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Friday, September 28, 2007

Is Faith non-evolution?

Lord, I don't ask for a faith
that would move yonder mountain.
I can take enough dynamite and move
it if it needs movin'. I pray, Lord,
for enough faith to move me."

Norman Allen

What we need to believe? Examples.
If you read Bible, the Old Testament, you'll see, the poor God had to do miracles every now and again to move jews to believe in Him. The story is not changed today. If you look at catolics in Italy, you see the strainge thing. They say they belive in Jesus Christ, but they go to pray Padre Pio for miracles.
You can find the statues like this on my photo on every crossroad and in other popular places.

(Here you can see a video with the last messa of Padre Pio, 1968)

Why I write about it today?
I see -and this can be said not only about me but about the main part of all us- we are not quiet in everything we do. We can't stop in our discovery. We've find everything good, that we were looking for all our life -and we don't stop and do that our possibilities reach to perfection. We are interested in this and in that and in many other things. To stop on this way meens death for us. We call it evolution.

Faith is the point of arrival. I believe, I have not problems, I don't need other things because with my Faith I have everything I need, the garantees.

I look for something, somebody, because I have great fear, I'm not sure, I need this or that.

And? What do you think, can Faith be evolution?


  1. Coming right up to date, the Americans are jolted into wakefulness by a attack supposedly made by a Muslim faction on their own soil. But how many of them questioned the probability of that actually being allowed to happen without inside help?

    There are some conspiracy theories which suggest that this was deliberately allowed to happen by their own government in order to stir up hatred for Muslims and give the US military the excuse to invade another country on the grounds of fighting terrorism, when it has been suggested they were really after taking the oil.

    When put in these terms, does it not make an intelligent person think very hard about this?

    - Terry
    Make Money

  2. I read about it in different sources and I believe in it.

    Politic + money are terrible things. Where I read about it were other examples too.

    Somebody needs money (petroil or other)-decided to send boys in the war (but not his own boys!) or makes kill some hundreds-thousands innocent persons -creates pubblic opinion about "bad Muslims" (in this case) -and receives these money GIFTED from congress (Communist Party -add yours)

    And we DO what they want!

  3. Our Pastor recently preached on the subject of worshipping idols and praying to statues aand symbols rather than directly praying to God. I think this is and area where many people get off-track in their worship. All we really need is God. True faith is a personal relationship with our Lord, not certain methids or practices.

    I enjoy your blog.

  4. Earthmommy, you are right, I think.I'm not believer, but Idon't understand this search for idols. I think, the "person" whom pray all those people remain God, not Padre Pio or S.Francesco or others. But we are not sure in everything whot is in our lives and look for nearest help we know.

    Everything comes from our mind say buddhists.
