It was hard time, I have to say you. I could not eat and felt bad.
So, I remembered honeys.
There are different honeys, you know. Every type has a little different action. One is good for sleep, other is good for other problems. I had a little jar with dandelion honey (Taraxacum officinale). You know, the healing properties of this plant are very important. And it is used as infusion for seasonal cleanings. I began to eat a tea spoon of dandelion honey in the morning and befor I went to bed. Just from the first time I felt better.
I wanted to know more about this type of honey (I have special literature) and found that it is used for hepatic problems. I bought other jars of this honey and ate it till the digestive disorders passed.
«Вскусный мед» на Яндекс.Фотках
I have heard about the medicinal qualities of honey but I really like the taste. But over here, if you are buying honey, you have to be careful; some are cheap but they are not pure honey. Sugar has been added.
ReplyDeleteIt's the problem of all the world, I think. Here, in the supermarkets but by some private vendors, you can buy worked honey. I just what to buy and look only for natural product.