This year, I could name it the year of disputes about the force of the words. There were different theories about it.
One said, the word is only a sound and has no significance. If a duch man says smiling bad words to a man from Philippine, this last don't understands these words as bad words.
Other said, the words have their energy, positive or negative, you can't undestand what shamans say, for example, but their words work -understand you or not. From other side, you don't need to understand mantra. That meens there are generally healing, "good" vibrations and generally "bad" vibrations.
I didn't know anything about the research of Doctor Masaru Emoto. He makes photos of cristals of water and does it for many years. He says the cristals of good words are more beautiful as those of bad words. If the water "hears" good and bad word at the same time, the cristal will be that of good word. Doctor Emoto dimostrates, water transports natural vibrations and this can help us to live more happy lives.
Sincerely I did not understand good, how he does it, for me is interesting that pronouncing good words creates beautiful forms. This meens that sound transports your feeling, emotion, energy. But there are generally creating or distructive sounds....
The English have a slang word that can be good or bad. It is "bollocks".
ReplyDeleteThis word has several meanings, but can be a good thing when spoken in the context of:
"Did you see the show last night? It was the dogs bollocks!"
...meaning it was very good.
Or a bad thing when it is used as an oath "Oh, bollocks!" meaning Oh dear me (or worse depending on the inflection given!)
It is even stranger when people get angry when someone utters a word such as "f***!", yet they don't mind it they say "bugger!"
The former is considered very bad, yet the latter, whose true meaning is considerably worse than the former, is considered a "soft" oath.
In Spanish it is even stranger. Their words "¡joder!" which means "oh, f***!" and "¡coño!" which means "c***!" or "sh**!" yet they are spoken in normal speech and on television at any time. Yet they treat the word "gilipollas" as very bad, but it translates into English as nothing worse than "dick head".
All very strange.
But in the end, who really cares? We are merely human and our spoken language is simply our ability to phrase what we mean or intend or it allows us to tell lies.
Our body language is much more powerful, yet so few people can read or understand it - yet it transcends all spoken language!
Yes Liud everyone has a common language that is of love but on sitution compel us to use bad language. It is autometic and depends on state of mind.
ReplyDeleteI'm agree with you about the common language.
ReplyDelete"Bad" word is bad for you if you accept it as meening bad and offending you.
But what about sciamanic incantations and healing mantras and prays? Is it intention of the healer that works?