If you visit other blogs, you can find that many of us have review-posts. Great thing, as for me, when they do not disturb the entire composition of the blog ( I hope I'm among these). The question is in this case: why are we doing it? Because we need money. And it meens that we need more wealth! Here is the main idea!
Because I speak in this blog about Universal Wisdom and Techniques of all Teachings, I can give you a GREAT NOTICE:
There is a Teaching that thinks not only about our energies and intelligent life in our environment. This great Teaching tinks about how to make us WEALTHY. You understand I write about Fehg Shui.
I promised to learn more about it and to write a post because I'm interested in energetic theories and Feng Shui is a science about it, but I could not find time for this research till today. I'll do it in the next days, hope to have more time now. If the PC will work, surely.
But today I want to write only in the funny sence about Feng Shui and wealth symbols.
"auspicious objects around one's living and work space attract good luck energies" and "protective figurines deflect harmful energies"
so more these symbols you have, more useful energy you'll catch.
On the photo you see the chinese coins. Very imortant part of our adventure.
There are many ways to use them. Put them on your computer for example. Or in your pocket (3).
The most powerful is to place them in all 4 corners of every room of your house.
On my coins there are bells too, but I don't know what are they for. It must be displaied with the Yang side, but I don't know, what side it is. :)))
The other wealth secret is to create a vase with most precious things you have. I like this advise very much :))) and will create one for me too. Cover your vase very good and put it in the cupboard of your bedroom, never in front of the entrance door. Nobody has to see and to know about your vase!
I have these serviettes too. I think, those are golden dragon fishes. they are very powerful energizer of wealth. I don't know if my fishes are too but I like the serviette.Maybe somebody can help me...
You can think what you want about it, but we can see the thing from psychological side.
If you put this symbols in your house ecc. you begin to believe in it. Maybe only subconsciously, but you wait to become help from these symbols. In a sense, you feel more sure, protected and your behaviour changes a little. You become more self-confident. And this will surely help you on your way to the wealth.
These symbols are adopted differently in different contries.But putting these and doing nothing will not bring us luck!!!We should try coz TRY is the key word
ReplyDeleteFish is a symbol of wealth I suppose. Chinese have a lot of these stuff at home, fish, bats, tortoises all have their meanings. Some people don't take it seriously and others see it as an aid to generate positive thoughts. People get optimistic as a result. Of course, we'll have to work for whatever we want but sometimes, motivation is needed first. I like all these since it makes life beautiful and interesting.
ReplyDeleteDear DEBASIS, have you ever had the situations when you whant to reach something, do everything for it -nothing, you change the method -nothing, change once more -nothing. You analyze what you do, correct your mistakes -nothing. And you maybe pass your life in this - nothing.
ReplyDeleteI think, footiam is right. Those things give us psychological help, optimistic point of view. And they are beautiful too. In other words they give us their help in being more positive. And here is their value.