Here I want to think a little about the fear of some persons to hear such words like buddhism, islam, new age, krishnaism, hinduism ecc ecc.
I think everybody of those who is interested in these knowledges knows about it.
For the first time I met this reaction on my practice and on only the presence of mala on my hand in my house and between my friends and relatives.
My friends began to cry that I'm a betrayer of the faith!!!
I knew about any religion only as about a subject in my study-program at the university. Nothing more.
What faith could I betray?
"I'm orthodox!" cryed an other friend. "I will never repeat these false words!"(mantra)
Good. Don't repeat them. Repeat "Pater noster" You have aches? I want to help you. You have only do this relaxation and breathing. What faith do you want to betray?
The ideas become more clear in their heads after the pains go away.
Today nobody tells me stupidities. All use mantras, mudras, breathing and prayers.
Do you remember what needed christian God to convinct Jews to have him as a god? Poor God. (Old Testament) Obstinate Jews wanted to рфму proofs every step. :)))
Human being understands something only if sees it for his eyes.
I see, that many important scientists try to put in our heads the eternal Wisdom, but they never say you, they are speaking about sufi-practices or about buddhism practices or yoga (beh... yoga maybe, we are not so afraid of this word more). They say: this exercises work for you, do it. And people begin maybe to do these exercises.
And when you read about this doctor (because you think: but these are exercises of yoga!), you learn that he is an important sufij ( I don't know how to write the word, help me, if you know) and practices about 30 years.
I don't understand where comes this great fear of the words that are bound with "other" religions. Is it something that comes from crusades?
Search This Blog
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I'm a newest Postie...
Finally it's happend. Today I'm a newest Postie in Pay Per Post company.

I'm very happy about it because it represents a new step on the way to create me a working place, a job, my own business maybe one day.
I knew about PPP many month ago, when I wanted to begin this job. I read about it by other bloggers. I don't remember today, where it was, but one of them was probably Problogger I read very often in that period to learn how to blog. Do you have a blog? asked those bloggers. Why do not get paid to blog? There were not so many possibilities at that time maybe or I did not know about them else. I was a new blogger and my blog "Diary" was new too.
I opend the site of PPP and it was so fashinating! I like this type of sites. Pics and colours just a little childish, you know, so that you have a wish to stay here. As for me, when the site is too serious it's somewhat repulsive, but when it has to much of those picks "for children" (poor children) it is worse. And here everything was so clear, so simple to understand. I submited my blog ... and was rejected.
Because your blog has to be at least 90 days old.
In these weeks I had many friends that write about PPP. They really spreay love and passion for it. So I decided to submit this blog and to see what will happen. Imagin, a day later my blog was approved. I'm very glad, as I said. I needed it.
The task I do now contains a question: What are you going to do with all the money you earn!?!?!?! So much money I will earn to make me this question? Good. Because my blog-friends make me the same quetion, I'll answer it here, in this post.
I live in a place where there is not job. Specially for older persons as me. Specially for women. Specially for foreigners. And I am all this in one. As all us I have grave problems and I need a job. To survive.
No, I'm not pessimistic, I'm realistic.
Second. I'm an ex-teacher and the only thing I know to do is writing. So, why to change profession at my age if I can do what I know?
Last. I like surfing internet, learning many new things and I like blogging. Hope you can see it in my blogs.
Are all these not good reasons to signup in
I'm very happy about it because it represents a new step on the way to create me a working place, a job, my own business maybe one day.
I knew about PPP many month ago, when I wanted to begin this job. I read about it by other bloggers. I don't remember today, where it was, but one of them was probably Problogger I read very often in that period to learn how to blog. Do you have a blog? asked those bloggers. Why do not get paid to blog? There were not so many possibilities at that time maybe or I did not know about them else. I was a new blogger and my blog "Diary" was new too.
I opend the site of PPP and it was so fashinating! I like this type of sites. Pics and colours just a little childish, you know, so that you have a wish to stay here. As for me, when the site is too serious it's somewhat repulsive, but when it has to much of those picks "for children" (poor children) it is worse. And here everything was so clear, so simple to understand. I submited my blog ... and was rejected.
Because your blog has to be at least 90 days old.
In these weeks I had many friends that write about PPP. They really spreay love and passion for it. So I decided to submit this blog and to see what will happen. Imagin, a day later my blog was approved. I'm very glad, as I said. I needed it.
The task I do now contains a question: What are you going to do with all the money you earn!?!?!?! So much money I will earn to make me this question? Good. Because my blog-friends make me the same quetion, I'll answer it here, in this post.
I live in a place where there is not job. Specially for older persons as me. Specially for women. Specially for foreigners. And I am all this in one. As all us I have grave problems and I need a job. To survive.
No, I'm not pessimistic, I'm realistic.
Second. I'm an ex-teacher and the only thing I know to do is writing. So, why to change profession at my age if I can do what I know?
Last. I like surfing internet, learning many new things and I like blogging. Hope you can see it in my blogs.
Are all these not good reasons to signup in
Geshe Jampa Gyatso passed away this morning
The notice I had some minutes ago says (in italian):
Quando ricevemmo la notizia del ricovero era in corso, in Istituto, la recitazione continua di 24 ore del Sutra di lunga vita (avevamo iniziato alle 16 di sabato). Questa notizia ci ha spronati ulteriormente, molta gente si è unita al gruppo, il gompa era splendido e alla fine della recitazione ci era stato detto che la salute di Geshe-la era, di fatto, notevolmente migliorata. Infatti, persone che lo avevano visto sabato pomeriggio si erano un po’ sollevate e avevano comunicato che il suo aspetto era migliorato e che respirava con più facilità e aveva dormito meglio rispetto ai giorni scorsi. Tuttavia, domenica notte non era riuscito a dormire a causa delle difficoltà nel respirare, ma a nessuno era sembrato, nemmeno ai medici, che la sua vita fosse in pericolo. Verso le 2.20 si sedette in posizione di meditazione, immobile (perfino quando i tibetani lo stavano vestendo). Verso le 3.40 ha cessato di respirare.
Hope our prayers will help him in bardo and he can reach Enlightenment and turn back as Buddha to assist all us and to continue to teach us.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Divine chaos
This verses I found now in the Nacked Dharma where it's posted here:
It's Your Choice
I liked that "life is divine chaos".
But the most important for the real life is "forgive yourself".
Do you know to forgive yourself?
It's Your Choice

But the most important for the real life is "forgive yourself".
Do you know to forgive yourself?
Saturday, November 24, 2007
More about relaxation and healing trouble techniques
It's true maybe, that when you look for something that is important in your life -not from your but from "cosmic" intentions (Till today I don't know how to name this to be accepted by all points of view)- the informations will come to you from very incredible parts.
All you know -and I become just noisy with this my idea fix- that I tryed to understand what is necessary to do to make the persons more happy.
In the last posts I told you about techniques of positive thinking, that are not very good interpreted by many of them hat practice them. Today, in the blog Yang Town I found a post How to Let Go of an Emotional Trauma that tells about other interpretation of this technique. The name is Tapas Acupressure Technique and is the great mix of 7-point prayer, marma points and positive thinking sentences.
First of all, The marma points here are not massaged but only touched.
Sincerely, I feel bad when I massage some marma points that are recomended to all as preventive and not dangerous.
From my experience I can confirm, the 7 point prayer is very effective.
Than I liked the 7-point prayer here. Hope the author will forgive me that I copy it.
Attention! These are only sentences.For the technique visit the link over.
The healing I am about to do will also benefit all of my ancestors, my family, everyone involved, all parts of myself and all points of view I have ever held.
Step 1 - The Problem: This happened.
Step 2 - The Opposite of the Problem: This happened, it's over and I'm okay. I can relax now.
Step 3 - The Places: All the places in my mind, body and life where this has been stored are healing now.
Step 4 - The Origins: All the origins of this are healing now.
Step 5 - Forgiveness Part 1: I apologize to everyone I hurt related to this and wish them love, happiness and peace.
Forgiveness Part 2: I forgive everyone who hurt me related to this and wish them love, happiness and peace.
Step 5 - Forgiveness Part 3: I forgive everyone I blamed for this, including God and myself.
Step 6 - Parts: All the parts of me that got something from this are healing now.Step 7 - Whatever's Left: Whatever’s left about this is healing now.
Step 8 - Choosing: I choose ________. Fill in the blank with a statement of how you want to feel or any positive outcome that you want. Make sure it's positive such as "I choose to feel love towards my parents," and not "I choose to forget all the pain my parents caused me."
Step 9 - Integration: This healing is completely integrated now.
Step 10 - Gratitude: Simply give thanks to God, life, source energy etc. for the healing that has taken place.
All you know -and I become just noisy with this my idea fix- that I tryed to understand what is necessary to do to make the persons more happy.
In the last posts I told you about techniques of positive thinking, that are not very good interpreted by many of them hat practice them. Today, in the blog Yang Town I found a post How to Let Go of an Emotional Trauma that tells about other interpretation of this technique. The name is Tapas Acupressure Technique and is the great mix of 7-point prayer, marma points and positive thinking sentences.
First of all, The marma points here are not massaged but only touched.
Sincerely, I feel bad when I massage some marma points that are recomended to all as preventive and not dangerous.
From my experience I can confirm, the 7 point prayer is very effective.
Than I liked the 7-point prayer here. Hope the author will forgive me that I copy it.
Attention! These are only sentences.For the technique visit the link over.
The healing I am about to do will also benefit all of my ancestors, my family, everyone involved, all parts of myself and all points of view I have ever held.
Step 1 - The Problem: This happened.
Step 2 - The Opposite of the Problem: This happened, it's over and I'm okay. I can relax now.
Step 3 - The Places: All the places in my mind, body and life where this has been stored are healing now.
Step 4 - The Origins: All the origins of this are healing now.
Step 5 - Forgiveness Part 1: I apologize to everyone I hurt related to this and wish them love, happiness and peace.
Forgiveness Part 2: I forgive everyone who hurt me related to this and wish them love, happiness and peace.
Step 5 - Forgiveness Part 3: I forgive everyone I blamed for this, including God and myself.
Step 6 - Parts: All the parts of me that got something from this are healing now.Step 7 - Whatever's Left: Whatever’s left about this is healing now.
Step 8 - Choosing: I choose ________. Fill in the blank with a statement of how you want to feel or any positive outcome that you want. Make sure it's positive such as "I choose to feel love towards my parents," and not "I choose to forget all the pain my parents caused me."
Step 9 - Integration: This healing is completely integrated now.
Step 10 - Gratitude: Simply give thanks to God, life, source energy etc. for the healing that has taken place.
How to do,
Relaxation and meditation timers
Time ago when I looked for meditation timer I could not find it. Later, surfing the web I found the timer of Berkeleymonastery and I use it. For those who looks for these timers today I post here my "collection"
This timer I found in this interesting blog
Relaxation & Meditation Timer and you can use it opening this page
I wrote that I prefere the timer of
but logically everybody has to choose what is more good for him/her and that is why I post all timers I know.
Other 2 you'll find here:
This timer I found in this interesting blog
Relaxation & Meditation Timer and you can use it opening this page

but logically everybody has to choose what is more good for him/her and that is why I post all timers I know.
Other 2 you'll find here:
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Raja Yoga Meditation for positive thinking
As you know, I'm very interested now to find a receipe for happy life.
Not becase I'm so unhappy, I'm unhappy in the same way as all of us.
I want to find this receipe because I see too many negativities around me.
To give you the most evident example I remember you the persons that take a gun and shoot their family, friends. I ask you: can a happy person do it? Can this state of soul be created from one day to other? No.
We spoke about positive thinking too (see Related posts on the bottom of this).
We said, positive thinking is something very hard to reach and maintain.
But it's unpossible to live without it.
Why does positive thinking not work in many cases?
Because we point on mistaken aims. We have not to begin with "I'm milioner". This is not the root of our problem. You have to post many "Why's" to find the root.
Here I want to tell you about Raja Yoga Meditation site's advises for the morning. Note the difference .
every morning when you wake up repeat
Not becase I'm so unhappy, I'm unhappy in the same way as all of us.
I want to find this receipe because I see too many negativities around me.
To give you the most evident example I remember you the persons that take a gun and shoot their family, friends. I ask you: can a happy person do it? Can this state of soul be created from one day to other? No.
We spoke about positive thinking too (see Related posts on the bottom of this).
We said, positive thinking is something very hard to reach and maintain.
But it's unpossible to live without it.
Why does positive thinking not work in many cases?
Because we point on mistaken aims. We have not to begin with "I'm milioner". This is not the root of our problem. You have to post many "Why's" to find the root.
Here I want to tell you about Raja Yoga Meditation site's advises for the morning. Note the difference .
every morning when you wake up repeat
I am a peaceful soul,
my aim today is to radiate peace
to every person that I come into contact with.
my aim today is to radiate peace
to every person that I come into contact with.
And then for 15 minutes this text
(Try to experience the stillness of mind of being a peaceful soul as other thoughts emerge in the mind do not judge or focus on them but repeat)
............ I am a peaceful soul
............. I am a peaceful soul
............ My mind is filled with peace
.............. I radiate peace to the world
............... I feel the gentle waves of peace flowing across my mind
........... As these peaceful thoughts emerge in my mind
I feel the stillness and silence envelopes my mind
................. I am the peaceful soul
...... I am a peaceful loving soul
............ My mind feels light and free from worries
........... I realize my real nature is peace
.......... Peaceful thoughts flow through the mind and I feel the self becoming light
...................... I am a being of light shining like a star
....................... I radiate peace and light to the world
...................... The light and peace envelopes me and the waves of peace
and light shine like a lighthouse
I did this practice too. For 40 days I repeated the thoughts of positive thinking according to my state of soul. I can confirm: it works.
Related links:
Where to find joy in the modern life
About happyness and positive thinking
"Positive thinking" or "joy of the life"
Emotional mistreatment -"bad" chief, parents, friends
How to do?-Everyday meditation for everybody and disrespect and emotional mistreatment
these 2 last posts contain explanations of the technique described here as Raja Yoga Meditation but seen by other schools
............ I am a peaceful soul
............. I am a peaceful soul
............ My mind is filled with peace
.............. I radiate peace to the world
............... I feel the gentle waves of peace flowing across my mind
........... As these peaceful thoughts emerge in my mind
I feel the stillness and silence envelopes my mind
................. I am the peaceful soul
...... I am a peaceful loving soul
............ My mind feels light and free from worries
........... I realize my real nature is peace
.......... Peaceful thoughts flow through the mind and I feel the self becoming light
...................... I am a being of light shining like a star
....................... I radiate peace and light to the world
...................... The light and peace envelopes me and the waves of peace
and light shine like a lighthouse
I did this practice too. For 40 days I repeated the thoughts of positive thinking according to my state of soul. I can confirm: it works.
Related links:
Where to find joy in the modern life
About happyness and positive thinking
"Positive thinking" or "joy of the life"
Emotional mistreatment -"bad" chief, parents, friends
How to do?-Everyday meditation for everybody and disrespect and emotional mistreatment
these 2 last posts contain explanations of the technique described here as Raja Yoga Meditation but seen by other schools
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Steven Seagal is now honorary freeman of Kalmykia
In this life Steven Seagal is so courageous to sing justice and eternal valuables. There are not so many persons that have this courage. That is why I love him.
“Try to find the path of least resistance and use it without harming others. Live with integrity and morality, not only with people but with all beings.”
“It doesn't work if the bad guys kill his mother's uncle's friend's neighbor's pet dog. You've got to make the stakes high.”
The today notice is that Kalmykia announced him it's honorary freeman for his contribution to the popularization of buddhismus. (and in the moment he was there for his Path, not for the award)
He earned his black belt in aikido, karate, judo, and kendo.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Adveritsing with photos
Click on the photo to pass to the site:
Advertising with photos.
If you like it, write to me and send me your photo and your address.
Want to try?
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Frozen words or emotions?
It is the water crystal which showed Indian greetings, a letter of "NAMASTE".

This year, I could name it the year of disputes about the force of the words. There were different theories about it.
One said, the word is only a sound and has no significance. If a duch man says smiling bad words to a man from Philippine, this last don't understands these words as bad words.
Other said, the words have their energy, positive or negative, you can't undestand what shamans say, for example, but their words work -understand you or not. From other side, you don't need to understand mantra. That meens there are generally healing, "good" vibrations and generally "bad" vibrations.
I didn't know anything about the research of Doctor Masaru Emoto. He makes photos of cristals of water and does it for many years. He says the cristals of good words are more beautiful as those of bad words. If the water "hears" good and bad word at the same time, the cristal will be that of good word. Doctor Emoto dimostrates, water transports natural vibrations and this can help us to live more happy lives.
Sincerely I did not understand good, how he does it, for me is interesting that pronouncing good words creates beautiful forms. This meens that sound transports your feeling, emotion, energy. But there are generally creating or distructive sounds....
This year, I could name it the year of disputes about the force of the words. There were different theories about it.
One said, the word is only a sound and has no significance. If a duch man says smiling bad words to a man from Philippine, this last don't understands these words as bad words.
Other said, the words have their energy, positive or negative, you can't undestand what shamans say, for example, but their words work -understand you or not. From other side, you don't need to understand mantra. That meens there are generally healing, "good" vibrations and generally "bad" vibrations.
I didn't know anything about the research of Doctor Masaru Emoto. He makes photos of cristals of water and does it for many years. He says the cristals of good words are more beautiful as those of bad words. If the water "hears" good and bad word at the same time, the cristal will be that of good word. Doctor Emoto dimostrates, water transports natural vibrations and this can help us to live more happy lives.
Sincerely I did not understand good, how he does it, for me is interesting that pronouncing good words creates beautiful forms. This meens that sound transports your feeling, emotion, energy. But there are generally creating or distructive sounds....
Hosted shopping cart software
For those who wants to create his/her own online shop or renew an existant but not very successful one there is a very interesting solution. Ashop Commerce, one of the leading companies in the niche offers you shopping cart software.
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All shopping carts are optimized for search engines and they give you the best possibilities and advises that your eshop reaches high ranking in it's niche.
You can create an unique look for your shop with easy design creator, and with the questions you have to answer, the team helps you to explore your psychological preferences.
This ecommerce solution is integrated with all major banks and PayPal.
And finally you don't need great money. With small monthly rates this shopping cart software is affordable for everybody.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Toughts about Feng Shui
First of all learn some info about it:
Feng Shui = "wind-water"
The qi that rides the wind stops at the boundary of water.
finds correlations between humans and the universe
understanding the relationships between nature and ourselves
living with rather than against nature
our lives are deeply affected by our physical and emotional environs
If we surround ourselves with symbols of death, contempt, and indifference toward life and nature, with noise and various forms of ugliness, we will corrupt ourselves in the process. If we surround ourselves with beauty, gentleness, kindness, sympathy, music, and with various expressions of the sweetness of life, we ennoble ourselves as well as our environment.
In short, feng shui has become an aspect of interior decorating in the Western world
Now, here I wanted to remember some recent stories and comments written by different bloggers.
Why Feng Shui souvenirs help really to reach what they promise?
What happend with you when you buy and put the talisman in your house or whatever? To buy it meens that you believe in it. This is too different culture for westerners that you buy it or accept it and bring in your house without believe in it, maybe only in the verz depth of your soul.
It meens that you produce different energy. You believe in the help of this talisman and your attitude towards the life.
Second is about quote in italic:
It's our reality -our life is full of erroneous symbols. Symbols of death, violence, abuses ecc. If those symbols are not so, they are generally negative for most, normal persons. Normally middle, little person can't reach those symbols, those quantities of money -and...
I have 46 years and maybe I lose all rose dreams. I would prefere to remain with feet on the ground and good life according to the possibilities I have and can have.
Or no?
Feng Shui = "wind-water"
The qi that rides the wind stops at the boundary of water.
finds correlations between humans and the universe
understanding the relationships between nature and ourselves
living with rather than against nature
our lives are deeply affected by our physical and emotional environs
If we surround ourselves with symbols of death, contempt, and indifference toward life and nature, with noise and various forms of ugliness, we will corrupt ourselves in the process. If we surround ourselves with beauty, gentleness, kindness, sympathy, music, and with various expressions of the sweetness of life, we ennoble ourselves as well as our environment.
In short, feng shui has become an aspect of interior decorating in the Western world
Now, here I wanted to remember some recent stories and comments written by different bloggers.
Why Feng Shui souvenirs help really to reach what they promise?
What happend with you when you buy and put the talisman in your house or whatever? To buy it meens that you believe in it. This is too different culture for westerners that you buy it or accept it and bring in your house without believe in it, maybe only in the verz depth of your soul.
It meens that you produce different energy. You believe in the help of this talisman and your attitude towards the life.
Second is about quote in italic:
It's our reality -our life is full of erroneous symbols. Symbols of death, violence, abuses ecc. If those symbols are not so, they are generally negative for most, normal persons. Normally middle, little person can't reach those symbols, those quantities of money -and...
I have 46 years and maybe I lose all rose dreams. I would prefere to remain with feet on the ground and good life according to the possibilities I have and can have.
Or no?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Feng Shui in Sochi
When I went to Russia this summer, I found infinite displays with many feng shui souvenirs there. Than in Sochi, I went for a walk in my favourite street and found a little specialized shop there.
I'm very slow, when I have to chose something for me, specially if it's completely unknown object, so you can see me many days going around it.
In this case I was really very slow. I liked these things, I passed different times by, but I did not buy there. You know how are the negotiants. Specially in Russia it is a problem for me. After 5 minutes when I enter in a shop there is a body guard near me showing me that I have to buy or to go out. Even if I buy, the guard don't goes away. Seems I have the face of a thief
The lady in this shop was very different: she did not say anything to me, I could stay in the shop for hours and if I asked about something, she told me about it with so great passion that I began to see this new thing with other eyes. So at the end I bought what I need more (talismans for great wealth, of course), and imagin, when I came home the site for paid posts raised my rate! ;)))
So when I came this time to Sochi, I went to this lady and offered her to write about her and post her photos. You know, a person that is so passionate in something provokes always great respect. I asked her to write me her name ... and was shocked. Do you know Who is she? One moment, I'll translate for you:
Rudus Svetlana, international feng shui forum's consultant, pupil and disciple of Raimond Lo and Steven Skinner, expert of Feng Shui
Oh yes, I'm a great expert in many things too. If you ask me about gardening, flowers or Buddismus I'll tell you about them for hours, but I have no one title. I learned everything myself reading books and surfing in internet. No, Buddhismus I learned in Basic Program of FPMT... But I have no titles anyway. Those are my passions without titles. :)))
More about Feng Shui I want to write next time. I learned it's about my favourite theme about positive cosmic energies... So if you have something to help me for my next post, pls write to me.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Thomas and Tai Chi
For the first time I saw him about a year ago. A strange man did very strange movements during the breaks on ritrit.
He took "interesting" poses and stroke himself in different places. And we, other persons presented nearby, laughed seeing him.
This year I knew him and his wife better. We lived in the same hotel and went together to the ritrit with their auto.
One day I cought a cold, felt bad, had headaches. During one of the breakes I saw Thomas doing the same strange things and asked him about it.
-Do so if you want your energy rise, said he.
I did everything he showed me. It was a game. But ... Till the next break I had no more headaches and felt not cold. I was not ill! I was really surprised. Incredible!
Next break I asked Thomas: what is it? -It's Tai Chi, said he.
Today I learned 2 great things from Tai Chi.
I bought a book about it and found an other solution for one of my problems. I wrote many times about it: I can't relax good enough. Practices I knew was not sufficient for me. In the book I bought I found some exercises that seem to resolve this problem.
And you know, there is written there: relaxation is not a simple thing, you have to learn it. Without it the practices can't be successful.
I agree.
He took "interesting" poses and stroke himself in different places. And we, other persons presented nearby, laughed seeing him.
This year I knew him and his wife better. We lived in the same hotel and went together to the ritrit with their auto.
One day I cought a cold, felt bad, had headaches. During one of the breakes I saw Thomas doing the same strange things and asked him about it.
-Do so if you want your energy rise, said he.
I did everything he showed me. It was a game. But ... Till the next break I had no more headaches and felt not cold. I was not ill! I was really surprised. Incredible!
Next break I asked Thomas: what is it? -It's Tai Chi, said he.
Today I learned 2 great things from Tai Chi.
I bought a book about it and found an other solution for one of my problems. I wrote many times about it: I can't relax good enough. Practices I knew was not sufficient for me. In the book I bought I found some exercises that seem to resolve this problem.
And you know, there is written there: relaxation is not a simple thing, you have to learn it. Without it the practices can't be successful.
I agree.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Ritrit with Lopon Tenzin Namdak
I said you, befor I went to my trip, that the first part of it has to be very pleasant, because I had to go to ritrit with Lopon Tenzin Namdak and Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche.
Once I told you about the lineage I try to follow and those are the most important Teachers in Europe, I think. And Lopon -in general. He has 82 years and it's a great fortune, that he has a wish to continue his work and to help us, westerners.
First of all this ritrit was in a splendid place near the lake of Mergozzo (maybe you heared about Lago Maggiore in Italy)
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Sincerely, I like to read reviews of sites and programs. Not only for my time. I find interesting info in them about the question I study and avoid great problem to learn something with my mistakes. Maybe it's good, but I don't like it, confess.
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Every review page contains detailed descriptions of the casino-site, where you find player opinions, short comments about the bestsides of this casino and even contact information in different countries. You can vote yourself to explain your opinion too.
Listed games contain the description and the list of casinos where it is available. In the description you find some important advises too. If you are new in this world you can make your choise.
Online Casino reviews presents casinos available for players all over the world.
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