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Friday, September 28, 2007

Is Faith non-evolution?

Lord, I don't ask for a faith
that would move yonder mountain.
I can take enough dynamite and move
it if it needs movin'. I pray, Lord,
for enough faith to move me."

Norman Allen

What we need to believe? Examples.
If you read Bible, the Old Testament, you'll see, the poor God had to do miracles every now and again to move jews to believe in Him. The story is not changed today. If you look at catolics in Italy, you see the strainge thing. They say they belive in Jesus Christ, but they go to pray Padre Pio for miracles.
You can find the statues like this on my photo on every crossroad and in other popular places.

(Here you can see a video with the last messa of Padre Pio, 1968)

Why I write about it today?
I see -and this can be said not only about me but about the main part of all us- we are not quiet in everything we do. We can't stop in our discovery. We've find everything good, that we were looking for all our life -and we don't stop and do that our possibilities reach to perfection. We are interested in this and in that and in many other things. To stop on this way meens death for us. We call it evolution.

Faith is the point of arrival. I believe, I have not problems, I don't need other things because with my Faith I have everything I need, the garantees.

I look for something, somebody, because I have great fear, I'm not sure, I need this or that.

And? What do you think, can Faith be evolution?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"The Creator’s art " Jin Shin Jyutsu

It's marvellouse to surf bloggers communities, meet new friends and learn new things.
Rose, the journalist and the author of blog The Land of Spa ( dedicated first of all to spas but were you can find many other things to read and learn) made me a great gift today.
She introduced me to the world of

Jin Shin Jyutsu
in this her post
where there are links to the foundators site too. Rose visited the group and writes about her personal experience and, I hope, will continue her story for others like me, that can learn about it only through experiences of internet friends.
I like energetical theories of creation and our existance. If you've read my post Think about Cosmic to improve your life you know what i tell you about. The video there is really great.

So I wanted to learn what I can about this Teaching while waiting that Rose writes other her experiences in materia.

I found this very nice, romantic article
It is believed that God created human being out of his own energy,
and while he was connected closely with Him, he was fit and healthy.
Slowly, as man began to get self-involved, he left the sanctuary of the spirit.
The balance of energy thus got disturbed and resultant blocks caused innumerable disease.

Gentle holding of specific points in specific patterns assists the release of energy
blockages in the meridians, simultaneously healing it.

I met there an other interesting person, Janine, and in her site ,dedicated to this healing art, I learned more about blocks:
However, when the body’s energetic system becomes blocked,
then the physical body starts to feel the effect,
leading to health problems which could manifest as physical,
emotional or mental symptoms.

Interesting is this point: Fear, according to Jiromurai, is the cause of all disease. Why is it so interesting for me? Because I think in the same way. I abserved my and others emotions and behaviour and decided that we are moved by great fear. I wrote about it (in my blog Diary) too.

The practitioner first “listens” to the pulse by holding both wrists.
This indicates which areas of the body are weak and need balancing
Breath is very important in Jin Shin Jyutsu.

I think it's similar to the tibetan medicine that makes great use of pulse hearing ecc.
This theme I think I have to continue in the next posts.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Meditation techniques in asanas. What do I

When I do my favourite asanas, I'm very cocentrated on how I move first of all. That is because from my young age I have problems with my spine. And than I pay attention on my breath. I forget about problems and thoughts, and my body brings me in the meditational state without any effort. After some minutes of asanas I can meditate. Very comfortable.

That is why I was surprised to read about many centers that teach asanas only as physical postures.

What I do?
I relax muscels and those in the head too,
then I focus my attention on this relaxation for some breathings.
The gaze is fixed because my mind is concentrated on controlling the muscles. Fixed gaze makes the mind more quiet. When my mind is concentrated on this exploration, I'm not distracted by my sences.
But it's better to do it in the place where I have less distractions as possible.
There is an other problem. My animals distrb me often. Cats want to rub against me, my dog comes to say me something too.

So after this breath relaxation I begin to do asanas.I do them very slowly, relaxed and concentrated on what my muscels do. I enjoy this movement. I like it. It's really great feeling.

I did asanas for different years without this "preparation", and it was completly different experience. Now I think it's very important part of the practice. Maybe the most important part.

And what do YOU do?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Meditation practice

Here I post the video with some explanations of the meditation practices.
Not only this, it's interesting to see Teachers and behaviour.

This other video I like for musik and chant that is very good for relaxation.

The faces of children are sad and some of photos are made with our mentality. I think they don't reflect the real life. So I appreciate this video for chant and music only.

Gifts with

Are you looking for a very special unique present? Nothing's like photo blankets with your favourite images.

Your mom or your friend can wrap themselves up and remember the most beautiful and important moments in their lives or maybe persons or pets they cherish. This gift will be with them for years.

You can learn what is this and how to create your special and unique blanket visiting It's the best source for all types of bedding you need and the place to proceed with great idea to celebrate your moments holding them on a blanket.

What do you feel if you touch them?
The blankets are top quality and made in USA.
The top side is from soft microsuede (a Celtic fabric). The bottom side is from plush polar fleece (320 count cotton). You can wash and dry them in the machine.

And now we'll look at them closely.
The modern advanced technology makes that the photo on your blanket has the same clarity as the photo you used to create your gift. The photo is
permanently dyed into the fabric, and it's texture is not altered in any way.

That is why this product is different from others.

Is vegetarianism a compassion philosophy?

Have you ever know, vegetarianism has about 20 different practicies?

Not only classical "no meat" as I thought. There are those that can eat only fruits, others eat only fish or fowl, others more eat row (uncooked) foods or whole grains and beans. Often they can't eat honey. I don't understand why, honestly.

Interesting is, that the name of this path comes not from "vegetable" but from latin word that means 'lively'

The first vegetarians were not only indians as we all know, but ancient Greeks in the 6 century b.C. too. This practice was connected with idea of nonviolence towards animals. And so we have a confirmation that the initial idea was this, and not "lively" as it became later when vegetarianism turned back in Europe (from Renessance period). The popularity of these practices grows in the last time (because of too fat life, I think).

Interesting for me was to know, that only Hinduism and Jainism teach vegetarianism as moral conduct. Other religions -no.

What say different sources about benefits of this practice?
1. this is the most effective diet for the prevention of cronic diseases
2. vegetarians actually have greater intakes of iron (twice) than meat-eater (because of fertilizers, I think, and not only iron)
3. It's the most natural diet for humans
4. this is a human existance without the need to take life

What say other sources against this practice?
1. More than 50% of pesticides come from fruits (Canadian food Inspection agency)
2. Paesants when they plow their fields kill incredible quantities of animals, than they put fertilizers and pesticides ecc, and kill everything alive in the zone.

This is true. I live in the zone where people grow tabacco. If you could see what poisons they use! And they contaminate all plants nearby because of wind that takes those poisons everywhere. Some years ago one pregnant woman was dead here after she has eaten cherries from the tree that grows near the field with tabacco of her neighbour.

So, the main nonviolence philosophy of vegetarianism has not basis today, I think. Only if you personally grow vegetables you eat and know how you do it.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

About fat creatures

Sincerely, I was shoked with 3 videos I've seen these days in YouTube. Because I was writing notes for an article about healthy food, I add them here in this post.

Here you see the fattest man on the earth that lives in Mexico. I was glad to see him so happy and to know he found a woman to live with. I don't know, he is maybe ill. So I post this video to fulfil the picture.

The other object are animals we ruin with our love. I'm so too. My dog was not exactly so in spring, but similar...

At the end, see this video about the love of a mother. My husband said, she consciously wants to kill her daughter.

It would be strange to write something about healthy food after these videos in the same post,I think. The only thing is to say: the McDonald's humburgers are really not healthy. So I'll write an other post about health better.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Get paid for blogging

Here I want to tell you about a service that exists to connect advertisers and bloggers.

Advertisers want as many persons as possible know about their products, and they want to pay for it. There are many reasons for blog advertising. First of all because blogposts with links back to advertisers site remain in the web "for ever" . Then blogger writes his/her opinion about the site and it helps the customers to understand befor they see the site, what can they find there, how it works or what have they to do there.

Bloggers get paid for blogging. Many bloggers are afraid of blog for money because they think, they have to lie to other bloggers. But this is not so. As said, they have to write their opinion about a site, product or service. This opinion helps other people to understand what is this site about, what blogger likes in this site, or maybe what have you to do to resolve easily your problem. This is important for advertiser. The visitor is prepared to a navigation through the site and don't leaves it after the first sight.

Smorty, the service I tell you here about, connects both, advertiser and blogger. I like this service for different reasons. The interface is clear and simple enough. Every step is explaind and there are even responces on your possible questions: what was wrong and how avoid that error. You have only to read attentively the site. And... they pay for blogging. It's important to know befor you begin to work.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Think about Cosmic to improve your life

I like cosmic conception in religion. Something like this:

Universe is the body of the Supreme Vishnu.
His feet are earth, his breadth is wind;
his eyes are the sun and the moon, his head is heaven,
his face is fire, his abode is the ocean,
his stomach is the world inhabited by us and the sky is his navel.
From "Ancient discipline Yoga for healthy living"

I don't know, but I think it's similar to the trueth, that we are not able to understand. And this conception is helping us to leave our restrictions. Many of them are mentioned in this video

In this post I wanted only to highlight the importance of this problem. In a blog of one friend there is a dispute this days: is it possible to confront europeans and asians. "I'm not tooo brave but don't put me on the same level with asians..." this is the main idea. No, I don't want to debate about it not with you neither with that person. I can't change him. The life will do it. It was for me the occasion to remember 2 videos I like very much. And this is the second:

Very beautiful. What do you think?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Influence your thoughts -exercises for stressed period in the life

As I said you befor, I had a hard period this summer and am very stressed and tense now.
I tryed with different practices and relaxation, but feel not better, sincerely. I have to prepare myself for ritrit in october, but don't go forward without real relaxation.

The main problem are my inconscious thoughts, I understood. But I have not effective mode to influence them.

One friend said, we have to "collect" some practices of relaxation that work good for us. It's true. From many exercises explaned by Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche and those we studied from "Heart drops of Dharmakaya" there are 3-5 that I use usually because they work right away for me. I think others use other exercises. Everybody needs own ways.

Today I met a new friend in MyBlogLog and found some important exercises in his (her?) blog The Secret. Maybe it will help me to domate my unconscious thoughts...

Here you can find entire articles if you want to read them: Law of Attraction 03
And I want to fix here the main lines.

1/ observe thoughts that pass through the head during the day and write the list. after a while it becomes natural and automatic.
2/ observe how our primary thoughts begin to expand and manifest themselves in our lives
begin eliminating those thoughts that were not empowering by switching in thoughts that were positive and/or pleasant to us.
the number of thoughts that really don't have anything to do with empowing you and moving you closer to where you wish to be in your life.
Learn to embrace that feeling ( to feel uncomfortable outside of our comfort zone). Only by getting out of your comfort zone can you progress to a higher level of understanding and being.
the only time we can influence our thoughts is right now. That's why it's so important to always try and be in the moment.
by Michael Manjin

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Some interesting yoga and alternative healing sites

parts of our body

First of all we have to know parts of our body
and here you can find info about it
Body sistems and illnesses
Animations about body sistems and illnesses.Very interesting.
Anatomica 3D: Musculoskeletal System


Fitness with yoga
The Yoga Encyclopedia (assanas in photos)
Yoga Online
free quality material,
Ashtanga Yoga
An advanced Ashtanga Yoga practitioner from Germany offers an insight into his personal practice.
Sivananda Yoga
The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers
Kundalini Yoga
FREE On-Line Kundalini Yoga Training
My Yoga online

Monday, September 10, 2007

Facial yoga poses -young "forever"

I read many times that TV-stars use special exercises to have very young face. I didn't know it's a special desipline, facial yoga, face exercises based on yoga tradition.

It's the latest craze in many countries from USA till India. You can look younger (even 10 years! younger), to erase fine lines and wrinkles, to reduce sagging skin, to restore a radiant, youthful look,to reduce the neurological impulses associated with stress and you don't need surgical interventions. And than it's cheaper!
More about benefits in this article.

All this because the facial yoga will tone 57 muscles of our face and neck.

Here I begin to collect facial yoga poses. As usual, there are not much information about a discipline like this, but I hope to be successful.

First exercise, "Lion" with a little description I found here
or you can see it in this photo posted in the article
Face Yoga: Fountain of Youth?Here you see
Leta Koontz-Stuyvesant of Schoolhouse Yoga demonstrates some of Suzanne Kahley's Fresh Face exercises: Lion, smiling Buddha, sleeping yogi and wide eyes. (Andy Starnes, Post-Gazette)

Other exercise is "Merilin's kisses"
then "blowing up of balloons"
more exercises we can find in "Yoga Facial Exercises

Here in italian some new exercises:
  • Per combattere il cedimento dei muscoli: posizionate sulla parte bassa del viso le mani inumidite di acqua fredda, colpite le basi dei palmi l’una contro l’altra e lasciate rimbalzare le punte delle dita su tutto il viso.
  • Per tonificare l’ovale e il contorno del viso: con il dorso della mano o delle dita (che devono essere distese) date dei leggeri schiaffetti secchi e ripetuti sotto il mento.
  • Per preparare il viso alla crema da giorno: pizzicate la pelle asciutta in senso perpendicolare alle rughe, fino a quando non avrete fatto arrossare il solco.
  • Per prevenire e attenuare le rughe del collo: eseguite tutti i giorni un auto-massaggio circolare usando tutte le dita della mano, dall’alto verso il basso (ogni mano accarezzerà il lato opposto del collo).
New photos from Forget Botox, try facial yoga

That's all for this time. Now, try to become youger, mmm...?

Do you know about CAM -Complementary and alternative medicine?

Now, it was a completly new question for me. That is why I ask you about it.

There are many names for what we are doing here. Alternative healing techniques, for example. But if you want to find something in Google or others search engines, you have to ask about CAM too.

So, what is it?
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)
Interesting is that those are "
medical products and practices"
That meens
"nonstandard care"
Like acupuncture, chiropractic and herbal medicines. Traditional studies have doubt about
safety and usefulness of these techniques -and every serious site will tell you about it.
Scientists say: yes, it works, but...

If you have (resonable) questions about it, you can see the FAQ-s of
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (USA)

What will it meen for us?
Maybe nothing special.
We know, we feel much better and younger, if we do our practices regularly.
It will be better if some conservative person begins to consider us not as mad and exotic beings. For them is very important to hear many times confirmations in TV and to read about it in newsletters.

Congratulations! This is an important feast in our universe, I think.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

About marma points

I had very stressed period last months. My first task is to learn the most efficient modes of relaxation for my body now.

I understand, every beeing has his/he own personal construction and as consequence has to be very personal the relaxation system for everybody.

One friend told me about marma points because I can't relax with my normal exercises and practices in this period. So I read about this technique. Here I post a brief review of many sites I found about it.

There are 2 parts that compose this science. Marma Vidya seems to be general name or for healing (or Marma Shastra?). Marma Adì is for martial art. The difference is in the movement to do. You strike your adversary to hit him or you press marma point with your thumb or the index finger to heal.

Marma are points where all our bodies come into contact. Physical body, energy ecc. That is why if you press this point it the hour when prana pass through it, you can send this energy where you need it. If you hit that point in this moment, you can affect the corresponding organ and even kill the person.

There are different explanations about the number of the points. One of them says: the points are infinite, most important are 365, most used are 43, mortal are 107.
These points are very user-friendly, because they take area about 15 cm, and it's difficult to miss it.

Who uses this healing technique, recuperate 100% the normal state.

The only problem is, there are not many marma masters in the world and they live in Kerala (India, I think). But...

We can do this practice only with the power of our mind and concentration. We can send prana where we need it in this way. The name of this particular Yoga is Yoga Pratyahara and you can read more about it on this page

This photo is from THIS article (in italian).

Here I post sites where I found interesting articles or information

in english

in italian

in russian Диссертация по теме книга Мармавидья Список книг по теме Мармотерапия Форум Школы Боевой Йоги - Дхарма Марга
HERE is my post in russian with more info

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Online store creating easy and efficient

I think, every user of internet and expert in one of so interesting themes as alternative healing technics tryed to open his/her own ecommerce shop.

One of the hosted shopping cart software provider is Ashop Commerce.

It's an interesting and complete ecommerce solution, I would say.
I found all sorts of explanations directly on the site, first of all. From how to plan the beginning of your business, what to do to open the shop till advices for promotion of the site ecc.

I had experiences in this field and I know, normally you can only chose the color of template, the name and maybe the category of your merce. Your e-shop is ready and everybody forgets you for ever.
What I liked here: there not only simple templates on the page about design of your site, you find clever questions to make the design of your shop very personal. They ask even to show them 2 sites you like to understand your preferences.

This ecommerce software is search engine optimized and has continuous technical support and customer service too. There is even live support there. The testimonials say, the team was always ready to answer every question they had.

What is important, this shopping carts are integrated with all major banks including PayPal too. Remember I had to look for a special program all over the internet when I needed it. And it was good only for some credit cards.

It's difficult to describe all interesting sides of this really good project. Generally I like "Ashop Commerce" as online store creating solution.
The only problem I had when navigated the site, I could not see the Admin Demo. It's possible to see it only with IE and I have FireFox.