Now I know: there are not only different notes and frequences used for different chakras. There are different sound grades. There are bowls with very pronounced vibration and those that "sing" 1 -3 minutes and more. There are Healing grade and Master healing grade sounds, 80-100 "points". More points -better is the sound.
What I could not understand is that Healing quality and not healing quality bowls had the same 98 -99 points gradation. Maybe the difference was uin the vibration?
Today I found an interesting and really informative video. As in any case, you have to think about YOUR personal impressions if you decided to buy a singing bowl. If your body wants this sound -you can buy it.
Oh, forgot. The sounds devided by chakras.
Violet B/si
Indigo A/la "third eye"
Azure G/sol
Green F/fa (heart)
Yellow E/mi (solar plexus)
Orange D/re (secret)
Red C/do (base)
I remember you have in your old post about singing bowl. Interesting!