I understand, every beeing has his/he own personal construction and as consequence has to be very personal the relaxation system for everybody.
One friend told me about marma points because I can't relax with my normal exercises and practices in this period. So I read about this technique. Here I post a brief review of many sites I found about it.
There are 2 parts that compose this science. Marma Vidya seems to be general name or for healing (or Marma Shastra?). Marma Adì is for martial art. The difference is in the movement to do. You strike your adversary to hit him or you press marma point with your thumb or the index finger to heal.
Marma are points where all our bodies come into contact. Physical body, energy ecc. That is why if you press this point it the hour when prana pass through it, you can send this energy where you need it. If you hit that point in this moment, you can affect the corresponding organ and even kill the person.
There are different explanations about the number of the points. One of them says: the points are infinite, most important are 365, most used are 43, mortal are 107.
These points are very user-friendly, because they take area about 15 cm, and it's difficult to miss it.
Who uses this healing technique, recuperate 100% the normal state.
The only problem is, there are not many marma masters in the world and they live in Kerala (India, I think). But...
We can do this practice only with the power of our mind and concentration. We can send prana where we need it in this way. The name of this particular Yoga is Yoga Pratyahara and you can read more about it on this page Yoga.net
Here I post sites where I found interesting articles or information
in english
in italian
in russian
http://www.ayurvedaru.ru/marma-3.html Диссертация по теме
http://lib.hsgm.ru/index.php?page=art&id=2130&pg=0 книга Мармавидья
http://lib.hsgm.ru/?page=cat&cat=181 Список книг по теме Мармотерапия
http://www.forum.dharma-marga.ru/archive/index.php/f-6.html Форум Школы Боевой Йоги - Дхарма Марга
HERE is my post in russian with more info
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