Wednesday 14 April 2010
Following an earthquake in Kham, East Tibet (modern-day Qinghai) the Tibetan Buddhist Monastery of Thrangu Tashi Choling has been completely destroyed. The sprawling monastery was home to several hundred monks, lay people and children. Early reports indicate that at least two hundred people have died as a result of collapsing buildings.
Thrangu Tashi Choling was the seat of Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche, a Tibetan Lama of great compassion and renown who has worked his whole life to restore the monastery and provide a centre for the benefit of local people and the wider population. The terrible news comes at a time when immense efforts were being made to develop the monastery, to provide accommodation and to create a beneficial environment for all living beings.
Many of the inhabitants of the monastery, people who worked tirelessly for the benefit of others, have sadly lost their lives. Survivors are in urgent need of every kind of assistance.
Thrangu Rinpoche’s representative in the UK, Lama Wangyal, has set up an emergency fund to assist in the relief effort. Donations can be made by:
Cheque made payable to: The Monastery Fund (Emergency)
Bank transfer: Lloyds TSB, ‘The Monastery Fund’, Ac. No. 7536475, Sort Code. 30-12-51
In person in cash: Treasurer: 07888700698
Please clearly state your name and address with donations, and state that the donation is to be used for the emergency relief effort at the monastery.
Many thanks for your kind support.
For more information contact the Thrangu House UK Office:
Tel: office - 01865 241555, Lama – 07796 521228, Treasurer - 07888 700698
Special Emergency Website : (coming soon, please check for news)
Postal Address : Thrangu House, 42 Magdalen Road, Oxford, OX41RB, UK.
Please circulate this appeal to all your contacts
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