This evening I read very beautiful overview of some sutras where Buddha explains impermanence. Because some friends-bloggers began to discuss this theme, I try to tell here main thoughts of this overview. Maybe they will be interesting for somebody too.
All his life Buddha
(Shakyamuni -because there is infinite quantity of buddhas and everybody of us will reach one day this state too)
told to his followers about impermanence. Even his last thought was about it. Why is this concept so important? Because who understands impermanence understands suffering and emptiness of "I", liberate himself from suffering and becomes Illuminate.
You don't need anything to practice, says Buddha. All you need is your body.
For example you have a pleasant sensation. This sensation has to appeare from a cause. What is this cause? It's your body.
But your body is something composed, impermanent, conditioned by many things.
Can that pleasant sensation be permanent if it appears from that impermanent ecc cause?
Manifestations of physical, corporal sensations are all manifestations of impermanence.
All manifestations are composite, all originate from causes and because of it all are doomed not to last, to pass, to disappear. You know it for your own experience. A pleasant sensation never last forever. It arises for some cause and disappears for this reason.
Every existant thingis impermanent. Observe it and you will keep away from suffer.
There is the only fixed condition, the only invariabile fact, the only fixed law:
all physical and mental formations are impermanent, subjected to suffering and without essence (substance).
Nobody can control this phenomena and every desire of control is suffering.
What to do?
Accept it.
Be open to the changes.
Practice 1:
Observe a phenomena. How it arises, passes and disappears.
Practice 2:
Your eye ( ... ) is impermanent.
Everything impermanent is not satisfactory.
Everything is not satisfactory, has not substance.
Everything that has not substance can't be "my", "I"
And when you prove in this way with your own experience, you will lose passion for your body ecc, and you will become free from them.
Texts used for overview:
Maha-Satjpatthana Suttanta
Bahiya Sutta
Brahamajala Suttanta
and others
Related post:
The Doctrine of Impermanence
Search This Blog
Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Where to find joy in the modern life
This post is not about religions and other difficult things. But I need some sentences with "embarrassing" words to introduce the theme.
Maybe you will not believe me, but I had great controversies with different persons from different nations, that practice buddhismus, discussing it. Joy is one of the most important demands for a practicioner, I said. Texts say, you will have more realizations if you practice with joy, I said. But -as always and you are accustomed of it too- I forgot, where I read about it. I have this sort of memory: I remember the content, but I don't remember the author or the title.
Yesterday I was very sad and in anxiety, could not do anything and decided to make a catalog of buddhists text I have, those I learned in the ILTK.
I opend "The Precious Garland" by Abbot Dragpa Ghieltsen to write summary... and began to read it. This text is a comment to "Bodhisattvacharyavatara" (Shantideva) -one of the very important texts speaking about actions of a Bodhisattva (once, I think, Dalai Lama said, this is the most important book in his life).
Bodhisattva is a person with many precious qualities. Every Bodhisattva has to reach different Perfections (from 6 to 10) to become Buddha.
What is interesting for me this time: one of these Perfections is Joy.
"the fulfilment of the aim of every action is possible with joyful effort"
"It's unpossible that concentration can appear in a lazy person, you have to generate joyful effort day and night."
"joyful effort of the non-indolence is reached through the help to others"
"method to increase virtue is joyful effort"
Maybe you will not believe me, but I had great controversies with different persons from different nations, that practice buddhismus, discussing it. Joy is one of the most important demands for a practicioner, I said. Texts say, you will have more realizations if you practice with joy, I said. But -as always and you are accustomed of it too- I forgot, where I read about it. I have this sort of memory: I remember the content, but I don't remember the author or the title.
Yesterday I was very sad and in anxiety, could not do anything and decided to make a catalog of buddhists text I have, those I learned in the ILTK.
I opend "The Precious Garland" by Abbot Dragpa Ghieltsen to write summary... and began to read it. This text is a comment to "Bodhisattvacharyavatara" (Shantideva) -one of the very important texts speaking about actions of a Bodhisattva (once, I think, Dalai Lama said, this is the most important book in his life).
Bodhisattva is a person with many precious qualities. Every Bodhisattva has to reach different Perfections (from 6 to 10) to become Buddha.
What is interesting for me this time: one of these Perfections is Joy.
"the fulfilment of the aim of every action is possible with joyful effort"
"It's unpossible that concentration can appear in a lazy person, you have to generate joyful effort day and night."
"joyful effort of the non-indolence is reached through the help to others"
"method to increase virtue is joyful effort"
In this world, wild and mad elephants
are not able to make damage
similar to the most deep infernal sufferings
caused by the rabid elephant of my mind. (5.3)
...all types of enemies
will be curbed
by only subdue of my mind... (5.5)
are not able to make damage
similar to the most deep infernal sufferings
caused by the rabid elephant of my mind. (5.3)
...all types of enemies
will be curbed
by only subdue of my mind... (5.5)
"... has to supervise own mind to avoid that it turns to the mistaken objects"
"... all those manifestations are only produced by the negative mind..."
All these quotations are very good, will say somebody, but the life is something where the joy is rare thing. Go out in the street -you will find mostly sad, indifferent, wicked persons. Specially in great cities. Try to smile to every person you meet in the street.
You are right. Unfortunatelly our existance is mostly infernal. And more we follow our negative mind more deep is our hell. And one day we understand that we become negative person. Always negative. And, the "best", we don't want to change.
First I read in on place that to become positive we have to exercise us remembering positive feelings.
For example. Look at the joy your body feels when you begin to wash yourself. Look at the joyful feeling your body has when after working day it touches the soft sheet. ecc.
You know, it's really iteresting. Personally I had never noticed these peculiarities. The joy of my skin after bath... ( photo)

And than I found one site of the followers of Thich Nhat Hanh (there are many sites) and different practices always full of joy there. Every movement is for him a meditation, every movement is the occasion to be happy.
As example I copy here his Tea meditation. No, think about it: tea time as meditation. Because meditation for him is joy -just as all texts want it.
Related links:
Raja Yoga Meditation for positive thinking
About happyness and positive thinking
"Positive thinking" or "joy of the life"
Emotional mistreatment -"bad" chief, parents, friends
How to do?-Everyday meditation for everybody and disrespect and emotional mistreatment
Satipatthana sutta -Thich Nhat Hanh ( italian )
All these quotations are very good, will say somebody, but the life is something where the joy is rare thing. Go out in the street -you will find mostly sad, indifferent, wicked persons. Specially in great cities. Try to smile to every person you meet in the street.
You are right. Unfortunatelly our existance is mostly infernal. And more we follow our negative mind more deep is our hell. And one day we understand that we become negative person. Always negative. And, the "best", we don't want to change.
First I read in on place that to become positive we have to exercise us remembering positive feelings.
For example. Look at the joy your body feels when you begin to wash yourself. Look at the joyful feeling your body has when after working day it touches the soft sheet. ecc.
You know, it's really iteresting. Personally I had never noticed these peculiarities. The joy of my skin after bath... ( photo)
And than I found one site of the followers of Thich Nhat Hanh (there are many sites) and different practices always full of joy there. Every movement is for him a meditation, every movement is the occasion to be happy.
As example I copy here his Tea meditation. No, think about it: tea time as meditation. Because meditation for him is joy -just as all texts want it.
Tea meditation is a time to be with the Sangha (group of followers) in a joyful and serene atmosphere. Just to enjoy our tea together is enough. It is like a “good news” occasion, when we share our joy and happiness in being together.Than I was interested to read other practices (on the left of that page). It was really great reading for my research: where we have to find joy in the modern life.
Related links:
Raja Yoga Meditation for positive thinking
About happyness and positive thinking
"Positive thinking" or "joy of the life"
Emotional mistreatment -"bad" chief, parents, friends
How to do?-Everyday meditation for everybody and disrespect and emotional mistreatment
Satipatthana sutta -Thich Nhat Hanh ( italian )
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Benefits of meditation about death
We know, everybody will die. There is nothing and nobody in this world that will remain here forever. There were many persons that did all they could to reach the point of eternal life -pharaons, Chingis Chan, Chinese Emperors and many-many others, but the death came to all of them. Today we know about them from those their trials to win the death.
Nothing to do, one day we will leave this world too. ONE DAY.
This is an other very important preparative practice in Buddhismus, that says: remember the death.
Some persons think: it's too brutal usage, to pretend that I think about my death. But it's not true. Because those persons don't know WHAT it means. I want to write here about this moment today.
My sourse is "Lam-Rim" by Lama Tzong Khapa, but the same explanations you will find in any other "related" Teaching. Different schools of Buddhism, Bon ecc.
So, as said, we are conscious, that we are mortal. One day I'll die. ONE DAY. But not today, surely. Next day we think too: Yes, I'm mortal, but I'll die maybe later, not today.
All our life we plan this and that, think about what we have to do today and tomorrow. We create sufferings to other beings, we go forward without thinking about beings we meet on the way. If we understand that we've made something bad we think: well, I'll ask him excuses tomorrow. But tomorrow we have not time, we are angry or what else...
In this way we create mostly bad, negative actions in our life.
Some of us wants to dedicate ourselves to Dharma (read: positive living). Yes, I'll practice the paramitas, I'll study texts, I'll take the votes. No, today not. Today I have to do many things, but from tomorrow I'll begin with the Teaching. Ah, no, tomorrow I have a party, we have to go to my mother-in-low, we have to buy gifts. Well, after these holidays.
But if we think about it, we can understand: the life of an human being is very fragile. There are incredible things and situations that can kill us in every moment. One slips on the wet stone-floor, other falls from the stairs or ledder, the driver in the other car was too distracted -continue the list, it's infinite.
The main idea is:
we can die in every next moment. There is nobody and nothing that can assure us, that we will be alive till tomorrow. We can't extend our life and it becomes shorter and shorter.
If we remember that it is possible, we will not wait till tomorrow to caress our child, to kiss the wife, to make excuses to those we have offended.
If we remember about our death, maybe we will not kill that spider or butterfly because it's life is more short as ours. Very-very short life. Maybe only some hours. And I don't give it even these some poor hours of life, I kill it!
This thought about the possibility to die in the next moment wants to explain us that we have not time to do good things later. We have to do them now.
And in the moment of our death nobody and nothing can help us. We can't take money with us, we can't take things. We can't take our friends or relatives.
We will be alown there, only with our mind, our consciousness about good or bad things we've done.
And maybe the good memory of our existance will help us, the memory about lives we have saved, the memory about good, positive emotions we gave to our relatives, to completely fremd persons or animals or plants (I'm sure they have souls too).
So, this is the meaning of the meditation on the death.
-it's the only thing that is true in this world
-nobody and nothing can give you an insurance that you will not die in the next moment
-in the moment of the death only Drahma can be useful for you
And now you have to make your decision.
Nothing to do, one day we will leave this world too. ONE DAY.
This is an other very important preparative practice in Buddhismus, that says: remember the death.
Some persons think: it's too brutal usage, to pretend that I think about my death. But it's not true. Because those persons don't know WHAT it means. I want to write here about this moment today.
My sourse is "Lam-Rim" by Lama Tzong Khapa, but the same explanations you will find in any other "related" Teaching. Different schools of Buddhism, Bon ecc.
So, as said, we are conscious, that we are mortal. One day I'll die. ONE DAY. But not today, surely. Next day we think too: Yes, I'm mortal, but I'll die maybe later, not today.
All our life we plan this and that, think about what we have to do today and tomorrow. We create sufferings to other beings, we go forward without thinking about beings we meet on the way. If we understand that we've made something bad we think: well, I'll ask him excuses tomorrow. But tomorrow we have not time, we are angry or what else...
In this way we create mostly bad, negative actions in our life.
Some of us wants to dedicate ourselves to Dharma (read: positive living). Yes, I'll practice the paramitas, I'll study texts, I'll take the votes. No, today not. Today I have to do many things, but from tomorrow I'll begin with the Teaching. Ah, no, tomorrow I have a party, we have to go to my mother-in-low, we have to buy gifts. Well, after these holidays.
But if we think about it, we can understand: the life of an human being is very fragile. There are incredible things and situations that can kill us in every moment. One slips on the wet stone-floor, other falls from the stairs or ledder, the driver in the other car was too distracted -continue the list, it's infinite.
The main idea is:
we can die in every next moment. There is nobody and nothing that can assure us, that we will be alive till tomorrow. We can't extend our life and it becomes shorter and shorter.
If we remember that it is possible, we will not wait till tomorrow to caress our child, to kiss the wife, to make excuses to those we have offended.
If we remember about our death, maybe we will not kill that spider or butterfly because it's life is more short as ours. Very-very short life. Maybe only some hours. And I don't give it even these some poor hours of life, I kill it!
This thought about the possibility to die in the next moment wants to explain us that we have not time to do good things later. We have to do them now.
And in the moment of our death nobody and nothing can help us. We can't take money with us, we can't take things. We can't take our friends or relatives.
We will be alown there, only with our mind, our consciousness about good or bad things we've done.
And maybe the good memory of our existance will help us, the memory about lives we have saved, the memory about good, positive emotions we gave to our relatives, to completely fremd persons or animals or plants (I'm sure they have souls too).
So, this is the meaning of the meditation on the death.
-it's the only thing that is true in this world
-nobody and nothing can give you an insurance that you will not die in the next moment
-in the moment of the death only Drahma can be useful for you
And now you have to make your decision.
There are many conditions for death
but those that alow us to survive are not numerous
and even those (conditions), that alow the life, become (conditions of) death.
Hence, make treasure from Dharma
but those that alow us to survive are not numerous
and even those (conditions), that alow the life, become (conditions of) death.
Hence, make treasure from Dharma
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Healing qualities of the eggs
I told to frà Giò about my new post A Hen and an Egg
and that I have other 2 posts and photos ready to write about the life of the henhouse. Frà asked me if I know about very important qualities of an egg.
-Oh yes, everybody knows about it. An egg is full of minerals specially the yolk.
-Yes, it's true. But...
Did you know that:
-if you need only egg-white and want to eat yolk maybe some days later you can make some holes in the shell and do that the egg-white goes out -the yolk remains in the shell and will be good for other some days.
- if you boil eggs on the high fire the white will be hard and the yolk more soft;
if you boil them on the medium fire the yolk will be more hard and the white more soft.
-If you have cold and your voice is hoarse, you can drink an egg in the morning for 2-3 days
-if your eyes are red or inflamed, take very hard egg-white, add sugar and put it on the eye
2 times a year an adult person has to eat egg-shell for 3-4 weeks.
Specially at the beginning of the year.
What to do:
Wash eggs very-very attentively (better if you buy them by paesants, not in the shop). You can boil them 5 minutes too.
Clean the shells from everything, the film inside the shell too.
Dry it far from the sun
Pulverize it in a porcelain cup
Every morning take 1-3 g of this powder, add some lemon-juice and eat it during the breackfast.
Link to my friend's site:
Work at Home Ideas and Opportunities
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Atisha about Buddhism
From time to time people ask me: what I find so attractive in Buddhism? Many europeans are afraid of the words meaning for them other religions except Christian one. Normally I answer that for me Buddhism is not a religion (because I was educated in an atheist state).
It's a science of the mind.
Today I found an interesting testimony -the words of Atisha about Buddhismus
The greatest achievement is selflessness. Atisha
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.
And because I remember him, I wanted to remember to me a little text we learned by Atisha
"the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" -
where Atisha writes about 3 beings:
-who is looking for the pleasures of the everyday life for himself is a person of low capacities;
-who doesn't wants to make negative actions and renounced on the pleasures of the everyday life but is looking for the peace only for himself is a person of mediocre capacities
-those who wants to liberate others from sufferings even if he has to suffer himself for it, is the person of the high capacities.
and then, from 34. Atisha speaks about clairvoyance: all Buddha said clear: it's an important step, it's unpossible to work for the best of others without it. You have to work to reach it, but first you have to be stable in Vipassana.
from 46.: Then you have to understand Emptiness and this is Wisdom. So you have to meditate about absence of "I","myself" and this meditation is practice of Wisdom.
And finally this:
from 55.:The nature of existance of our everyday life (samsara) is conceptualization. Consequently, the elimination of conceptualization is the highest state of nirvana.
Atiśa Dipankara Shrijnana
My article: How To Analyse Emptiness Of "I"
It's a science of the mind.
Today I found an interesting testimony -the words of Atisha about Buddhismus
The greatest achievement is selflessness. Atisha
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.
And because I remember him, I wanted to remember to me a little text we learned by Atisha
"the Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment" -
where Atisha writes about 3 beings:
-who is looking for the pleasures of the everyday life for himself is a person of low capacities;
-who doesn't wants to make negative actions and renounced on the pleasures of the everyday life but is looking for the peace only for himself is a person of mediocre capacities
-those who wants to liberate others from sufferings even if he has to suffer himself for it, is the person of the high capacities.
and then, from 34. Atisha speaks about clairvoyance: all Buddha said clear: it's an important step, it's unpossible to work for the best of others without it. You have to work to reach it, but first you have to be stable in Vipassana.
from 46.: Then you have to understand Emptiness and this is Wisdom. So you have to meditate about absence of "I","myself" and this meditation is practice of Wisdom.
And finally this:
from 55.:The nature of existance of our everyday life (samsara) is conceptualization. Consequently, the elimination of conceptualization is the highest state of nirvana.
Atiśa Dipankara Shrijnana
My article: How To Analyse Emptiness Of "I"
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sleeping Buddha and energetic chanels
I looked at the persons on the photos, those praying for the statues and remembered an interview with Dalai Lama.
Do you see this little statue of Tara? -said he- Do you feel something special when you see it? No. For everybody, including the actual Dalai Lama, this statue is only a little statue. But for the V-th (I think) Dalai Lama this statue was an alive being that told him all the Teachings he had wrote later.
But I looked for the Sleeping Buddha photo to have a confirmation ... that Buddha is sleeping on the right side.
There is a little peculiarity -for those who doesn't know- why he does it in this way. To explain it we have to remember energetic chanels of human body. Two of them, precisely. Red and white, those that begin in the nostrils. Right chanel is for negative emotions, left is for positive emotions (contrary for women). Dreaming on the right side Buddha presses the chanel of negative emotions and positive emotions can circulate without disturbances. If he was a woman he would sleep on the left side. The position of the hands and legs during the meditation ( Photo here ) would be contrary too.
Water Meditation Room
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Spock search engine
It's a very interesting search engine I want to present you here. Spock alows you to find persons all over the web using different tags.
You can write your name or something you like ( I wrote "green eyes" and... imagin there were infinite models ecc with green eyes).
You can find here persons living in your city for example. I wrote Nocera ... and knew sooooo many interesting things about my city! Sincerely, I was sure this place is forgotten by the good God and that is why I mentioned it: to find the "error". But Nocera is known in the world!
I even found my russian last name and the family name of my husband there.
It was a very interesting game.
I wanted to control what I can find here if I write the word YOGA and was really surprized to see information about the persons I could not find in Google once. The first, Swami Sivananda, that I wanted to write about, was only in the sites that I did not thought interesting.
In the same way I tryed different themes I write about in this blog and you know that those are not so easy topics, but the results were always very informative and I knew many important information. Because Spock search engine is interested in persons, the results were the persons that are practicing this or that discipline. I decided to try with Bon - the teaching I follow, you know- and even here I found the persons I had never seen in other searches.
Every information you receive with this search engine, as you see, contains photos and links to the search results. You can find friends and classmates and everybody you look for.
Signing up is very easy. You need only some minutes for it. But you can use this search engine without signing too. Now I have to create my profile that you can find me by my green eyes and blond hair. :)))
You can write your name or something you like ( I wrote "green eyes" and... imagin there were infinite models ecc with green eyes).
You can find here persons living in your city for example. I wrote Nocera ... and knew sooooo many interesting things about my city! Sincerely, I was sure this place is forgotten by the good God and that is why I mentioned it: to find the "error". But Nocera is known in the world!
I even found my russian last name and the family name of my husband there.
It was a very interesting game.
I wanted to control what I can find here if I write the word YOGA and was really surprized to see information about the persons I could not find in Google once. The first, Swami Sivananda, that I wanted to write about, was only in the sites that I did not thought interesting.
Swami Sivananda')" style="display: none;" value="1" type="checkbox"> Swami Sivananda male, deceased Swami Sivananda Saraswati, was an Indian spiritual leader and a well known proponent of Yoga and Vedanta. Sivananda was born Kuppuswami in South... | |
Swami Vivekananda')" style="display: none;" value="1" type="checkbox"> Swami Vivekananda male, deceased Parliament of the World's Religions Swami Vivekananda (January 12, 1863 - July 4, 1902), whose pre-monastic name was Narendranath Dutta ("Nôrendrônath Dôt-tô"), was one of the most... | |
Paramahansa Yogananda')" style="display: none;" value="1" type="checkbox"> Paramahansa Yogananda male, deceased |
In the same way I tryed different themes I write about in this blog and you know that those are not so easy topics, but the results were always very informative and I knew many important information. Because Spock search engine is interested in persons, the results were the persons that are practicing this or that discipline. I decided to try with Bon - the teaching I follow, you know- and even here I found the persons I had never seen in other searches.
Every information you receive with this search engine, as you see, contains photos and links to the search results. You can find friends and classmates and everybody you look for.
Signing up is very easy. You need only some minutes for it. But you can use this search engine without signing too. Now I have to create my profile that you can find me by my green eyes and blond hair. :)))
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Frà Giò and nail-and-hair cure
I want to present you a new character in my blog. This is frà Giò. He is a great expert of herbs. He cultivates them in his garden and uses them to cure the persons.
Frà Giò is young and very modern. He is a sportsman and makes many other important things, but his main task is his garden and herbs.
As herbalist frà Giò will reveal some secrets of the herbs and he'll tell us his stories maybe, commenting the posts of this blog.
Because I 'm very greatful to frà Giò for his advise about nails and hair, I begin the presentation with this advise.
Every year for about 4-5 years I have a grave problem with my nails. They break and are like sand. I forgot what is nail polish. In summer the situation is some better, but not to much. And from year to year the "normal autumn-winter" period lasts longer and longer. My hairs don't feel good too.
The infusion of 2 herbs can help in these case: Equisetum arvense and Althea officinalis.
Take 50 g and 50 g of this herbs in a herbalist shop (these are latin names, so you can ask them all over the world), mix them. Add 1 spoon to your normal tea. Once a day is enough.
There is no problem if you take them for many months. Finished this 100 g, you can take a rest for 10 days if you want. Than you can continue.
The result you will see just after about 1 week.
My comment:
I began with this herbs in october. Today I use the second 100g. I have normal nails and if wanted could begin with manicure. I'm happy about it.
Frà Giò is young and very modern. He is a sportsman and makes many other important things, but his main task is his garden and herbs.
As herbalist frà Giò will reveal some secrets of the herbs and he'll tell us his stories maybe, commenting the posts of this blog.
Because I 'm very greatful to frà Giò for his advise about nails and hair, I begin the presentation with this advise.
Every year for about 4-5 years I have a grave problem with my nails. They break and are like sand. I forgot what is nail polish. In summer the situation is some better, but not to much. And from year to year the "normal autumn-winter" period lasts longer and longer. My hairs don't feel good too.
The infusion of 2 herbs can help in these case: Equisetum arvense and Althea officinalis.
Take 50 g and 50 g of this herbs in a herbalist shop (these are latin names, so you can ask them all over the world), mix them. Add 1 spoon to your normal tea. Once a day is enough.
There is no problem if you take them for many months. Finished this 100 g, you can take a rest for 10 days if you want. Than you can continue.
The result you will see just after about 1 week.
My comment:
I began with this herbs in october. Today I use the second 100g. I have normal nails and if wanted could begin with manicure. I'm happy about it.
Hirudotherapy. Leeches.
-Doctor, my wife feels bad, help her please!!!
-What do you say! Even leeches could not help her?
-No. She ate only 3 of them and doesn't want to eat them more.
-What do you say! Even leeches could not help her?
-No. She ate only 3 of them and doesn't want to eat them more.
Leeches are very interesting worms, they have very special survival techniques, but in this blog I'm interested in their application as alternative medicine.
Normally leeches live in the ponds with stagnant water and use frogs, tadpoles and fishes as source of food. Adults prefere mammals that come to drink water.
Interesting is the behaviour of deers ecc. They surely know that leeches help them in their diseases, enter deeper in the water when they need the medicine and wait that more leeches attack them.
Probably, pre-hystorical people saw it and learned to use this healing method.
"Hirudo" is the latin word meaning "leech", that is why "hirudotherapy".
There are 3 species that are used for therapy: 2 species in Europe and 1 in Jappone.
To digest the blood leeches need about 2 weeks.
Why alternative medicine works?
These days I read different texts speaking about the theme "Why alternative medicine works?" and decided to make a sort of summary of all thoughts i met there.
Many persons -if you dont want to say the most population of industrialized countries- prefere today alternative medicine if they want to heal something that don't needs the urgent treatment. In Italy there are regions where those methods have governative acknowledgment and people can receive these cures in hospitals together with classical treatments.
We don't believe medical doctors and we have right in part ( I hope, my friends-doctors forgive me this affirmation). I do it too. If I need to cure something not "mortal" I make teas with medical herbs or make yoga or in case of pains I try with the "Golden Light" healing -and in the last times I can even do that the pain pass forever (Tenzin Wangyal Rimpoche). And, sincerely, I have less humiliations and more curative effect with these methods.
I don't want to write here about the problems of the modern medicine ecc. I wanted only to tell you some curious stories about why the ALTERNATIVE medicine works.
trulkhor, yogic exercises

Yogical exercises and martial arts
Yogies passed many times in the meditation in the mountains, caverns ecc without appropriate food. They had to sit without movement hours and days. So,
1/ they could not have a doctor if they needed him -and in that conditions it's unpossible that they didn't need him from time to time.
2/ they had not so much time between the meditations to make physical exercises.
So, every real yogi has to know the ways of effective exercises to put his physical body quickly in good "working" conditions for meditation.
The temple of Shao-Lin is very popular for it's martial art and we know that this was needed to protect monks from the frequent medieval bandit robberies. It's true. But there is an other story told by Tai-Chi masters about it: This temple was build in III century. In 527 came there an indian Teacher Bodhidharma to teach monks. He found weak, ill persons there that could not even stand rituals and slept during the meditation.
The Teacher understood: it's unpossible to speak with monks in these conditions about high levels of spirit.
That is why buddhism says: the duty of every practitian is to maintain his body in working conditions.
Chinese Emperor
This story is really amazing. I laughed yesterday when I read it.
The doctors of Chinese Emperors received their pay ONLY if the Emperor felt good.
If he was ill it meant the doctors work bad and they don't deserve their salary.
Great, no?
So, the chinese "alternative" medicine had to be effevtive. If no, all chinese doctors were dead from hunger (or "bad" behaviour of their Empiror) many centuries ago.
Related posts:
Meditation practice
Category "Meditation" of this blog
Many persons -if you dont want to say the most population of industrialized countries- prefere today alternative medicine if they want to heal something that don't needs the urgent treatment. In Italy there are regions where those methods have governative acknowledgment and people can receive these cures in hospitals together with classical treatments.
We don't believe medical doctors and we have right in part ( I hope, my friends-doctors forgive me this affirmation). I do it too. If I need to cure something not "mortal" I make teas with medical herbs or make yoga or in case of pains I try with the "Golden Light" healing -and in the last times I can even do that the pain pass forever (Tenzin Wangyal Rimpoche). And, sincerely, I have less humiliations and more curative effect with these methods.
I don't want to write here about the problems of the modern medicine ecc. I wanted only to tell you some curious stories about why the ALTERNATIVE medicine works.
trulkhor, yogic exercises
Yogical exercises and martial arts
Yogies passed many times in the meditation in the mountains, caverns ecc without appropriate food. They had to sit without movement hours and days. So,
1/ they could not have a doctor if they needed him -and in that conditions it's unpossible that they didn't need him from time to time.
2/ they had not so much time between the meditations to make physical exercises.
So, every real yogi has to know the ways of effective exercises to put his physical body quickly in good "working" conditions for meditation.
The temple of Shao-Lin is very popular for it's martial art and we know that this was needed to protect monks from the frequent medieval bandit robberies. It's true. But there is an other story told by Tai-Chi masters about it: This temple was build in III century. In 527 came there an indian Teacher Bodhidharma to teach monks. He found weak, ill persons there that could not even stand rituals and slept during the meditation.
The Teacher understood: it's unpossible to speak with monks in these conditions about high levels of spirit.
That is why buddhism says: the duty of every practitian is to maintain his body in working conditions.
Chinese Emperor
This story is really amazing. I laughed yesterday when I read it.
The doctors of Chinese Emperors received their pay ONLY if the Emperor felt good.
If he was ill it meant the doctors work bad and they don't deserve their salary.
Great, no?
So, the chinese "alternative" medicine had to be effevtive. If no, all chinese doctors were dead from hunger (or "bad" behaviour of their Empiror) many centuries ago.
Related posts:
Meditation practice
Category "Meditation" of this blog
Monday, December 10, 2007
Book your hotel
An interesting possibility to plan your trip offers you Hotel Reservations.
Visiting the site you can find hotels, motels, resorts, vacations rentals and packeges, even cruises. The site has search boxes for road trip search and advanced hotel search. You can find here bed-and-breackfast proposals and destinstions advises to travel all over the world. has competitive prices and guaranteed lowest rates, they offer dreat discounts in their Discount Club too. Other important side is that they have not change or cancellation fees.
The site is available in different languages and you can make your reservation not only online but calling the team for free.
You can save up to 70% booking with:

Visiting the site you can find hotels, motels, resorts, vacations rentals and packeges, even cruises. The site has search boxes for road trip search and advanced hotel search. You can find here bed-and-breackfast proposals and destinstions advises to travel all over the world. has competitive prices and guaranteed lowest rates, they offer dreat discounts in their Discount Club too. Other important side is that they have not change or cancellation fees.
The site is available in different languages and you can make your reservation not only online but calling the team for free.
You can save up to 70% booking with:
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Darjeeling tea we drink -problems and errors in our exercises
This post is about how to avoid some problems or errors in our practice.
The advies are given by Lamas of Mahayana Tradition, but the mistakes are common to all us that is why those advises are important for everybody.
In my previous post I told you that Geshe Jampa Gyatso passed away. He was the principal tutor of the Basic Program in Lama Tzong Khapa Institute situated in Pomaia/Italy. In this Institute I met Tibetan Buddhismus and studied buddhist phylosophy.
Now I received mails from the Institute with explanations what to do in this days. And they speak much about TSOG. So I wanted to know, what is this. Because I didn't knew it. The Idea was so interesting that I wanted to post here some quotations from the Teaching written by Lama Thubten Yeshe (entire article):
The advies are given by Lamas of Mahayana Tradition, but the mistakes are common to all us that is why those advises are important for everybody.
In my previous post I told you that Geshe Jampa Gyatso passed away. He was the principal tutor of the Basic Program in Lama Tzong Khapa Institute situated in Pomaia/Italy. In this Institute I met Tibetan Buddhismus and studied buddhist phylosophy.
Now I received mails from the Institute with explanations what to do in this days. And they speak much about TSOG. So I wanted to know, what is this. Because I didn't knew it. The Idea was so interesting that I wanted to post here some quotations from the Teaching written by Lama Thubten Yeshe (entire article):
Take this Darjeeling tea we drink. Think
how many people were involved in its getting here:
the growers, the pickers, the sorters, the packagers, the shippers, the shopkeepers, our own cooks. Finally, we get to drink it here. You know from your lam-rim studies that,
directly or indirectly, every sentient being has helped you get that cup of tea. And not just that cup of tea.
All happiness, from the lowest samsaric pleasure to the eternal bliss of liberation and enlightenmentcomes from each of us to the other.

how many people were involved in its getting here:
the growers, the pickers, the sorters, the packagers, the shippers, the shopkeepers, our own cooks. Finally, we get to drink it here. You know from your lam-rim studies that,
directly or indirectly, every sentient being has helped you get that cup of tea. And not just that cup of tea.
All happiness, from the lowest samsaric pleasure to the eternal bliss of liberation and enlightenmentcomes from each of us to the other.
One more quotation:Normally, we push ourselves to achieve, but nothing happens because we've not made the space for something to happen. By gathering together to offer tsog we're making space.
Therefore it's important to put yourself in the right atmosphere when practicing
Therefore it's important to put yourself in the right atmosphere when practicing
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Firm petition -YOUR help is needed today!
till December 10
Dear Friends,I pass you this appeal and petition I received from my friends today.
For English spiking
In these days we make many petion in order italian politician meet
Dalai Lama.
If you want to put your sign
Cari amici,
se ritieni, potresti firmare questa petizione on line perche' il
Dalai Lama sia ricevuto in forma ufficiale a Roma?
Si può sottoscrivere al sito:
Un abbraccio
In these days we make many petion in order italian politician meet
Dalai Lama.
If you want to put your sign
Cari amici,
se ritieni, potresti firmare questa petizione on line perche' il
Dalai Lama sia ricevuto in forma ufficiale a Roma?
Si può sottoscrivere al sito:
Un abbraccio
The person I respect very much, Dalai Lama, comes with a visit in Italy but he is persona non grata for the government because ... you know because.
The italian government is afraid of the chinese government.
This is a problem.
This is a case to explain to politics the opinion of little persons because they have to be servers of little persons.
If you think it as me and other persons that firmed this petition, the government of Italy has to accieve Dalai Lama and has to listen what he has to say. Nothing more.
This petition gathers votes till 10 of December.
Pls pass it to others if you can.
Here is written: "Prodi, receive Dalai Lama"
Translation of words you will find IN PETITION
do not firm here:
Cognome Your last Name | Nome Your Name | ||
Città City | Provincia State | ||
| |||
The code for your site/blog you will find there too.
I was looking for some info in YouTube this morning and found these videos about relaxation. There are many videos with music with this or that, but I don't like them. I don't know, don't like. Here all these videos have moe or less the same technique:
concentrate your attention on the far sounds/things, than nearer and nearer, concentrate on the feelings of your body, breath. Guide your mind.
Post them here. Maybe you like them too.
As suggested by Rajshekhar in a comment to this post there is the possibility to have a relaxation audio visiting the site "Jose silva mind training method" and in the top on the right you'll find a star and "Get free course" you receive the first lesson and the 25 minutes audio that you can download in your computer. The system is the same as in the 3 video in this page.
concentrate your attention on the far sounds/things, than nearer and nearer, concentrate on the feelings of your body, breath. Guide your mind.
Post them here. Maybe you like them too.
As suggested by Rajshekhar in a comment to this post there is the possibility to have a relaxation audio visiting the site "Jose silva mind training method" and in the top on the right you'll find a star and "Get free course" you receive the first lesson and the 25 minutes audio that you can download in your computer. The system is the same as in the 3 video in this page.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Physiology of the success of healing practices
I have some friends that are practicing reiki. One of them is an important healer and trainer and he wanted I learn a little about reiki. But as I said many times, I'm practicing an other Teaching, I think it's what I needed and want to follow it. I'm not a fanatic of something, I'm open to all Universal Wisdom as you see, but I feel the Teaching I follow as mine, I think, it's not good to dissipate one's energies in many practices at a time. Jumping does not make good in this sense. Persistence opens you doors to all Wisdom not important what practice you do. Think I.
Said this, I wanted to present you this interesting video.
It's interesting for me, because the healing practices I do, I feel them more or less in the same way.
Sometimes persons ask me: what I do, how I do, what I feel. This is the answer, in this video.
I feel a light, energy, that is coming from inside the person and from the Higher Being that follows me. It's no matter, what religion you follow, I think. All religions are Unconditional Love, Compassion and Universal Wisdom.
One woman said me: I do sometimes the same what you do, but I can't heal myself.
I can answer you from my experience: the difference is the Faith.
If you don't believe in the Holy Being (or in the energy that you use -you can call it how you want) that follows you, how can you believe in connection with this Holy Being/energy and use his/her/it's help, energy to heal you or others? Nonsens.
You can have some positive results -as I had befor I understood the roots- but great results you become when you believe in what you do.
I don't know how it is in other religions, but in all buddhist and similar schools the first practice is Refuge, Guru-Yoga and Bodhicita.
That meens: you declare to your mind that you are protected by all Holy Beings, and you ask them about Blessings (help). And you do it not for your benefit, but for benefit of all sentient beings.
If this words explain your deep faith, you can do healing practices.
I had problems with some persons, that declare they are buddhists. They felt wounded that I don't declare myself as a buddhist or bonpo (as said, I follow this Teaching for 3-4 years). I think, the Universal Consciousness doesn't need my declarations. It's enough, that I do my practices with dedication and faith. And I have my results. There is not difference, what name I'll use to call them.
If you like declarations, shows with candles, icons, rituals -it's splendid, it's your way. But real practices don't need it. In fact, teachers repeat it: techniques are for your mind, not for result.
I wanted to write only some words to post this video, but it's a great story to continue maybe next time.
The Dark Side of Love special dating site
Sincerely, I did not read attentively the description of this site when I accepted to write this review. I thought it is a "normal" dating site with usual kit of services. When I saw information about it, I was surprized that this site is aimed at Goth singles, Dark, Fetish, Vampire, Heavy, Extreme Music and Alternative Culture.
Other surprise for me was when I opened the site. It has very interesting design. Something in fantasy style with night colours, antique taste and right measure of mystic symbols. I like this design -it has something inviting to play- and I had a wish to explore it. has free membership and you can meet not only your soulmates but many new friends here. You can video-chat with them (for free), exchange mails or “Send a Wink” to make this person know you interested to meet him/her. Not only. You have there your personal Cupid Angel. It's the best Matchmaker engine where you can specify qualities you desire to find in the person or the location and the game is made. Your Cupid Angel will think about you.
From the services of free access I liked the Map seeker, made specially to attract souls, I think. With "magic triangles" you "visit" members of the site all over the world, see their profiles and photos.
Look for friends or a soulmate? Like Dark and Metal musik? Join this community.
Other surprise for me was when I opened the site. It has very interesting design. Something in fantasy style with night colours, antique taste and right measure of mystic symbols. I like this design -it has something inviting to play- and I had a wish to explore it. has free membership and you can meet not only your soulmates but many new friends here. You can video-chat with them (for free), exchange mails or “Send a Wink” to make this person know you interested to meet him/her. Not only. You have there your personal Cupid Angel. It's the best Matchmaker engine where you can specify qualities you desire to find in the person or the location and the game is made. Your Cupid Angel will think about you.
From the services of free access I liked the Map seeker, made specially to attract souls, I think. With "magic triangles" you "visit" members of the site all over the world, see their profiles and photos.
Look for friends or a soulmate? Like Dark and Metal musik? Join this community.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Attract energies -funny
It's sunday today and I wanted to post some interesting and funny things here. So I decided to smile about me and all us, dear friends-bloggers.
If you visit other blogs, you can find that many of us have review-posts. Great thing, as for me, when they do not disturb the entire composition of the blog ( I hope I'm among these). The question is in this case: why are we doing it? Because we need money. And it meens that we need more wealth! Here is the main idea!
Because I speak in this blog about Universal Wisdom and Techniques of all Teachings, I can give you a GREAT NOTICE:
There is a Teaching that thinks not only about our energies and intelligent life in our environment. This great Teaching tinks about how to make us WEALTHY. You understand I write about Fehg Shui.
I promised to learn more about it and to write a post because I'm interested in energetic theories and Feng Shui is a science about it, but I could not find time for this research till today. I'll do it in the next days, hope to have more time now. If the PC will work, surely.
But today I want to write only in the funny sence about Feng Shui and wealth symbols.
Why do you need those symbols?
"auspicious objects around one's living and work space attract good luck energies" and "protective figurines deflect harmful energies"
so more these symbols you have, more useful energy you'll catch.
On the photo you see the chinese coins. Very imortant part of our adventure.
There are many ways to use them. Put them on your computer for example. Or in your pocket (3).
The most powerful is to place them in all 4 corners of every room of your house.
On my coins there are bells too, but I don't know what are they for. It must be displaied with the Yang side, but I don't know, what side it is. :)))
The other wealth secret is to create a vase with most precious things you have. I like this advise very much :))) and will create one for me too. Cover your vase very good and put it in the cupboard of your bedroom, never in front of the entrance door. Nobody has to see and to know about your vase!
I have these serviettes too. I think, those are golden dragon fishes. they are very powerful energizer of wealth. I don't know if my fishes are too but I like the serviette.Maybe somebody can help me...
You can think what you want about it, but we can see the thing from psychological side.
If you put this symbols in your house ecc. you begin to believe in it. Maybe only subconsciously, but you wait to become help from these symbols. In a sense, you feel more sure, protected and your behaviour changes a little. You become more self-confident. And this will surely help you on your way to the wealth.
If you visit other blogs, you can find that many of us have review-posts. Great thing, as for me, when they do not disturb the entire composition of the blog ( I hope I'm among these). The question is in this case: why are we doing it? Because we need money. And it meens that we need more wealth! Here is the main idea!
Because I speak in this blog about Universal Wisdom and Techniques of all Teachings, I can give you a GREAT NOTICE:
There is a Teaching that thinks not only about our energies and intelligent life in our environment. This great Teaching tinks about how to make us WEALTHY. You understand I write about Fehg Shui.
I promised to learn more about it and to write a post because I'm interested in energetic theories and Feng Shui is a science about it, but I could not find time for this research till today. I'll do it in the next days, hope to have more time now. If the PC will work, surely.
But today I want to write only in the funny sence about Feng Shui and wealth symbols.
"auspicious objects around one's living and work space attract good luck energies" and "protective figurines deflect harmful energies"
so more these symbols you have, more useful energy you'll catch.
On the photo you see the chinese coins. Very imortant part of our adventure.
There are many ways to use them. Put them on your computer for example. Or in your pocket (3).
The most powerful is to place them in all 4 corners of every room of your house.
On my coins there are bells too, but I don't know what are they for. It must be displaied with the Yang side, but I don't know, what side it is. :)))
The other wealth secret is to create a vase with most precious things you have. I like this advise very much :))) and will create one for me too. Cover your vase very good and put it in the cupboard of your bedroom, never in front of the entrance door. Nobody has to see and to know about your vase!
I have these serviettes too. I think, those are golden dragon fishes. they are very powerful energizer of wealth. I don't know if my fishes are too but I like the serviette.Maybe somebody can help me...
You can think what you want about it, but we can see the thing from psychological side.
If you put this symbols in your house ecc. you begin to believe in it. Maybe only subconsciously, but you wait to become help from these symbols. In a sense, you feel more sure, protected and your behaviour changes a little. You become more self-confident. And this will surely help you on your way to the wealth.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Is it possible to cut off the pain like Buddha in Jātaka Tales?
Read second part:
What do I think about healing with the power of the mind (answer to a reader)
For the most persons that read this blog it's maybe not a question. Jataka are not tales, but real progresses of the advanced practicioner.
First, some general words for those who doesn't know it.
Jataka is a book in Pali (language) concerning stories about the previous births (jāti) of Buddha Shakyamuni. The canonical book comprises 547 poems. Some of these stories you find in different languages. Sometimes they are translations, sometimes not.
Among these stories there is the Story of the Monkey King told by Footiam in his splendid posts Literature - Journey to the West and Journey To The West.
When I read these stories for the first time, I remember, I thought: those are noisy fables. Later I began to understand these are learning stories. And only today I finally reached this level of understanding, that all this is perfectly real. These are things that we have to reach in our practice.
For example, one of the stories tells
( in russian 313. Джатака о Бодхисаттве-великомученике):
The king said to cut off hands and feet of Bodhisattwa (he was not Buddha else) to show him how short is his patience. But Buddha had patience to stand the execution so as he didn't feel anything.
Is it possible? Yes.
There are practices where it's necessary to feel the body as something completly separate from "me". It's a great practice.
Normally we are too attaced to our body and every pain is "my" pain. But if the body is not "me" and I feel it separate from me, the mind doesn't feel it's pain.
It's true. Try it.
No, not to cut off your feet. To stand pain.
I did it some times. I could maintain this state for 1-2 minutes. It works.
The first difficulty is to be conscious of what happens to you in the moment of pain.
The mind is suffering and doesn't want to do anything else. In this moment remember this practice (not only where are the tabs) -it's the first step. The mind is under your control now.
It's interesting to observe the mind in this moment (you remember the practice and you can now observe what your mind is doing). It is as a wild animal, like a bull on rodeo.
Once you have understand it, try to separate "me" (mind) from "that body": "That body" has headaches. And because of it "that body" makes so and so. Always tell "that body". If you think "my body" you lose the control.
You will see that for some time you don't feel headaches more. For the mind "my" is something to feel suffer. If it's not "me", is possible to survive it.
I was able to stand the pain in this way for some minutes.
Buddha could stand the execution till the body was dead. This is high realisation.
Read second part:
What do I think about healing with the power of the mind (answer to a reader)
Related post:
in russian Сказка или не сказка “Джатака”?
What do I think about healing with the power of the mind (answer to a reader)
For the most persons that read this blog it's maybe not a question. Jataka are not tales, but real progresses of the advanced practicioner.
First, some general words for those who doesn't know it.
Jataka is a book in Pali (language) concerning stories about the previous births (jāti) of Buddha Shakyamuni. The canonical book comprises 547 poems. Some of these stories you find in different languages. Sometimes they are translations, sometimes not.
Among these stories there is the Story of the Monkey King told by Footiam in his splendid posts Literature - Journey to the West and Journey To The West.
When I read these stories for the first time, I remember, I thought: those are noisy fables. Later I began to understand these are learning stories. And only today I finally reached this level of understanding, that all this is perfectly real. These are things that we have to reach in our practice.
For example, one of the stories tells
( in russian 313. Джатака о Бодхисаттве-великомученике):
The king said to cut off hands and feet of Bodhisattwa (he was not Buddha else) to show him how short is his patience. But Buddha had patience to stand the execution so as he didn't feel anything.
Is it possible? Yes.
There are practices where it's necessary to feel the body as something completly separate from "me". It's a great practice.
Normally we are too attaced to our body and every pain is "my" pain. But if the body is not "me" and I feel it separate from me, the mind doesn't feel it's pain.
It's true. Try it.
No, not to cut off your feet. To stand pain.
I did it some times. I could maintain this state for 1-2 minutes. It works.
The first difficulty is to be conscious of what happens to you in the moment of pain.
The mind is suffering and doesn't want to do anything else. In this moment remember this practice (not only where are the tabs) -it's the first step. The mind is under your control now.
It's interesting to observe the mind in this moment (you remember the practice and you can now observe what your mind is doing). It is as a wild animal, like a bull on rodeo.
Once you have understand it, try to separate "me" (mind) from "that body": "That body" has headaches. And because of it "that body" makes so and so. Always tell "that body". If you think "my body" you lose the control.
You will see that for some time you don't feel headaches more. For the mind "my" is something to feel suffer. If it's not "me", is possible to survive it.
I was able to stand the pain in this way for some minutes.
Buddha could stand the execution till the body was dead. This is high realisation.
Read second part:
What do I think about healing with the power of the mind (answer to a reader)
Related post:
in russian Сказка или не сказка “Джатака”?
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