winter and summer.I think it's very clear, the understanding of the creation. Something what I think much in the last period.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
To Create A Joyful Life -What Works And What Does Not Work
When you look in the mirror in the morning repeat "I'm beautiful! I'm beautiful! I'm beautiful!" -or something like this.You understand now what I'm speacking about here.
When you are in your office and something bad happens you have to repeat: "It's for my benefit!" -more or less this way.
When you feel bad you have to repeat: "The sun is shyning brightly! The herb is green! The sky is blue!"
The problem is that all this do not work.
Not that the theory is not good. It is good. The problem is that we do not touch the depth of the soul. We touch only "external" mind. But these negative thoughts come from "internal" mind.
So, is it possible to a simple person without special preparation to arrive to that depth? Yes.
I read it in the texts. They explane this our bad answer to the good theory: we are too familiar with negative reaction. So, when we have to answer to any situation, our soul offers us negative reaction first of all. It's clear that it is protective behaviour. The help to survive in the world of many dangers. But now this protective reaction makes us bad service. Because we are so stressed by it, that we can't stand it more.
The way to go out of this situation is to re-educate the soul. Educate it to be more positive. We needed many-many years to creat this reaction, that is why we need time to re-educate the soul. We have to force it to see everything around us in positive light. And to forse the soul to remember the joyful reaction.
Look at your table and enjoy it, look at your clothes and enjoy them. The room is not clean? Clean it and enjoy that now it will be so clean!
In this way you don't need to buy new things to feel a moment of joy and distraction from something bad. You enjoy what you have. Because if you have this thing, you liked it once. So, it has something to be good. Remember it and enjoy.
It's true, you need time to re-educate the soul. But with this education the soul becomes more positive generally and the life becomes more joyful. And your reactions on the negativities of the life are more soft.
I do it and I like this training.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Dr. Phil's Test: I'm 41
It's a psychological test I received from my friends. If you like you can copy it and sent as a mail.
There are different tests in my Diary in the beginning of the blog.
Dr. Phil's Test: Here you go. Try this!
Below is Dr. Phil's test. (Dr. Phil scored 55; he did this test on
Oprah - she got a 38.) Some folks pay a lot of money to find this stuff
Read on, this is very interesting!
Don't be overly sensitive! The following is pretty accurate and it
only takes 2 minutes. Take this test for yourself and send it to your
The person who sent it placed their score in the e-mail subject box.
Please do the same before forwarding to your friends (send it back to
the person who sent it to you.) Don't peek, but begin the test as you
scroll down and answer.
Answers are for who you are now --- not who you were in the past Have
pen or pencil and paper ready
This is a real test given by the Human Relations Dept. at many of the
major corporations today. It helps them get better insight concerning
their employees and prospective employees. It's only 10 Simple
questions, so grab a pencil and paper, keeping track of your letter
answers to each question.
Make sure to change the subject of the e-mail to read YOUR total. When
you are finished, forward this to friends/family, and also send it to
the person who sent this to you.
Make su re to put YOUR score in the subject box.
1. When do you feel your best?
a) in the morning
b) during the afternoon and early evening
c) late at night
2. You usually walk...
a) fairly fast, with long steps
b) fairly fast, with little steps
c) less fast head up, looking the world in the face
d) less fast, head down
e) very slowly
3. When talking to people you. .
a) stand with your arms folded
b) have your hands clasped
c) have one or both your hands on your hips
d) touch or push the person to whom you are talking
e) play with your ear, touch your chin, or smooth your hair
4. When relaxing, you sit with. ...
a) your knees bent with your legs neatly side by side
b) your legs crossed
c) you r legs stretched out or straight
d) one leg curled under you
5. When something really amuses you, you react with...
a) big appreciated laugh
b) a laugh, but not a loud one
c) a quiet chuckle
d) a sheepish smile
6 When you go to a party or social gathering you...
a) make a loud entrance so everyone notices you
b) make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know
c) make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed
7. You're working very hard, concentrating hard, and you're
a) welcome the break
b) feel extremely irritated
c) vary between these two extremes
8. Which of the following colors do you like most?
a) Red or orange
b) Black
c) Yellow or light blue
d) Green
e) Dark blue or purple
f) White
g) Brown or gray
9. When you are in bed at night, in those last few moments before going
to sleep you are...
a) stretched out on your back
b) stretched out face down on your stomach
c) on your side, slightly curled
d) with your head on one arm
e) with your head under the covers
10. You often dream that you are...
a) falling
b) fighting or struggling
c) searching for something or somebody
d) flying or floating
e) you usually have dreamless sleep
f) your dreams are always pleasant
1. (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6
2. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 7 (d) 2 (e) 1
3. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 7 (e) 6
4. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 1
5. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 2
6. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 2
7. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 4
8. (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 5 (d) 4 (e) 3 (f) 2 (g) 1
9 . (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 2 (e) 1
10 (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5 (e) 6 (f) 1
Now add up the total number of points.
OVER 60 POINTS: Others see you as someone they should 'handle with
care.' You're seen as vain, self-centered, and who is extremely
dominant. Others may admire you, wishing they could be more like you,
but don't always trust you, hesitating to become too deeply involved
with you.
51 TO 60 POINTS : Others see you as an exciting, highly volatile,
rather impulsive personality; a natural leader, who's quick to make
decisions, though not always the right ones. They see you as bold and
adventuresome, someone who will try anything once; someone who takes
chances and enjoys an adventure. They enjoy being in your company
because of the excitement you radiate.
41 TO 50 POINTS: Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing,
practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the
center of attention, but sufficiently well balanced not to let it go to
their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding;
someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
31 TO 40 POINTS : Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful &
practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest.
Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's
extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty
in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to
shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long
time to get over if that trust is ever broken.
21 TO 30 POINTS: Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They
see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.
It would really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or
on the spur of the moment, expecting you to examine everything carefully
from every angle and then, usually decide against it. They think this
reaction is caused partly by your careful nature.
UNDER 21 POINTS: People think you are shy, nervous, and indecisive,
someone who needs looking after, who always wants someone else to make
the decisions & who doesn't want to get involved with anyone or
anything! They see you as a worrier who always sees problems that don't
exist. Some people think you' re boring. Only those who know you well
know that you aren't.
Now forward this to others, and put your score in the subject box of
your e-mail, like this:
Dr. Phil's Test, I'm
Now read good advises about healthy life here THIS Is The Doctor Everybody of Us Has To Choose
Monday, August 11, 2008
Tibetan Yoga Masters
Here are videos about real tibetan yoga masters.
I post it here because I'm very impressed by possibilities of our body. You know, that I like atletics and martial arts -just for this reason. I'm sure we can much more as we use normally from our potentialities.
In the first posts of this blog you can find other masters of different schools.
And this video is incredibly. I've never heared the idea that the person can dry himself. Well, it's only idea, but when you know about other possibilities it becomes more real.
Hope you are inspired.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Healing With Colors What And Why
What is it? Why it's work?
Remember that every colour is a physical phenomenon. And it has it's physical characteristics. Length of the wave, vibration. So, these characteristics can influence our body as physical phenomenon too. Every color thaan has it's own single wavelength and can't be separated in different colors for this characteristic. You know that the mixz of colors gives us an other color, some colors cancel all colors and we become white color.
Every person perceives colors individually. That is why the cure can't be general.
There is an other side of this therapy: every color can "remember" a wide spectrum of emotions. So, warm colors can remember us warm feelings and comfort, but can arrive till anger and hostility.
Energy centers of our body, chakras are associated with colors too.
Sad notice is that the effect of colors is not long.
Good notice is that there are not contra-indications for this therapy.
For more dettailed articles subscribe my Mystic Gemstones Newsletter and once a week, Mondey afternoon, you will read dettailed
about everything related to Semiprecious Gemstones - Alternative Healing correlated with this theme ecc.
Monday, July 28, 2008
About Skin Cancer Prevention
In my family there were many cases of all types of cancer. And there were members of our family that had different types of cancer during there lives. Specially skin cancers. In the last period the sister of my husband that likes sun and beach very much had skin cancer too. So, I'm very attentive when I find something about it. Here I want to remember some rules about the behaviour to prevent skin cancer.
The very clear description you can find if you visit this page "Skin cancer" that was suggested by CCN.
The sister of my husband heard about vaccine to prevent skin cancer invented in Milano institute and asked me to find more information about it. So, for those that are interested in this information too I can say what we found here about it. This vaccine is only at the beginning and will be ready for use after years of research. So, don't think about it else. Think about prevention. And that skin cancer is curable. All skin cancer forms even those more grave. Say the sources I read and the story of my family too.
Most basal cell carcinomas can be prevented. To protect yourself:
Avoid the midday sun.
Use sunscreen year-round.
Wear protective clothing.
Be aware of sun-sensitizing medications. (!!!)
Perform regular skin checks.
Get enough vitamin D.
Read more on this page
Monday, July 21, 2008
A Method To Lose 4 Kg Every Month
Our obsession for healthy food becomes an illness, as for me. Psychological dependence. I read some time ago that the today society creates dependences practically on everything. Well, I'm not obsessed by healthy lifestyle and food but when I see or know how and where things we eat are made, I begin to think and to buy only the best I can allow me.
Now I read an interesting article telling about other problem of our food.
Statistic says that 6 from 10 persons add from 2 to 4 kg in summer.
To have just contrary situation we have to think about glucose in our blood. In other words we have to think about carbohydrates in our food. Ufff...
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So, this new method says: if we reduce the quantity of aliments with high quantity of carbohydrates, we will lose about 4 kg every month without any other diets or efforts. It will reinforce our cardiac system generally.
What to eat (in normal quantities):
fruits and vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, integral cereals
Not good:
refined cereals and potatoes
White bread (better rice and maize biscuits)
White sugar and industrial sweeties (good: honey, cane sugar, fructose)
Alcohol and CAFFEE (!) grow fat because create hepatic difficulties. Drink purifying drinks, tea, infusions and juices.
Sausages and milk foods (good: yogurt and goat milk)
Fried Foods
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Gemstone Therapy For Everybody -Carnelian
You know that I have a new site about semiprecious gemstones now and have to learn many interesting things about them because I wanted this theme becomes the most important for many years for me.
So, I wanted to tell you about the interesting research risults about one of the stones I sell in my shop. It's about Carnelian.
I told you once my personal story that happend with carnelian. This stone helps to change the emotional state from "black" to "rose", they say. I read about it in the day when I had really "black" emotions because somebody offended me without any reason. I began to play with my carnelian beads: I looked at them and thought how a simple stone could change emotions. Those are mystical inventions for stupid persons that want to believe everybody. People like mystical stories and want to hear them.
Because I'm expert with these "demonstrations" of the power of the stones, I know that in that case the only thing that could influenced me were the beads of carnelian.
Well, you can believe or not belive my personal stories, but now I'll tell you about scientific research of vibrations and action of Carnelian. This stone is used for many years -till today- to heal little wounds and skin problems like furuncles and similar. They say that it has a very slow sort of radiation that heals these problems.
What you have to do? Take a stone of carnelian like that you see here on the photo in the necklace I sell. The best colour of the stone is red and it has to have white lines (really perfect that necklace to heal :))) Now warm the stone and put it on the wound or imperfection or swelling or similar. And take it for 3-5 minutes. Better is if you do it different times.
The best colour for headaches is orange. It has to have white lines too. But it works in any case. So you have to put the stones on the head ot on the eyes or on the acupuncture points.
Try it you too and tell me your story.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
To Kill Or Not To Kill? To Help Or Not To Help?
Yesterday I joined a discussion in one of the blogs. The post was about a film where a boy is transformed from a child in a killer with years.
So, we spoke about this trasformation generally and about help to others. I said: how is possible that all we, so beautiful, pure and innocent when young can become these terrible monsters and do all this to the world around us.
And than we told that very often we have to choose whom have we to help. And we help often those who don't need our help. And "provoke their bad karma". And as the result we do bad to them, not good.
In this contecst I remembered 2 learning stories. One is about the worm.
There were 2 monks very great friends. When they died, one became a god and other a worm. This second lived in a great pile of shit. The first wanted to help him and change his life. He took the friend and pulled him out, but the worm did everything possible to remain where it was, so that the friend could not do anything.
The other story told Lopon Tenzin Namdak. He said:
We know different stories about Great Yogies that killed somebody because they knew that in the next life this or that being will have a rebith in a higher realm. Have you ever heared a similar story about Buddha? Pay attention to it. Buddha never had killed anybody... Even if he knew about next lifes too.
So, have I to think about those who is far from me? About baby seals? About victims of Tsunami? About those who has not meal in Africa? About Tibetans? ecc ecc
Or are those only very good covered political and commercial games? So, as for example say about Green Peace. Or as they said bad about communists in Soviet Union, but my mother and father were REAL communist in the best sense of this word. And millions and millions did.
Are you sure that Stalin did what he did with REALLY BAD intentions? As far I know, he personally had nothing for him. Something for his family.
Monday, June 23, 2008
About Kalachakra. Excuse me, I can't help
I'm very sorry, Debasis, but I did not know anything about Kalachakra. And what I found about it is too complicated that I could explain something or understand enough about it.
What I understood -till the level I know buddhist philosophy- it's a sort of summary of all teachings. It is a comprensory of all parts of human existance and is built on the basis of compassion.
The transformation that you speak about -I think so- has to due to understanding of all the creation of human being and the origin of all sufferings.
When you see this body as a result of a great mix of elements and poisons (6 Buddhas and their wives, Bodhisattvas and their wives ecc), when you understand all this with your soul, you feel very differently, you see the world from other point of view.
Maybe it's about it.
Excuse me, I can't help.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Make Some Money With Internet
I write ot so often about money making possibilities now and nobody remembers today that this blog began with many posts about it. First of all, because those I personally passed through were scams. I was new in informatica, in internet, I had not friends interested in this things and there was nobody who could tell me something about this business. So, passed these little troubles and tragedies, I wanted to tell my experience to others that are so as I am.
Today I'm interested to build my own serious business that could give me indipendance, but I think that little sources of money are always comfortable and if they are many, these sources, they can give us even interesting adds. That is why I accept if my friends give me this possibilities.
Time ago if you was a member of an affiliate program, you had to cover your referral link because those who is not new in this searches are very clever. They did not sign up with your referral link but went directly to the "mother"-site and you remained without your honest % from the money distributed from the site. The person that did it, did nothing good for himself, he/she did that the site owner could take this coin-percent in own pocket.
Fortunatelly today the technology made this step forvard and there are possibilities to avoid this problem. But the best possibility is that to partecipate on the paid program you HAVE TO BE "presented" by an other person. So you HAVE TO TURN to the person where you found the link and you have to use the referral link. It's really great. So, you don't need lose time to arrive to the page that says you: Now insert the link of the friend that told you about this possibility. You can directly click MY referral link.
Today I want to present you 2 new programs that give you possibility to earn some coins more -your "pizza money", at place to ask everybody who enters your blog to give you some coins for coffee.
First is a search engine for your browser at base of Yahoo! Works actually with IE and FF. You make your searches with this SE and they devide their money with you. Payment methods are PayPal, UK Bank Transfer, International Bank Transfer (IBAN). I tryed a similar program with Agloco (and others), but was never paid by it. Sincerely I don't know if there is somebody more fortunate as me, but I read a communication that they were not successful. I don't know about this program, seems that it counts my searches. Well, will see. Why do it gratis with other SE-s if I can have some coins. I wanted to try it.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Studying "Gyalwa Chaktri" With Geshe Gelek Jimpa From Bonpo Monastery Of Norbutse
I was fortunate this time because this ritrit was not so far from my house, but I had to wake up at 5 in the morning to take a train and turned home at 11 in the evening. But these were only 3 days and there was a very friendly company.
We studied Ngondro this time, and now we have only to practice it. For some of us (for me) the practice goes in contrary way. With Bon tradition I began from advanced practices and now I turnd back to preliminary practices. I did them with Mahayana tradition, but with this tradition it was in this way. Nothing bad. To do preliminary practices is always good.
Geshe Gelek is the first in Europe to teach Tummo. And that was the first time I met him, when he began to teach it in Italy in 2005. And you can see his photo -what scientists did with our poor Geshe Gelek- and read about studies on mind control in an article in Harward Gazette
It's very interesting for me from "scientifical" point of view to be in the presence of this monk because he has very strong energy when he reads mantras or texts. It's incredible to feel these vibrations. But in the normal state there is nothing special when you stay near him...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Bare-Hands Operations Or Psychic Surgery
The author of Russian article writes about 5 types of healers in Philippine. Those who uses herbs, meditation and mantra, psy-surgerians (where "psy"=energy), energy-healers and classical massagists that use reflexotherapy, crystal-therapy (that is why I'm in this site...) and other similar alternative medicine techniques.
What was interesting for me in all this, is that some days ago I spoke with one woman that told my how she cured her toothache with "Gold Light" practice. She did not knew the name of the practice but she told me that after "treatment" the aches passed miraculously.
That is why it was interesting for me to know that "these cures are very efficient and need a few time for them and I've seen personally splendid results in the cure of grave illnesses after only some passes of the healer".
The healer did that "passes" only to show his activity to other persons. He doesn't need to make any movement when he does it, be sure. I use this practice for some years but sincerely I do not believe myself every time I do it till now. Yesterday was the last of the "practices" for me.
I remembered about "Gold Light" practice. I did it, slept a little after that -and woke up without any memory about "nice" time I had to pass this morning.
I want to say with all this that the miracolous, paranormal practicesare very effective really and everybody can do them (well, not psy-surgery, obviously) to help oneself and other persons. I think. And here is a quoter from this page:
"It is only positive energy."Article about Alex L. Orbito (0n the last photo)
Spiritual healing is a no-touch therapy. It comprises of eight techniques, including crystal healing, pillar of light, and sound therapy.
"We keep on invoking sanjeevani shakti (positive life forces) and flood the body with it. Slowly the negative entity is overpowered and withdraws." (this is what I do too)
And spiritual healing is not confined to people: even places with negative forces can be turned positive. (this I did not know else)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Pls, Do It Just Now
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Many of you, my dear friends, partecipated on the feast of Vesak on May 19. Maybe I'm not right, but I think that Vesak is not the possibility to eat one time more on the day but to recite sutras or listen to them. And to make your practice.
Every good action you will do in this period will moltiplicate your merits 100 000 times -but every negative action will moltiplicate the negativity too.
So, today I wanted to recite Sutras with me and to listen to Hart Sutra with me.
If you open the page of Sutras in this my blog you will find first of all Golden Light Sutra translated in many languages. It's a big Mahayana Sutra, but you recite only the 4 Chapter in the way that somebody hears it. I recite it always when my animals are with me. In this way I hope they have better reincarnation next time.
You can open this page with Heart Sutra deep singing by the monk. The Dalai Lama singing is not good in this re-registration. If somebody wants to have the file I have in my PC or if you now how can I do to registrate it and post here, pls write to me.
Finally here is The Noble Mahayana Sanghatasutra Dharma-Paryaya in english. You can recite it and it's very good to recite and to distribute this sutra to other persons. Unfortunatelly I don't know if exist other translations except italian. (ILTK)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Nobody Can Assure Us That Tomorrow Will Come Before The Death
Now I have 3 texts of 3 different schools for me (A-Khrid, Lam-Rim and a text of Dzog-chen teaching that I have not the name here) and all these texts offer the meditation on death as the way that will show us the urgent necessity to ACT today, now, in this moment -and to practice Dharma in sense of right way to live and buddhist practices as the Path too.
This is the main thought of this meditation.
I'll try to make a sort of Summary here.
Meditation on death is the 3-d part of the preliminary practices, practices that have to show you the necessity to discipline our mind and to choose the Path of Dharma.
1 part is the meditation on the sufferings in samsara (in our "realm", life, world)
2 part is the meditation on the enormous difficulty to obtain human life full of benefits.
Because thre are 6 realms of existance, and we reborn in one of these realms in conseguence of the prevalent negative emotion we follow in bardo, the state after the death.
3 part is the meditation on death and impermanence. This one has to explain us that we have not time to wait to begin a right way to live.
In this post I want only to sum the main thoughts about this 3-d part.
There are 3 points in this meditation:
1. Consider that the death is certain.
2. The moment of the death is unknown.
3. There is nothing (except Dharma) that will be helpful to us in the moment of the death.
"If you will not think about death, the understanding that you have not time for vain things will never raise in your mind. You will be lazy and will think about the facts of this life, will be content and do nothing.If we don't think about death, we clutch at impermanent things so as they are permanent and have not time to practice Dharma.
But if you will remember the death, will meditate about it every day, the understanding of the impermanence will born in your mind and Dharma will born itself in your mind. So meditate on impermanence."
There is no body that was born but will not die.
There is not place where we could live forever.
Even if we will run very fast from the death, it will overtake us.
Rich or poor, king or slave -there is not condition that will help us to remain alive.
There is not medicine or mantra that will conserve us alive.
Our life could not be prolonged but becomes shorter and shorter from day to day, from minute to minute.
Some persons try to run away from the signs of impermanence. They make plastic surgery to become a face without wrinkles for example, but they don't become more young after that.
We have to understand that there are too many possibilities to destroy the life and there are too few possibilities to continue it. The life is too fragile. We think: "Yes, I have to die one day, but not today" but we dont think that there are so many possibilities to lose it. And we prepare money, houses, things for tomorrow, and we don't think that tomorrow maybe will never arrive.
Our body is too fragile, as said, and as conseguence there are too many possibilities to die in every moment.
" the period when this body that we lend is without illnesses, lives in pleasure, is not damaged, is this the moment when we have to understand the main sense. When you are ill, old or in bad conditions, even if you understand, what you can do?"And finally, in the moment of the death there is nothing that will help you. You can't take money with you, you can't take your relatives or friends with you, nobody can help us. Only Dharma can help us. So, don't lose your time in vain things. Don't lose your time. Don't think you can do good things one day. Do them now. Because nobody can assure us that tomorrow will come before the death.
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Saturday, May 17, 2008
Thinking About The Death
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When you begin to speak about our death with other persons, they don't want do it. Very often they will say you, you have to finish this speach. But it's bad tradition. We have to remember about it. How is said, "memento mori"?
Mediation on death is one of the main parts of the preparative practices in Buddhismus, you know. I learned it when I was a student in ILTK, these is one of the important parts in other Schools.
The situation is so, more or less, if said in poor words:
1. There is only one thing that we are completly sure in this world: everybody who is born will die.
We can do this or that trying to extend our lives and maybe we can be succesful in it, but -later or earlier- we will die.
2. In our death we will be alown. Nobody can come together, and there is nothing we can take with us. (...only Dharma...)
3. Nobody can assure us that next morning will come before our death.
Don't wait for tomorrow. Don't thing you will have time for important things one day. Do all necessary things now. ( practices ecc)
About a week ago I had not patience with my old dog and hit her different times. She has a bad character, now when she is old she is really impossible. I try to make her move a little, call her for walks, but it's necessary to call buldoser to make her move some passes. So, I became too angry and hit her.
Some days later -she forgave me and understood that she has not be so disobedient too- she waited for me when I picked up cherries. I went down and began to speak with her and caress her.
But something happend with me. When I did it, my eyes saw that I buried her dead body. It was terrible. I spoke with her, caressed her but my eyes saw her dead.
She is my only friend after the death of Imir. There are cats too, but cats are not the same as the dog. And than we live with her fast 12 years together. From her 3 month of life. Now she is old and very ill and there is not so much time left for us.
This vision I had it 2 or 3 times. Everytime I caressed her, I saw her dead body and I bury it.
I cryed all the day and the night. I had headaches and other "pleasures" we have after crying too much.
But the next day I was happy to have this vision. I remembered to show her my love. I remembered she will die in short time, and that I'll "kill" myself after her death if I do nothing to make her happy when she is with me else.
So, the meditation on death is a priceless tool to remember us to give as much as possible love to our loved beings.
Monday, May 12, 2008
What Is A Group For You?
"A Sangha is a community of resistance, resisting the speed, violence and unwholesome ways of living that are prevalent in our society. Mindfulness is to protect ourselves and others. A good Sangha will lead us in the direction of harmony and awareness. The substance of the practice is most important. The forms can be adapted."What is a group for you?~ Thich Nhat Hahn
No, it's not an empty question. It's something important.
It's something that destroys you or creates you. I think so.
In the last period I visit many places where the persons are discuting this question. And for me it has it's enormous importance because I'm very hardly dipending from MY necessity to be a part of A group. Psychologically I'm "a cat that walks for it's own". But I need a group. Comes is from my communist education or is it an atrophysm of the dipendance of a child from his/her mother -I don't know, but I spend years to liberate myself from this dipendance. Unsuccessfully.
Well, the group has many good sides. (excuse me if I use not very good written words: it's deep night now, but I wanted to finish this post)
It organizes us, disciplines us and creates the sense of responsability, compassion, non-judgment. It gives us the sense of our "normality" if our interests are not normal in our society (ex.: interest for buddhism in a catholic country).
It gives us the human contact that we need soo much.
But the group destroys us.
It levels all the members normally.
You have to be as all if you want to be a part of a group. You have to be accepted and you have to accept the rules. A good individualism is not for a group.
Every group can help you till you have a space to grow in it. When you accept supremacy of group-leaders. When there is not a leader in a group, when all whant to be leaders, the group is finished.
So different thoughts about it...
And here you can download audios "Stages of meditation" written by Dalai Lama.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Interesting Image
Friday, May 2, 2008
Advise Of Lopon Tenzin Namdak
HMV: How do you concentrate into the natural state? On what do you focus
your awareness?
LTN: There is nothing to do. Just leave it to itself. If you do
something, if you try to do anything, then you are not in the natural
HMV: So there is no method.
LTN: No. Just keep the natural state continuously.
If one rests in the natural state
without seeking anything,
Without any specific method
concerning how or when to rest,
that is meditation.
The All Creating Monarch
HMV: How do you stabilize the natural state?
LTN: Just do nothing.
HMV: Just sit there with my eyes open?
LTN: No. That doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether your eyes are
open or closed or whether you are down in your bed. If you are familiar
with keeping thè natural state, if you are quite advanced with this
practice, then you can talk, or you can do everything without disturbing
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Balancing The Chakras
Now I read a post about balancing the chakras and did not understand it. So, decided to write my opinion about it here.
Maybe it's because I have an other way to feel the world -and it's really difficult to accept the way to see it of other persons. Or it can be because I'm too lazy and don't work with my capacities to take them on more high level of perception. So, I don't see chakras. And don't see their colours. I only feel energy and sometimes I see it.
From other side, my teachers never told about the necessity to see, to "balance" chakras. I can say you more, in one practice we can speak about one colour in other practice about other colour associated with the same chakra.
Now, the question about balancing, aligning the chakras.
As I said many times, I had a bad experience at the begining of my research on this way, when I did something I found in an ancient tractat about chakras. I was very ill for much time and don't do anything with them from that experience.
What I want to say...
As for me, making asanas or -as I do- tibetan or other practices in regular way means making "alignment" of the chakras too.
If you "align" chakras and then go in the next bar to drink a good beer (as example) ...
Is there something that I don't understand maybe?