80 years is he dead. Buried in a sarcophagus.
But he is alive.
Researches say.
His skin is flexible. The proteins are on the levels of alive body.
All joints are flexible. Hairs and nails are as in alive body. The skin and muscles, when pressed, has reaction of the alive body. When the box with meditating Lama was opend there air was profumed.
15 June of 1927 Khambo Lama asked his pupils to recite a mantra for a dead person. They did not want do it, so he recited it himself and entered in the state of meditation. He asked to open his body after 30 years. The box was opend, but the body was nor putrifyed. So the box was closed and burried once more (if the body was putrifyed, the buddhists had to fire it). In 2002 the box was opened in the presence of many scientists. With the results I just described.
All these years (from 2002) he is in the temple under the ball of glass with normal temperature of the room. There are not signs of putrifaction. He has even blood. It is in the jelly-state. From time to time he changes weight. Sometimes less sometimes more.
Buddhists do not alow to make more researches. "Khambo Lama did not give the directions to do it. We don't need any proves. For us he is alive," say they.
Jampa Sandepa from India on the conference said, Khambo Lama is in the state of the profound meditation, and there were different examples of it in the history of Buddhismus. Maybe he could reach the state of samadhi where a person can control his living processes.
1 article in english
2 article in english
1 article in russian
2 article in russian - photos are from this site that collects all the available information.
When I was a school-girl, in 70-th, there was one yogi that said to his pupils to burry him in a wooden box for 20 years, I think. Some years ago I heard in Italian TV, that the pupils unburried that yogi. I think, he is alive, but I'm not sure.
Sure. It's the person that belongs to Buddhismus and to the Faith generally.
ReplyDeleteBut how is it possible to be alive after being buried for 20 years?
ReplyDeleteThe yogies enter in deep meditation, when all the processes of the body become very slowly. They can practically stop the heart and breathing -so slowly they are. In the nature there are different animals that can do it, why not humans? With some preparation...
ReplyDeletespritualism begins where science ends
ReplyDeleteMaybe continues?
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