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Saturday, January 26, 2008

More about sound healing

This is the theme I'm interested very much and don't find answers to my questions else. So I'm in the period of exploration. In this blog I wrote different posts related to this idea like

Dalai Lama singing Heart Sutra - Prajna Paramita Hrydaya Sutra
Deep singing monks
Brain music terapy
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche in YouTube!!
Tibetan Sound Healing Part 4

All these posts are examples of what we can prove if listening to "special" music or sounds that are thought to influence our mind.
I found them very powerful and useful, it's my own opinion. I listen to Hart Sutra to eliminate obstacles when I have something important to live, I use the practice of syllables explained by TWR if I have a negative feeling that disturbs my existence. But the main point here is my faith in these practices.

The healing practice I want to present you today exists in all Asian countries, I think. I know about the same practice in Japan, for example. The videos I post here are about Tibetan healing only because the most clear videos I found were about Tibetan singing bowls.
The first is a concert of gongs and the second is about the therapy.

You are perfectly right, we can do the same using the music we like, but I think here are other physical characteristics of the sound important, not only our personal mood. So, for example, I love fried potatoes and can eat them all the day every day of my life, but they are not good for health -to explain my idea. It's scientifically proved that some popular music makes bad to our ears, mind and health generally.

Here is sound healing therapist how he works:

Here is very interesting explanation of the phenomena and an other interesting thing is how the sond changes with every movement doing nearby. And maybe the best as music in all these videos.

Very Interesting Posts:
suggested by Zubli Zainordin in his Total Wellness that continues the discussion we have here in my posts about mind and this post: What the Heck Are Binaural Beats?
When Bowls Sing! written by Footiam
What is a singing bowl


  1. Sound is a powerful instrument. It can make a person deaf too.

  2. Very loud sound can tear the eardrums.

  3. Thank you Zubli, you as always, give me enlightened ideas about what I write here. Something that is clear but I've never thought about.
    This time specially what you say about healing.

  4. This is synergy. As students who prefer the Truth belonging to The God, we are exposed to variations in selectivity. Therefore a space and place such as this, when we share, each obtain more, especially more solid in relations to a particular topic or subject. You are always a good initiator, you initiate a piece that is interesting, I am called to input a piece I know. Soon we see the total picture, where every part fit neat and nice toward the completion of the wholeness, where what is square for instance cannot fit what is round, so, naturally these falls, to KIV, until further notice. Thank you for allowing me to participate, it has been enlightening for me especially.

  5. :)) you know that I wanted to wright in my previous comment what you've written now? It's true. I wanted but decided don't do it... and YOU write what I'm thinking in this moment...

  6. Maybe today I'll continue the talk about the mind.(if everything will be good with housework) Will be splendid to hear your voice. Pass by if you'll have time this evening or tomorrow.

  7. Great! It's really difficult to find persons from the same "frame" as you say.

    Very interesting. Have to read this post now.

  8. You are right Liudmila sound plays an important role in our religious practices too.OMM is the most important in hindu religion which is chanted with every hymn.Sound plays an important part in healing and ancient saints knew it
