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Thursday, June 3, 2010

How to Drink Milk to Digest It

My previous post I dedicated to the explanation that gives Dr. Torsunov of Ajurvedic vision of healthy breakfast. Now, I want to add some words from the article about the digestion of milk of this author. Many of us have this problem and there are different reasons of it, I think.

I just wrote once about the great problems I had with milk when I came in Italy. The main point is I love all the dairy produce. Specially I loved milk. After a few time I lived here, I had to visit meditian because I had very hard belly aches. That doctor said me, it's because I do not digest milk.

It's unpossible, I thought. I drink milk in great quantities all my life. I drunk it every day before I came here and had not problems. How it it possible that I acquire intollerance a few months after I came in Italy? I became more attentive to the reactions of my stomach and discovered that the meditian was right: every time I drunk milk I had intoxication.

The grandy of one of my friends had cows in that period. Once I met the girl turning home after she visited her grandy. She had a 2liters bottle of milk in the hand. Knowing how much I like milk, she decided to gift me that bottle.

I did not remember when I drunk fresh, shortly milked, warm milk :-) I came home and drunk it all. After that I thought, now, with my intollerance, I will die. ... But nothing happend with me. I even had not my usual stomach pains.

Normal natural milk did nothing bad to me.

That is why I think most of us have intollerance of addictives, industrial foods.
And this is the reason why I turn and turn to this theme.

Turning back to the Ajurveda explanation, Dr. Torsunov tells, milk is probably the most digestable food. It is in the connection with the power of the Moon. It relaxes our body and make it feel very comfortable. It's enough to drink it in the period from 18:00 till 6:00 in the morning, always warm and sweet. If you drink it in the evening, add sugar, linden honey, cardamom or fennel. Do not use linden honey in the morning.

From other side, do not drink kefir and other similar products in the evening.You can use it some times as a cure but not reguarly. (By the way, I noticed it too).

So, this is the idea.
In the week that passed from my previous post I tryed to have breackfast as it's described there, but I could not wake up so early.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you are right. I thought it's because there are too many aditives. It seems to me because I have always intoxications and don't know what I have to eat.
