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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Live Webcast: Listen to Dalai Lama on November, 30

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will teach on Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo's "37 Practices of A Boddhisattva" from the main Tibetan temple in Dharamsala on November 30th, 2010 from approximately 9-11:30am Indian Standard Time. His Holiness will be teaching mainly in Tibetan with Russian, Chinese and English translations available. Webcast information at

For timings in your region 9:00am Indian Standard Time on November 30th is the same as 10:30pm November 29th Eastern Standard Time in New York, USA.
Watch English live webcast here.
Watch Russian live webcast here.
Watch Chinese live webcast here.
Watch Tibetan live webcast here.

Announced by Dalai Lama's Fan Page

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ayurvedic Breathing Exercises and Tips

Хатха -Йога Зимой
Breathing exercises are not difficult and it's possible to use them in any place that is why I like tOften they help to calm the mind, other times is necessary to use asanas, in some situations you need contemplation. In the most cases would be enough to control the mind. But because we are not able to do it normally, all these methods can help. Here some other advises I received today in a mail.
In these hectic times, especially as we approach the holidays, who couldn’t use an extra tool in their stress-relief kit – one that’s always accessible and free?meditation hi res.jpg The ancient sages from India recognized the breath as important for balancing and de-stressing one’s body, mind and spirit. Below are Ayurvedic breathing tips from Dr. Virender Sodhi, Ayurvedic MD, Naturopathic Physician and co-founder of R-U-VED , manufacturer of Ayurvedic herbs based in Redmond, WA.

Considered the “healing side of yoga,” Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old healing science from India that provides a natural, balanced approach to optimal health according to each individual’s natural constitution, or “dosha.”

Ayurvedic Breathing Exercises:

Vata balancing –for those of the Vata dosha or during fall

(Vata’s can be anxious and absentminded and experience flatulence and constipation.)
1. Inhale through your nose, filling your lungs to full capacity
2. Hold the breath for three seconds, followed by a slow mouth exhale
3. Repeat this exercise 16 times, twice a day

Kapha balancing –for those of the Kapha dosha or during spring

(Kapha’s may feel sluggish, often experience respiratory conditions and gain weight easily.)
1. Bring your chin towards your chest and inhale deeply through your nose
2. Extend your head back and exhale through your mouth
3. Repeat this exercise 16 times, twice a day

Pitta balancing – for those of the Pitta dosha, or during summer

(Pitta's tend to run warm, get easily irritated and impatient and experience heated digestion.)

1. Open your mouth to form an “O” shape. With your mouth in this position, form a funnel with your tongue and place it between your lips*
3. Slowly inhale through your tongue and feel the breath reach your heart
4. Relax the tongue and mouth, and then exhale through your mouth
5. Repeat this exercise 16 times, twice a day
* If you cannot form a funnel, bring your teeth together and inhale through your teeth instead

Tridosha balancing – ideal for all doshas, any time of the year

1. Turn your head to the left and slowly inhale through your nose, filling your lungs to full capacity
2. Turn your head to the right and exhale through your mouth, repeat 16 times
3. Repeat the process starting with your head to the right another 16 times
4. Repeat this exercise twice a day
For more details on “doshas” and Ayurveda click here.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Boost Your Health this Thanksgiving

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This article seems to me interesting  (from a mail):

Don’t be fooled by their size. Cranberries are the ultimate super fruit packed with nutrients and antioxidants. From combating urinary tract infections to promoting gastrointestinal (digestive) health, the lists of health benefits are endless. Make sure you don’t pass on the cranberries this Thanksgiving and enjoy cranberries as a juice or cocktail, in pie, jam or sauce. In addition to cranberries, life insurance quotes are another great way to add security to your healthy lifestyle. Practitioner Dr. Helen Lee shares how cranberries can boost your health this Thanksgiving.

·         Urinary Tract Health: Studies in 1994 showed that women who drank cranberry juice were less likely to develop urinary tract infections. At the Experimental Biology conference in 2002 a study showed that 8-oz of cranberry juice cocktail prevented E. Coli from adhering to the wall of the bladder. Cranberries contain a structurally unique form of proanthocyanidins which prevent bacteria such as E. Coli from adhering to the urinary tract and thus can be released through the urine.

·         Antioxidants: Antioxidants are compounds in the body which have the ability to stabilize free radicals which cause cellular damage, increased degeneration/aging/disease, as well as increase risk of cancer. A study published in the November 19, 2001 edition of the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry showed cranberries to contain more antioxidant phenols than 19 other common fruits & vegetables.

·         Gastrointestinal Health: Cranberry has been found to inhibit some food-bourne bacteria from attaching to the mucosal lining of the digestive tract.  A study in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition also showed that cranberry juice prevents the common bacteria responsible for many stomach ulcers, Helicobacter pylori, from adhering to the gastric wall.

·         Cholesterol Health: A study in British Journal of Nutrition showed 8% increase in HDL (“good”) levels of 30 overweight men with slightly elevated LDL.  Increased levels of HDL has been shown to decrease risk of heart/cardiovascular disease.

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Month

Here you will read some advises I found interesting.They are from one of the mails I receive so numerous in the last period. I want to repeate: Be careful with these advises, I personally can't prove them. I only find them interesting. That's all.

The other warning: even if they speak too much good about green tea, it's not so foolproof as some persons want to make us believe. Pls, use moderation if you want to begin to cure yourself with it and read this my post: 10 Things to Know about Green Tea. It's very important! Read it, this post, before you begin the cure!

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Month, bringing attention to the 5.3 million Americans who are affected by this disease. With the baby boomer generation rapidly aging, Alzheimer’s will continue to affect millions more lives. Green Tea has a popular reputation for its health benefits and is known for benefiting conditions such as cancer, high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems.

Green tea has once again proved itself as a ‘super’ tea. An antioxidant in green tea (a flavonoid found in plants) may fight the memory robbing effects seen with plaque deposits in Alzheimer’s. Practitioner Dr. Martha Howard, MD recommends drinking green tea to help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s for the following three reasons.

1.The antioxidant known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) significantly reduces the formation of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain. An abnormal buildup of beta-amyloid plaque in the brain is implicated in the nerve damage and memory loss seen in Alzheimer’s disease.

2.Tea inhibits the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) which breaks down the chemical messenger or neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Alzheimer’s is characterized by a drop in acetylcholine.

3.Green tea hinders the activity of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE). Green tea has Catechins in which half is made up of EGCG, which is 20 times more powerful than vitamin C as an antioxidant.