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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Balancing The Chakras

I have a sort of block in the last time in sense of main theme of this blog. Maybe because I have to learn many things about healing possibilities of gemstones and have to write posts every day about them.

Now I read a post about balancing the chakras and did not understand it. So, decided to write my opinion about it here.

Maybe it's because I have an other way to feel the world -and it's really difficult to accept the way to see it of other persons. Or it can be because I'm too lazy and don't work with my capacities to take them on more high level of perception. So, I don't see chakras. And don't see their colours. I only feel energy and sometimes I see it.

From other side, my teachers never told about the necessity to see, to "balance" chakras. I can say you more, in one practice we can speak about one colour in other practice about other colour associated with the same chakra.

Now, the question about balancing, aligning the chakras.
As I said many times, I had a bad experience at the begining of my research on this way, when I did something I found in an ancient tractat about chakras. I was very ill for much time and don't do anything with them from that experience.

What I want to say...
As for me, making asanas or -as I do- tibetan or other practices in regular way means making "alignment" of the chakras too.
If you "align" chakras and then go in the next bar to drink a good beer (as example) ...

Is there something that I don't understand maybe?


  1. Dear Liudmila, in balancing our Chakras, we each can do an effective technique known as *Scanning* using a focused mind laser like beam and holosync feeling of our sanubari. We each can then both see and feel the Chakras at the same moment, then it is easy for each of us to do what is to our intention and purpose in relations to our Chakras, including balancing, aligning, and more.

  2. Yes, yes, Zubli, the article spoke about "Skanning". Excuse me,pls if I'm not too fast to understand, could you be more precise and describe the technique (if it's possible, excuse me, I understand). Maybe I'll be able to do/learn it myself. I would like to have this experience.

  3. don't know about this subject but if gemstones are used, I believe it must be the of the right type. Some stones are beneficial to some people but not to all the people.

  4. I did not think about this peculiarity, Footiam... Thank you for remembering me. I know that it's so, but I don't write it directly in that italian site. Have to do it.

  5. Thank you, Zubli. You are very clear and a good teacher (for those who doesn't know, not so often the persons that know do something know teach and explain).

    I'll do these exercises now for some days. I just did similar exercises, so I hope I'll be successful with them.

  6. Oh, Zubli, you make my head spin from the things you tell me!

  7. Ooo, dear Liudmila, when telling it shall be full and complete, when exercising please be step by step. Then, it shall be clear. Thanks.

  8. Thank you. I just began to exercise. Hope I can be a good puple.
