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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Informational Marvels about Health Maintainance

It's unpossible to ignore it more: even the most far from all-media news know that the ideas about what is good and what is bad for our health change every day. All our lives, we knew that coffee is not very good for health. One day we wake up and listen that last research proved coffee is very good if we drink it one cup a day. A month or two later is published a notice about the results of an other research that tells us once more: coffee is very dangerous for health. And this pendulum continue in time for this and most other aliments. An other example: All the life, we know that cholesterol is bad and we have to eat only foods without fat -one day we wake up and hear that fat, animal fat, is good because we would not live without it since it's essential for metabolism.

Now, if we speak about fatless products, the search for truth becomes absolutely shocking: the fatless aliments are time bombs. We like, we are addicted to fats and sugar. If there are not fats or sugars in the aliments, they do not taste to us. This is the reason, the fatless aliments are so dangerous: industry adds all kinds of chemical chemicals to make fatless aliments tasty. And that is why the doctors say, it's better to buy alimnents with less quantity of fat than those fatless.

Most of us have to look for right ways to maintain our bodies healthy. In this blog I try to collect advises about these ways. And I look for the news from the research institutes, too.To find them I search different media etc. But in the last period I have the impression that thre is not a word of truth in all these notices. I agree that the science changes every day but I can't explain the contrary opinions that go out with this speed. The only rational explanation is the competition.

Tell it me if I'm not right.

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