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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Different Types Of Meditations (part 2) Walkng Meditation

With this post I continue to speak about Different Types Of Meditations (and this link is to part 1 about water meditation).

Here I want to post videos about an other interesting type of meditation -walking meditation. I just tryed to do it, this meditation, and did an error, so I wanted to tell about it to warn you. If you want to begin with this meditation, choose carefully the place where you do it. If you walk on the road where the cars can pass, it's not good. You could damage the passing cars if you are too absorbed to notice them.

I adore the meditations teached by Thich Nhat Hanh, specially the Tea meditation. If you are interested in them, you have to visit his site.


  1. Can't hear what the monk is saying in the second video but I don't think the first one was that good. Walking meditation is done with the person being aware of the movement of the legs and the sensation on the sole as each step is made.

  2. Oh, thank you, Footiam! I did not know about the soles! I think, it's very important point and I will use it in my experiences.
