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Thursday, November 4, 2010

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Month

Here you will read some advises I found interesting.They are from one of the mails I receive so numerous in the last period. I want to repeate: Be careful with these advises, I personally can't prove them. I only find them interesting. That's all.

The other warning: even if they speak too much good about green tea, it's not so foolproof as some persons want to make us believe. Pls, use moderation if you want to begin to cure yourself with it and read this my post: 10 Things to Know about Green Tea. It's very important! Read it, this post, before you begin the cure!

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Month, bringing attention to the 5.3 million Americans who are affected by this disease. With the baby boomer generation rapidly aging, Alzheimer’s will continue to affect millions more lives. Green Tea has a popular reputation for its health benefits and is known for benefiting conditions such as cancer, high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems.

Green tea has once again proved itself as a ‘super’ tea. An antioxidant in green tea (a flavonoid found in plants) may fight the memory robbing effects seen with plaque deposits in Alzheimer’s. Practitioner Dr. Martha Howard, MD recommends drinking green tea to help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s for the following three reasons.

1.The antioxidant known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) significantly reduces the formation of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain. An abnormal buildup of beta-amyloid plaque in the brain is implicated in the nerve damage and memory loss seen in Alzheimer’s disease.

2.Tea inhibits the activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) which breaks down the chemical messenger or neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Alzheimer’s is characterized by a drop in acetylcholine.

3.Green tea hinders the activity of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE). Green tea has Catechins in which half is made up of EGCG, which is 20 times more powerful than vitamin C as an antioxidant.

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