My Friend Footiam from
Dhamma Delights asked me to write about 10 Negative Actions in buddhismus and other similar phylosophies. I just had to re-read about them because I forgot some of them, so I write this post for all us that are interested in this question.
What I write here is from Comments of Geshe Ciampa Ghiatso to Lam-Rim Middle (I have it in Italian so this is MY
short translation -excuse me if I don't know some terms in English) that he teached in 2005 to our group of students of Basic Program (ILTK).
Because the text is long, I write here one part of it -maybe it will be enough. If you want the other negative actions explained so as the first, write me, I'll continue the translation.
glitter-graphics.comNegative Actions and their results are explaned here in 3 points: the paths of the real black actions, differences in their weight and their results.
The black actions are 10 paths of the non virtuous actions:
3 of the body -kill, steal, sexual misconduct
4 of the word -lie, words that divide, bad words and twaddle
3 of the mind -desire (to have something what belongs to an other), malevolence and mistaken visions
The white actions are the opposite of the black actions. To leave to kill ect.
In the "Sutra of 100 Actions" there is other division.
In every of the Negative Actions there are those more light and those more havy. For example, inside killing" the action to kill own father or mother is much more havy as to kill an insect.
And the wight of the action dipends from the completeness of base, predisposition, implementation and completion.
KillingBase: The base of killing is a person (a sentient being) with the mind different from his/her "normal" mind.
Predisposition. 1. Riconoscimento corretto.
To have the complete action is necessary the correct recognition of the object (this rule is valid for all 10 actions).
If one wants to kill V. but for mistake kills T. is not complete action. Other case if one wants to kill V. but is happy to kill anybody.
2.Mental Affliction.
Mental affliction is one of the 3 psychic poisons: attachment, anger, ignorance
3. Motivation.
is the desire to kill
Implementation1. Executor -is the same if he/she kills personally or sands an other person to kill.
2.Implementation -is about the arm of the killing
CompletionThe completion is when the sentient being dies (in that moment or later)
before the death of that who wanted to kill (if the person that wants to kill dies before the death of the victim tha negative action is not complete) .
So, in short to have the negative action complete is necessary that all the 4 parts of it are complete.
If we kill somebody and all the 4 parts are present -the path of negative action is complete.
But if one part of the action is not complete the weight of this action is not so heavy and we can purify it with 4 opponent powers and the results of this action will be not so bad (or completely purifyed) as if the path of the negative action would complete.