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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cleansing The Nose

Many yogic schools tell us we have to wash the nose everyday. Inspire water. Better if it's with 1/2 -1/4 teapoon of salt or/and 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Water has to be lukewarm (not too cold, not too warm).

Today I read about this technique in and remembered that I have to do it.

I have sinusite and it is disturbing specially because not passas with the seasons as the flues and other seasonal deseases. I wrote that I tried with propolis and echinachea this year. It worked but I have still my nose closed.

I just began to wash the nose as the yogies advice. It is not very pleasant to inspire water. But you can do it after 2-3 times you try. And it helps, really. Not forever, but you can breath after it. Even if you have flu and other similar illnesses.

Now, in the article I read today the technique is different. You have not inspire water. You pour it in a nostril using a special (read: strictly personal) pot while breathing with the mouth. Water goes out through other nostril.

Interesting. Maybe it is not so unpleasant than inspiring water? Even if I just got accustomed to inspire.

Do somebody know if there is difference between these techniques?
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  1. I'm not sure about 'inspiring water' but I do know about neti pots - in fact I wrote about my neti pot and how to use it on my blog.

    If find it a very easy technique actually.

    Hope its somewhat useful info for you! :)

  2. Thank you very much for the link, Svasti. I really did not know that there are these special accessories for these treatments.

  3. People everywhere are only digging their nose!

  4. Maybe not many know about washing...
