First of all, it's necessary to find the TRUE sources of stress. Sometimes, we accuse the wrong persons or circumstances. For example, we have a difficult financial situation and are worried about it. We go in the office and interact with the colleagues. Or we come home and interact with our wife/ husband or child. Since we are worried, everybody irritates us. And we begin to swear, to insult the others. The other person does not understand, what is happens. He/ she maybe tries to calm us but it's impossible since the root of the problem is always here and we can't reflect.
If this situation can be solved in not too much time, the persons we treated in the wrong way can forget us our bad behavior. But if the stress persist, the situation can degenerate.
Do you recognize this scenario? Yes, I'm sure.
If everybody o at least somebody can understand the roots of the problem, very useful is to plan what is necessary to do to go out from it.
You can analyze how you normally treat your stress. The most frequent solutions are alcohol, smoke, sweeties. With all the well known consequences.
What can you do to undertake the healthier ways?
Learn "Stress Management Strategies" (available even gratis in internet).
Among them are:
Avoid, accept, adapt to the "stressor" (Often, it's TV or Radio with the bad news - learn to recognize bad news that stress you and change the channel.)
Treat better the situation that stresses you. For example, manage your time in a better way.
If you can't change the things, accept them. Forgive those who stresses you.
Very effective solutions (after the earlier meant points of treatment) are not drugs, coffee etc but sport, good sleep and fun time with your loved once.

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