Information letter concerning monastery project in Sikkim 28. 4. 2010
To all friends, which are interested to support this Bönpo-monastery project
Enclosed you are receiving a short project description and some information worth knowing.
Me in person I am a disciple of Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, who is also a tutor of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal, for already ten years.
During a stay at Triten Norbutse in Nepal, the monastery of Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, I met the abbot of the Bön-monastery in Sikkim. I visited the monastery in Sikkim on one of my several trips to Sikkim. This was already eight years ago. This monastery had no access to donations from the western countries.
Since this time I committed myself personally to support that project.
The situation in the monastery was and still is very poor. The children that enter the monastery come from very poor families or are orphans and are handed over to the monastery.
Since the abbot of the monastery Yungdrung Lama died 2008 the problems increased.
The donations which come from the locals are very low. Also the own revenues from the monks coming from the celebration of prayers for the people of the surrounding villages are very little.
Furthermore they are getting a yearly contribution of the Sikkim Gouvernement, which is not even covering the basic needs of the monastery.
Moreover none of the monks, even the new abbot Geshe Nyima Sengye is speaking English.
So to say the existence of the monastery whit its 36 monks is now depending on donations from the west.
This is the task that I took.
Each year I am travelling to the monastery in Sikkim. There I personally proof the exact use of the donated money and support with my talent for organisation.
Every cent of the money goes directly to the monastery. There is no administration fee and I pay all the travelling costs myself.
You have the possibility to take godparenthood for one of the young monks. The therefore necessary amount is 1 Euro per day, that means 365,- Euro per year. This is the money needed for food and clothes for on year. If we have less than 36 sponsors, the money will be contributed to all monks in equal parts.
It is also possible to make a common donation, which will be put in the new building, which is already done to 75%.
So it is most welcome if you feel encouraged to contribute to the supply of the monastery by which you are also supporting the Bön Tradition.
Enclosed you find the account data for your donation:
You can receive a german tax deductible contribution receipt if requested..
Please donate to the account of the Yungdrung Bön Foundation:
The adress is: Yungdrung Bön Stiftung
co Christine Trachte
Seeleiten 1
82418 Seehausen
The bank account is: Deutsche Apotheker- und Arztebank
Ottostr. 17
80333 München
Kto. 000 512 7092
BLZ 300 606 01
IBAN DE 27 300 60601 000 5127 092
Please designate your payment fort he benefit of the monasteryproject in Sikkim,
The name and Number of the sponsorship or for the monastery in general
For all who do not need a contribution receipt please address you payment to the following account. It will save some administrative steps:
The adress is: I'm afraid to publish here the address of the banc, so pls contact Usha by
Please designate your payment fort he benefit of the monastery project in Sikkim,
The name and Number of the sponsorship or for the monastery in general
After my yearly journey to Sikkim in February/March the friends and sponsors of the project will receive the yearly report about the progress. Moreover you will receive a thank-you letter and your receipts.
Nach meiner jährlichen Reise im Februar/März nach Sikkim bekommen die Freunde
und Sponsoren den jährlichen Bericht über die Ereignisse im Kloster.
Auch werdet ihr vom Kloster Dankesschreiben und Quittungen erhalten.
I really hope for your support. If you have further questions, please send me an email or give me a call.
I wish you a very pleasant spring time.
From the heart
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