It's the latest craze in many countries from USA till India. You can look younger (even 10 years! younger), to erase fine lines and wrinkles, to reduce sagging skin, to restore a radiant, youthful look,to reduce the neurological impulses associated with stress and you don't need surgical interventions. And than it's cheaper!
More about benefits in this article.
All this because the facial yoga will tone 57 muscles of our face and neck.
Here I begin to collect facial yoga poses. As usual, there are not much information about a discipline like this, but I hope to be successful.
First exercise, "Lion" with a little description I found here
or you can see it in this photo posted in the article
Face Yoga: Fountain of Youth?
Leta Koontz-Stuyvesant of Schoolhouse Yoga demonstrates some of Suzanne Kahley's Fresh Face exercises: Lion, smiling Buddha, sleeping yogi and wide eyes. (Andy Starnes, Post-Gazette)
Other exercise is "Merilin's kisses"
then "blowing up of balloons"
more exercises we can find in "Yoga Facial Exercises
Here in italian some new exercises:
- Per combattere il cedimento dei muscoli: posizionate sulla parte bassa del viso le mani inumidite di acqua fredda, colpite le basi dei palmi l’una contro l’altra e lasciate rimbalzare le punte delle dita su tutto il viso.
- Per tonificare l’ovale e il contorno del viso: con il dorso della mano o delle dita (che devono essere distese) date dei leggeri schiaffetti secchi e ripetuti sotto il mento.
- Per preparare il viso alla crema da giorno: pizzicate la pelle asciutta in senso perpendicolare alle rughe, fino a quando non avrete fatto arrossare il solco.
- Per prevenire e attenuare le rughe del collo: eseguite tutti i giorni un auto-massaggio circolare usando tutte le dita della mano, dall’alto verso il basso (ogni mano accarezzerà il lato opposto del collo).
That's all for this time. Now, try to become youger, mmm...?
Hi Liudmila, glad I found this article. It is something new to me and hope to try out some of the facial exercises soon. Thanks! cheers^^