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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Different Types Of Meditations (part 1) Water Meditation

There are many different types of meditations. And it's very difficult at the beginning of the Path of Buddhismus to understand what and how is necessary to do them. I remember I was interested to begin to meditate, but I live too far from the places where one can find a Teacher. So I tryed with the books. I read clever books but I could not understand the essence. This was some years ago, about 2000-2004.

Today the life is much more easy for those who are interested in Buddhismus because there are internet teachings of the most important Teachers of different schools and there are many videos that help in the meditations.

You Tube offers me videos that could be interesting for me. There were videos about the meditations among them. So I want to post those I think are useful.

Here is water meditation. I post thisd video as first because I know nothing about this meditation and it seems interesting for me. If somebody of you could explain me the sense and the technique -approximately is good too would be great. I don't pretend to learn the techniques of meditations through this blog, I'm only interested to learn more about it.

Different Types Of Meditations (part 2) Walkng Meditation
Different Types Of Meditations (part 3) Standing Meditation


  1. This looks more like a monk trying to rehabilitate a drug addict; they have that kind of thing in Thailand. I haven't heard of water meditation; but I have read that meditating on the colour blue can make a person walk on water. then, there are people who told me vipassana meditation is the best; it is observing the rising and falling of the abdoment and it is supposed to make us mindful.

  2. Probably the author of this video did not ask what are they doing. He saw theat man sitting in that position and decided it's a sort of meditation.

    I really heard something about water once. But I do not remember if it was about a meditation.
