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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Probiotics In My Bag

This is what I bought today in the supermarket. A bag full of probiotic yogurts. Well, we were in a very big supermarket and these yogurts were discounted this week. So, I was very happy to find this price and bought them as much as possible.

I read once that these products are a very great Lie. Because the Bacteria can't survive in these vases first and they can't arrive "alive and active" till the gut. But I like yogurt and want believe they, bacteria, can do it.

I wrote about them an article that you can read if you visit this page Probiotics to the rescue. My article was not chosen by the person that wanted these articles. Unfortunatelly it becomes worsest and worsest votes (it was 9-th first). My article is not very good but there are some interesting dates about our health there.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Crossword Puzzle As The Way To Happiness

Я умею отгадывать кроссворды, ур.."

What did you think you have to do to feel happy?

Dance? Eat a chocolate? Read something?
If you tryed just everything and can not change your mood, youhave to begin with crossword puzzle. Scientific American writes about the research that demonstrates that this activity releases mood-enhancing dopamine in the brain.

But if you work long hoursб it will make your mental skills much more weaker. Why? Depression, alcohol, bad sleep and so on. BBC

So, do not work more than 44 hours a week, make crosswords-book your best and everyday reading, don't worry, be happy.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Comfort Zone

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What do you think about your comfort zone? It has to be a place where you feel good and, other, an area around you where you do not want other humans enter. So I understand the question.

Everybody has a sort of energetical field around the physical body. Something like a cocoon. More or less big. We need it free from unpleasant energetical fields. Some researches tell that the residents of the cities, specially big cities, are more aggressive and more tired because they have to live always very near to other persons. Their cocoon has not place to have it's normal form.

Today I read about a state of unhealthy isolation. It was about the walls we create between us and others. We reject them, don't want do what they ask us, we are never available. After some attempts those persons leave us. With time we remain alone.

I thought about other side of this problem.
We ARE available. But the persons use our availability in non correct way. In other words, they use our availability to harm us.

In any case the result is the same: we remain in a state of unhealthy isolation.
To be or not to be? HOW be?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cleansing The Nose

Many yogic schools tell us we have to wash the nose everyday. Inspire water. Better if it's with 1/2 -1/4 teapoon of salt or/and 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Water has to be lukewarm (not too cold, not too warm).

Today I read about this technique in and remembered that I have to do it.

I have sinusite and it is disturbing specially because not passas with the seasons as the flues and other seasonal deseases. I wrote that I tried with propolis and echinachea this year. It worked but I have still my nose closed.

I just began to wash the nose as the yogies advice. It is not very pleasant to inspire water. But you can do it after 2-3 times you try. And it helps, really. Not forever, but you can breath after it. Even if you have flu and other similar illnesses.

Now, in the article I read today the technique is different. You have not inspire water. You pour it in a nostril using a special (read: strictly personal) pot while breathing with the mouth. Water goes out through other nostril.

Interesting. Maybe it is not so unpleasant than inspiring water? Even if I just got accustomed to inspire.

Do somebody know if there is difference between these techniques?
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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Honey Healing Power

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One interesting article in an italian bee keeper association's site told about a division of all the honey consumers in groups: regular consumers and those who buys honey from time to time. "Regulars" look for quality and diversity, others buy first they find.

I'm regular honey and all it's products consumer. Here I write about the experiment I made this autumn.

I found an article about benefits of propolis and echinachea in herpes-healing. It's because they help to maintain immunity system in good conditions.
Than I used once royal jelly for much time -that helps to remain young.
Finally I have a problem with my nails and hairs in autumn and winter, and I read about fantastic results that has use of pollen (for great quantity of minerals etc.) that helps to maintain nails and hairs healthy.

This year I turned to use honey products to cure me from all these problems. Now, in February, I can to say that 1/ I feel relatively good this winter, without flu and grave cold problems. 2/ my nails and hairs felt good when I ate pollen for about a month. Than I had not bought it and now I have all the nails brocken as before.

So, I can say that this cure worked for me. Now I have to buy pollen and continue with it to cure my hairs.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


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I read about our auras today. I have not doubts about their existance but I feel some embarrassed when I read that I have to wash it. No, "wash" in the literal sense of this word. In a shower, under a waterfall, under rainfall (without lightening!).

The other way to wash the aura is to use feathers (better if turkey or owl), sage or lavendar smoke or, if you have nothing of these, you can use your hand as a comb.
(advises are from

Now, I thought, is it really so easy to clean the aura from all the negativities?

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