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On the photo you see a real Chinese pharmacythat is situated in Chengdu, a town in southwest of China. I post here this photo because it seems to me very beautiful.
I don't want to inviteyou to plan a trip in this town there -this blog is to discuss the healing possibilities. So, I want to tell you what is happend to me.
I have problems with arthritis now, and the fingers become my real tragedy in the last month. "Normal" medicine gives me anaesthetizing tabs that you can take maximum 7 days. With grave consrguences for blood (ibuprofen). I tryed with termal clay and salt. The situation was better but not very satisfying. I could not sleep in the night for terrific pains in fingers and hands.
Somebody told to my husband about the remedies, bought in the Chinese pharmacy. He knew, there is such a pharmacy in Naples too. So, we went there one day about a week ago. The doctor there wanted to touch my wrists and gave me 2 types of tabs with herbs.
My friends said me, they would never use such medicines because these pharmacies are disagreeable and dirty. And the medicines come from bad places. I don't know, maybe they think about the popular movies. The tabs I bought, are manufactured in Holland, are even better packed than normal Italian medicines. What is important for me -I have not those pains in the night, and the situation is generally better. As you see, I can write here so much too. :-))) That doctor said me, I have take these tabs for 30 days. Hope, it will really help me.
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