Tara(click to open the page) lives and works intimately in the world as a Bodhisattva. In contrast to most of the Buddhist Tutelary Dieties she is directly accessible to the uninitiated, a characteristic which contributes to her popularity. Her heart, devastated by the torture and killing of her disciples in Tibet, has followed the diaspora of Tibetan Lamas across the planet. As a result, she is very accessible to western students who practice her sadhana.Tara The Liberator(click to open) Lama Zopa Rinpoche
her left hand in in the mudra symbolical of I am refuge, I hold refuge for you. Мудра правой руки -я прибежище By that, in relying Tara, you are relying on a divinity who will bring you to enlightenment. Вы принимаете прибежище в Таре,которая приведёт вас к просвящению Who is enlightened herself and will bring you to enlightenment.Она сама досстигла просвещения и приведёт вас к нему. And it is important to reflect on that, that the Buddha you rely on is enlightened fully.Очень важно задуматься о том,что Будда,в котором вы принимаете прибежище,это полностью просвящённое существо. And as you become more enlightened, they will also help you in that process to become enlightened. So her hand means I hold enlightenment, and therefore when you rely on me, you will only get the blessings and such that are for your benefit to bring you to enlightenment.Yidam(click to open)
I did hear also from Lama Yeshe who said the reason Tara's left leg is tucked in is showing she has control over her feminine cycles and all that is related with the feminine side. Я слышал также от Ламы Йеше,что её подтянутая левая нога означает,что она контролирует свои женские циклы и всё это связано с её женской стороной. That way, when you pray to Tara, the left leg tucked in means she has control of those things and she does heal and bless women who rely upon her.Таким образом,когда вы молитесь Таре, ... она лечит и благословляет женщин,которые принимают в ней прибежище.
She is seated upon a beautiful large lotus on a soft white moon cushion having white light energy ...лотус...и белая луна,имеющие энергию белого света, and then Tara on top of that, radiant with a beautiful green aura and wonderful energy и над всем этим Тара,излучающая красивую зелёную ауру и чудесную энергию. If you could close your eyes and invoke Tara, you should feel all the stress from your being dissolve just to have the vision of Tara can have such an effect on your body.Если вы можете закрыть глаза и призвать Тару,вы посувствуете,что одно лишь видение Тары производит на ваше тело такой эффект,что весь стресс вашей жизни пропадает.
"The meditational deity--yidam in Tibetan--is an aspect of Buddha possessing the three bodies of the Buddha and the five primordial wisdoms.Йидам -это один из аспектов Будды Out of compassion, Buddha manifests as different aspects or yidams,из-за сострадания,Будда проявляется в различных аспектах или йидамах each of which literally is, according to the meaning of that term, 'the divinity or deity to which we devote ourselves.' каждый из которых -Бог или Божество,в котором мы принимаем прибежище It is so called because the practitioner has one as her/his personal, chosen deity and devotes him/herself to that deity's practice ...потому что практикующий посвящает себя практике этого Божества , which consists of the two meditation stages called the Generation Stage and the Completion Stage...которая состоит из двух частей Создание и Завершение
"At the beginning, when you meditate on the Three Roots in general, or on your yidam in particular, you can perceive them as outer. Поначалу вы их можете воспринимать,как что-то внешнееIn this way, the obscurations will begin to disappear.В этот период начинают рассеиваться затемнения Holes in the screen of these obscurations will allow some light to filter through начинает проникать свет ; the blessing of the yidam will bring even more clarity благословение йидама приносит всё больше ясности, and you will eventually realize that the yidam and your mind are not different и вы начинаете понимать,что йидам и ваш ум не различны. You will thereby attain the three bodies of the buddha mind which are the absolute refuge." Kalu Rinpoche
Machig Labdron(click to open)
Meditation on 5 Buddha families (russian -translation button on the right, sidebar)
Вообразите яичко этой птицы, белое с красноватым отсветом, чистое и прозрачное как хрусталь, на четыре саже¬ни вокруг освещающее все своим светом. Это символ пяти аспектов извечной мудрости. Внутри яичко многослойно: снаружи белое, затем красное, желтое, зеленое и синее. В центре синего слоя горошина темно-синего или бирюзового цве¬та. В центре этой горошины сияет светящаяся капля энергии, переливающаяся радужным светом и создающая слои и неотделимая от них. Все видение призрачно, как отражение луны в воде, все отдельные детали видны предельно четко. Это символ Ваджрадары — объединение пяти семейств в шестом уров¬не. Это великая польза — созерцать свое осознание в такой форме. Это чудесное яичко вмещает в себя Будд пяти семейств с женскими формами и пять аспектов извечной мудрости. Визуализируя так, накапливают великую заслугу, и поэтому осознавание, сфокусированное в таком образе чудесного яичка, перемещается очень легко и без усилий обретается несрав¬ненное состояние. В одной жизни, в одном теле можно достичь Пробуждения, в этом нет сомнений, благородные сыно¬вья и дочери.
Таким образом используйте визуализацию в практике перемещения осознания.»
Woman and the Dakini(click to open)
great text to read for those who can be interested in the theme.
You and me, we are in The Matrix. http://atotalblog.blogspot.com/2008/03/matrix.html
Imagine a baby in a mother's womb, one can name this The Matrix for the baby. The reality for this baby is not to stay here forever, birth must take place. After birth, now, we move to an individual, in this world, or universe, or mega-multi-verses, the womb of Mother nature. The Whole is The Matrix for this individual. The Matrix is a name for a place and space, each of us is in. It is an Illusion which seems to be seen as the Reality. The Matrix, to me, a better term is The Total Movie.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Zubli. It's something that I call Univerce or Creation. Because i'm reading about Tai Chi now, it has to be Wu-Chi, Emptines, is it?
ReplyDeleteYes, Liudmila. The Whole Story is - The Creator creates all creations including creatures. Some huwmen, they see the world only and nothing beyond. To them, this world is the only place and space where total life on earth is. Soon, with the advent of technology, others can see the solar system, and soon, the universe. Scientists now have discovered 2,000 similar universe, and term this as the mega-multi-verses. This and all within, is the Total Movie, or the Matrix. I see that Wu-Chi, as in Emptiness, is somewhat different. The Matrix, is fullness.
ReplyDeleteLiudmila right post in right time
ReplyDelete90 tibetans died due to chinese brutality.Thanks for your effort for global awareness
You know, Debasis, I'm fatalist -in this sense. I'm happy, Italian government finally found forces to saysomething against this thyranny. And maybe all effots of italian buddhists helped to change government's direction (in october they were so afraid of it, that did as they had never heard about Dalai Lama when he asked about audience. And Vatican too.) But I do not believe in the happy end.
ReplyDelete:))) If all together... maybe. I have too much sins :((( ...and he most terrible -I love them. Joke.
ReplyDeleteWait for your post.
I'm agree with you, Zubli. Goddess is light. I have an other question and maybe I can write it in a post now. It's very important question for me. It would be very interesting to read what do you think about it.
ReplyDeleteDear Liudmila, I shall share my thoughts with you and others too, for as long as we benefit together. Thanks.