The very happy period of the winter feasts is a period of the illnesses like arthritis and similar. Maybe it's for excessive humidity or because we are not so young as once but these days are marked by pains.
Here I want to describe you one of the folk methods to cure the arthritis.
Dissolve 2 tea spoons of sea salt in a glass of very warm water. Make 8 layers of gauze and wet them in this water. In any case the fabric has to be similar to gauze. Tie the wet gauze to the hand, cover with towel and leave it so till the morning or till the gauze is dry.
Mudras can be for rituals and for healing. I want to write about healing mudras here today. Other my posts about them you can find here Mudras(3)
Do you use mudras for healing? I know about this -and very effective- healing tecnique just different years. Unfortunatelly, forget to use them when I need to cure myself. But they give us wellness even in the difficult situations. My mother, for example, began to use them, when I told her about them, too. She has grave health problems. She found in her books about mudras and learned "emergency mudras", and now uses them, when she begins to feel bad and is far from the medicines. She says, they rescue her life different times.
On my photos are 2 mudras I use when I have shoulder pains (upper) and finger pains (down). They are very useful now, in winter. I'm meteodipendant and the changes of the weather make my life very difficult. It's unpossible to take medicines every time there is bad weather, no? So, this technique is very useful in this cases.
Singing bowl is an other help for meditation and relaxation, and is used for healing proposes, you know it just. Did you know that they use to heal not only sound but the vibrations too? I decided to make me a Christmas gift and to buy a singing bowl, so I'm studying the question different days. This photo is from the site and there are other photos to demonstrate how it works. I was really surprized to see them. I never thought this vibration can be used this way.
Now I know: there are not only different notes and frequences used for different chakras. There are different sound grades. There are bowls with very pronounced vibration and those that "sing" 1 -3 minutes and more. There are Healing grade and Master healing grade sounds, 80-100 "points". More points -better is the sound.
What I could not understand is that Healing quality and not healing quality bowls had the same 98 -99 points gradation. Maybe the difference was uin the vibration?
Today I found an interesting and really informative video. As in any case, you have to think about YOUR personal impressions if you decided to buy a singing bowl. If your body wants this sound -you can buy it.
Oh, forgot. The sounds devided by chakras. Violet B/si Indigo A/la "third eye" Azure G/sol Green F/fa (heart) Yellow E/mi (solar plexus) Orange D/re (secret) Red C/do (base)
The posts I wrote about marma points seems to be very interesting for the readers of this blog (More about relaxation and healing trouble techniques ,About marma points ) maybe it's because I found for them really precious informations. I've seen with my eyes how the simple touch of some points can heal a person from very grave flu situation.
Today I found this video telling about the effect of the use of marma points for self-defence. The master do it without any visible effort... But I have to remember you, it's not so easy as it seems. You will laugh, but there are many persons, specially women that think it's enough to repeat these gestures when it's necessary. Pls don't think so. This is an illusion. To make it so easy this master does it for many many years!
We all know that we have to think about our health. And if you read this blog, you maybe do not believe I do what I write here about.Today I want to show you my personal way to cure my health.
First of all I like honey and all the products of apiculture. When I wake up I eat pollen for minerals and vitamins. I have every september till may problems with nails. Now after about 2 weeks of "treatment" with pollen, the nails seem to turn hard.
After that I make my breakfast. 2 loafs of bread and honey with milk and coffee. I buy honey only of the very best quality and normally prefere "special" tastes. In this period you can find honey of this year. After the operation I wanted to clean my stomach, liver and all my digestive system. So I wanted to find honey of dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale). You know, this plant is used for purifications.
It's unpossible to find this type of honey in this zone, so I studied the offers in internet and found a factory where they produce different "special" types of honey. And than they are situated in the mountains where -I know, I was there- there is not industry etc (Cuneo, Italy).
Here you see the 3 types of honey I bought: Taraxacum officinale, wild cherries and linden. You can see the difference of the color.
I began with cherrie's honey because it's good to cure liver and kidneys. Sincerely, I've never had this type of honey before. Delicious perfume and aftertaste of cherries.
This is milk fermented with Tibetan Milk Mushroom. I drink it for lunch, at 12:00. After that I can remain without other food for 2-4 hours. I'm very happy about it. In the last period for the operation I had to eat and eat and could not stop with eating all the day. It's clear I became obese. I don't like fat on my body, so I was very unhappy about it.
And now the last kick to my obesity: I purchased the interactive course and all the necessessary to practice fitness with step. nfortunatelly my TV has an other system, pending the solution I do exercises with YouTube.