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Monday, March 24, 2008

From Endarkenment To Enlightenment

I continue here the idea that begins in my post Tara and Dakini -Female Buddhas and the post of Zubli Zainordin Total Being but practically in many other posts too. I did not wanted but this blog seems to take not healing but spiritual direction... Well, it's the same, if we think about it.

Now, I tell you a little story.
A srange story. But it's about Endarkment and Enlightment. Day and Night, Black and White of Tai-Chi, if you want.

It happend some months after the death of Imir. My husband had to go in a far village to make olive oil. I had to rest home. I felt very bad that day -I could not find place from the morning, the soul was in an incredible agitation. When my husband turned back from work and had to go to make oil, I was in a state that I can't describe, so bad my soul felt. And I had an unsupportable wish to earn as a dog. (I have to say, I had similar states of soul many times in my life but I never had this particular reaction)

My husband went away and ... disappeared. He stopped the car to drink water from the fountain. 2 young men, that followed him with their moto, menaced him with pistols, took the car and his wallet and went away. My husband had to walk about 10 km before he could denounce the incident. Policemen gave him money to take the bus, and he turned home at about 22:00 in the evening.

There were his documents and some expensive things in the car. There was a great (for us) amount of money too -all money that we had in that moment. He had to pay something urgently.
I don't know to explain you, what this misfortune was for us in that moment. It was not a tragedy. It was finish. Point. We could not go out of that disaster. The only way was to ask alms if not to go in prison for debts.

In the time when my husband was not at home else, I began to do practices that I learned in the Buddhist Institute (I just studied about a year, I think). Because I'm not a regular believer, I "spoke" with Buddhas. I told them what the situation means for us and asked about help. I did prostrations and recited "Confession to 35 Buddhas", as I remember. I did not ask to punish that young men, I asked only that they lieve the car because they don't need it, that they don't brake it, because we have not money to repair it ecc ecc.
At one moment I felt great joy. And I felt that everything will be good.

When my husband turned home, I was incredibly happy. I could not make a tragical face. I was happy. Can you imagine the situation? A mad woman.

In the night police found our car 50 km from the place where it was stolen. Nothing was gone. Only the cell and the jacket of my husband and ... my disc with music of a not very known even in Russia russian rock-group :))). No one scratch.
Policemen said, they did not believe their eyes.
I tryed to write as short as possible, hope my thoughts are clear.
Why I remembered this old story? Because I had an other similar story some days ago. A simple story, nothing so bad, that is why I don't tell it here. But I complained with Buddhas and received the answer. And the happy end too.

So, I thought, I know 3 forces.
1- human, that can nothing.
2- beings, that know what will happen, but they can do or change nothing. They can only try to alert you about bad event in your life. If you are able to hear them, you call it "intuition".
3- High Beings, that are able not only to stop the train running in the hell, they are able to change railway of this train, to send it in completely different direction.

Who are they? Why they do it?
Or it's our own enlightened state?
Sincerely, I think, I don't need answers. But I'm still surprized of these Forces.


  1. Dear Liudmila, an interesting piece. You already know, so now and beyond you are in a position to enjoy the experience. Furthermore, thank you for sharing this. I have benefited.

  2. Thank you, Zubli, that you don't laugh about me. And had time to read this.

    There were times I tryed to excavate the roots of what happens with me. But about 2 years ago I understood, I have not to look for explanations. I have only accept it and -as you say always- enjoy. There are things that human can't understand.

  3. Dear Liudmila, we are all learning continuously. As for me, it is difficult to laugh at people. Each has at least a potential so great, The God's creation, with gifts so profound. To laugh at someone is to laugh at The God, the Creator. This, (laughing at people) I do not do in my total life on earth. As huwmen, we each flow in this our total life, and what happened to us, there is always a learning, so beautiful, we can benefit. Acceptance is the first step to this wisdom. Total cheers!!!

  4. This miracle of life happens to people of all faith, not necessarily Buddhism. Some people I read, believes that it is the work of Karma but I really don't understand. I just believe in living right. Having right thought for example, never wishing harm for the idiots who bring the pain. If there is any punishment for them, people will not be the one to decide. We have to use what little precious time we have to live.

  5. Very interesting, Zubli. I've never heard about the method you say. The problem is that the address I can't open it could you seng it to me with the mail, pls, I'm really very interested in this.

  6. liudmila faith does the miracle

  7. You are right. It's really the condition of success.
