I have some friends that are practicing reiki. One of them is an important healer and trainer and he wanted I learn a little about reiki. But as I said many times, I'm practicing an other Teaching, I think it's what I needed and want to follow it. I'm not a fanatic of something, I'm open to all Universal Wisdom as you see, but I feel the Teaching I follow as mine, I think, it's not good to dissipate one's energies in many practices at a time. Jumping does not make good in this sense. Persistence opens you doors to all Wisdom not important what practice you do. Think I.
Said this, I wanted to present you this interesting video.
It's interesting for me, because the healing practices I do, I feel them more or less in the same way.
Sometimes persons ask me: what I do, how I do, what I feel. This is the answer, in this video.
I feel a light, energy, that is coming from inside the person and from the Higher Being that follows me. It's no matter, what religion you follow, I think. All religions are Unconditional Love, Compassion and Universal Wisdom.
One woman said me: I do sometimes the same what you do, but I can't heal myself.
I can answer you from my experience: the difference is the Faith.
If you don't believe in the Holy Being (or in the energy that you use -you can call it how you want) that follows you, how can you believe in connection with this Holy Being/energy and use his/her/it's help, energy to heal you or others? Nonsens.
You can have some positive results -as I had befor I understood the roots- but great results you become when you believe in what you do.
I don't know how it is in other religions, but in all buddhist and similar schools the first practice is Refuge, Guru-Yoga and Bodhicita.
That meens: you declare to your mind that you are protected by all Holy Beings, and you ask them about Blessings (help). And you do it not for your benefit, but for benefit of all sentient beings.
If this words explain your deep faith, you can do healing practices.
I had problems with some persons, that declare they are buddhists. They felt wounded that I don't declare myself as a buddhist or bonpo (as said, I follow this Teaching for 3-4 years). I think, the Universal Consciousness doesn't need my declarations. It's enough, that I do my practices with dedication and faith. And I have my results. There is not difference, what name I'll use to call them.
If you like declarations, shows with candles, icons, rituals -it's splendid, it's your way. But real practices don't need it. In fact, teachers repeat it: techniques are for your mind, not for result.
I wanted to write only some words to post this video, but it's a great story to continue maybe next time.
Do you think healing practice are
ReplyDeleterelated to physical entity? NO--
YOU are right there are invisible helpers you call them holy spirits
I think, those sre things over the capasities of our mind. I don't know how to call them and use the most clear words i find to describe the phenomena.
ReplyDeleteNo, I think, the healing practices have nothing with physical body. The body can be used as additional help (mudras to connect chanals, voice as sound ecc). We have these tools, but there are entities that have them not and they use our practice because they can't do it themselves. So, our physical body is very useful for practice. That is why buddhists ask in their prayers to reincarnate as human beings.
You don't have to declare whether you are anything, Liudmila! We are not going through the border and being checked by custom officers! There are truth even in the worst religion if there is one. Accept whatever truth there is. Why limit ourselves to just one thought. Accept whatever that our logical mind permits not what other people say, even prophets. There are prophets of doom, so, beware!