I have a sort of block in the last time in sense of main theme of this blog. Maybe because I have to learn many things about healing possibilities of gemstones and have to write posts every day about them.
Now I read a post about balancing the chakras and did not understand it. So, decided to write my opinion about it here.
Maybe it's because I have an other way to feel the world -and it's really difficult to accept the way to see it of other persons. Or it can be because I'm too lazy and don't work with my capacities to take them on more high level of perception. So, I don't see chakras. And don't see their colours. I only feel energy and sometimes I see it.
From other side, my teachers never told about the necessity to see, to "balance" chakras. I can say you more, in one practice we can speak about one colour in other practice about other colour associated with the same chakra.
Now, the question about balancing, aligning the chakras.
As I said many times, I had a bad experience at the begining of my research on this way, when I did something I found in an ancient tractat about chakras. I was very ill for much time and don't do anything with them from that experience.
What I want to say...
As for me, making asanas or -as I do- tibetan or other practices in regular way means making "alignment" of the chakras too.
If you "align" chakras and then go in the next bar to drink a good beer (as example) ...
Is there something that I don't understand maybe?
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Is Khambo Lama Itighelov Alive?
80 years is he dead. Buried in a sarcophagus.
But he is alive.
Researches say.
His skin is flexible. The proteins are on the levels of alive body.
All joints are flexible. Hairs and nails are as in alive body. The skin and muscles, when pressed, has reaction of the alive body. When the box with meditating Lama was opend there air was profumed.
15 June of 1927 Khambo Lama asked his pupils to recite a mantra for a dead person. They did not want do it, so he recited it himself and entered in the state of meditation. He asked to open his body after 30 years. The box was opend, but the body was nor putrifyed. So the box was closed and burried once more (if the body was putrifyed, the buddhists had to fire it). In 2002 the box was opened in the presence of many scientists. With the results I just described.
All these years (from 2002) he is in the temple under the ball of glass with normal temperature of the room. There are not signs of putrifaction. He has even blood. It is in the jelly-state. From time to time he changes weight. Sometimes less sometimes more.
Buddhists do not alow to make more researches. "Khambo Lama did not give the directions to do it. We don't need any proves. For us he is alive," say they.
Jampa Sandepa from India on the conference said, Khambo Lama is in the state of the profound meditation, and there were different examples of it in the history of Buddhismus. Maybe he could reach the state of samadhi where a person can control his living processes.
1 article in english
2 article in english
1 article in russian
2 article in russian - photos are from this site that collects all the available information.
When I was a school-girl, in 70-th, there was one yogi that said to his pupils to burry him in a wooden box for 20 years, I think. Some years ago I heard in Italian TV, that the pupils unburried that yogi. I think, he is alive, but I'm not sure.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The "How-s" of Crystal and Gemstone Healing
Very interesting for me theme is going round some blogs of my friends-bloggers just for some months. It's Crystals and Gemstones Healing. Maybe because I like gemstones, I'm not satisfied else, so I looked around the Internet to see what others say about it.

I found that this theme is typical for Mystics and New Age. Because I know physics a little (about magnetism, vibrations, atomic structures of every physical body and energy prodused by all these movements), I think there have to be good reasons for these treatment. Here are some quotes:
be open to crystal's influence (because we are often too receptive to outside influences -specially of negatively charged persons)
and place your crystal NEAR a small water fountain
I found that this theme is typical for Mystics and New Age. Because I know physics a little (about magnetism, vibrations, atomic structures of every physical body and energy prodused by all these movements), I think there have to be good reasons for these treatment. Here are some quotes:
Crystals and some stones pick up, store and amplify thought vibrationsInteresting is the advise to create personal crystals altar, practically a box with stones added to your altar, to have your programmed stones always ready to serve you. And here is an interesting article about choosing the cristal you need for your proposals that says :
It's important to thoroughly wash your crystal after purchase to remove any impressions that its "picked up" from other people who have handled it. Once "cleansed'', you "programme" it for a particular use. This is done by holding the stone in your hand and projecting thoughts to it. The crystal is said to absorb your telepathic thoughts and will, once programmed, act as an amplifier of your psychic and psychological powers. (Source)
Crystals are sometimes placed on chakras that correspond to the colours of the crystals and their spiritual properties. This is claimed to cleanse and energise the chakras (Source)
You can program your stones and crystals for specific use or just use them for decoration and let them do what they do naturally, which is to dissolve and balance energy. (Source)
- Clearly identify your purpose
- Look for a few crystal varieties that seem to support your goal (in a book, online, from a professional, etc.).
- Pick a specific specimen that offers vibrational match to your frequency.
be open to crystal's influence (because we are often too receptive to outside influences -specially of negatively charged persons)
and place your crystal NEAR a small water fountain
This allows the very powerful chi of the water to propagate the vibrational frequency of the crystal throughout your house or office. (from the same article)
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