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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Prosperous Buttocks Mean Better Health

бикини«бикини» на Яндекс.Фотках

Among the articles I read yesterday, two particularly interesting were about the recent news in medical researches. Both about women.

The scientists discovered that fat on the abdomen and on the buttock we have is not the same. Those are 2 different types of fat.

The first is bad and dangerous. It's metabolism produces substances
contributing the origin of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

The fat in the bottom part of the body is good because the proteins it creates mantain arteries clean and helps to control the quantitiy of sugar in the blood.

The second article was about the ovulation in human body first time photographed during a surgery. The photos and the article were published by Newscientist. They say, it was never possible to see the process of this event in human body.


  1. Good fat, bad fat. There are good and bad people too!

  2. Sometimes to be a good person is absolutly necessary to have not bad fat.

  3. only looking Good is not Humanity but behaving like a good man is

  4. It's surely true. But it's an other theme. Not "Health" but "Society".
