When I went to Russia this summer, I found infinite displays with many feng shui souvenirs there. Than in Sochi, I went for a walk in my favourite street and found a little specialized shop there.
I'm very slow, when I have to chose something for me, specially if it's completely unknown object, so you can see me many days going around it.
In this case I was really very slow. I liked these things, I passed different times by, but I did not buy there. You know how are the negotiants. Specially in Russia it is a problem for me. After 5 minutes when I enter in a shop there is a body guard near me showing me that I have to buy or to go out. Even if I buy, the guard don't goes away. Seems I have the face of a thief
The lady in this shop was very different: she did not say anything to me, I could stay in the shop for hours and if I asked about something, she told me about it with so great passion that I began to see this new thing with other eyes. So at the end I bought what I need more (talismans for great wealth, of course), and imagin, when I came home the site for paid posts raised my rate! ;)))
So when I came this time to Sochi, I went to this lady and offered her to write about her and post her photos. You know, a person that is so passionate in something provokes always great respect. I asked her to write me her name ... and was shocked. Do you know Who is she? One moment, I'll translate for you:
Rudus Svetlana, international feng shui forum's consultant, pupil and disciple of Raimond Lo and Steven Skinner, expert of Feng Shui
Oh yes, I'm a great expert in many things too. If you ask me about gardening, flowers or Buddismus I'll tell you about them for hours, but I have no one title. I learned everything myself reading books and surfing in internet. No, Buddhismus I learned in Basic Program of FPMT... But I have no titles anyway. Those are my passions without titles. :)))
More about Feng Shui I want to write next time. I learned it's about my favourite theme about positive cosmic energies... So if you have something to help me for my next post, pls write to me.
I agree that using techniques of Feng Shui can alter your fortunes. There are many changes I've mase in the house that have brought about changes for the better
Again, I was surprised. Didn't know there is a Feng Shui shop in Russia. There are many here. And i do see you have the correct number of fish in your aquarium =9. Before, you have only 8.
ReplyDeleteIt was because I remembered the number 8, but not remembered what was that 8 and the colours too. I asked abot it this lady and she explained me, so when I came back I changed the number and colour.
Liudmila, I have linked this post with mine at http://dragondescendants.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteThank you,footiam, you are always soo nice! I'll read it now,I'm very interested in your opinions.