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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Raja Yoga Meditation for positive thinking

As you know, I'm very interested now to find a receipe for happy life.
Not becase I'm so unhappy, I'm unhappy in the same way as all of us.
I want to find this receipe because I see too many negativities around me.
To give you the most evident example I remember you the persons that take a gun and shoot their family, friends. I ask you: can a happy person do it? Can this state of soul be created from one day to other? No.

We spoke about positive thinking too (see Related posts on the bottom of this).

We said, positive thinking is something very hard to reach and maintain.
But it's unpossible to live without it.

Why does positive thinking not work in many cases?
Because we point on mistaken aims. We have not to begin with "I'm milioner". This is not the root of our problem. You have to post many "Why's" to find the root.

Here I want to tell you about Raja Yoga Meditation site's advises for the morning. Note the difference .
every morning when you wake up repeat
I am a peaceful soul,
my aim today is to radiate peace
to every person that I come into contact with.

And then for 15 minutes this text
(Try to experience the stillness of mind of being a peaceful soul as other thoughts emerge in the mind do not judge or focus on them but repeat)
............ I am a peaceful soul
............. I am a peaceful soul
............ My mind is filled with peace
.............. I radiate peace to the world
............... I feel the gentle waves of peace flowing across my mind
........... As these peaceful thoughts emerge in my mind
I feel the stillness and silence envelopes my mind
................. I am the peaceful soul
...... I am a peaceful loving soul
............ My mind feels light and free from worries
........... I realize my real nature is peace
.......... Peaceful thoughts flow through the mind and I feel the self becoming light
...................... I am a being of light shining like a star
....................... I radiate peace and light to the world
...................... The light and peace envelopes me and the waves of peace
and light shine like a lighthouse

I did this practice too. For 40 days I repeated the thoughts of positive thinking according to my state of soul. I can confirm: it works.

Related links:
Where to find joy in the modern life
About happyness and positive thinking
"Positive thinking" or "joy of the life"
Emotional mistreatment -"bad" chief, parents, friends
How to do?-Everyday meditation for everybody and disrespect and emotional mistreatment
these 2 last posts contain explanations of the technique described here as Raja Yoga Meditation but seen by other schools


  1. Some of this yoga things are out to make money. So, beware. Happiness comes from within. While we can listen to advice, the advice may not suit us and if we do what others think is right, then we are not living our lives. We ought to live our lives to be happy.

  2. Dear Zubli, as always you make me see the question from the other side.

    I said it too: "positive thinking" is not the right expression and not right as a Way. That is the reason I wrote so many posts about it (if you see different advises, you find great quantity of "create your positive thinking and you will become happy"), to find what is here that not goes in the right way. Because it's not bad as idea, but not good as practice. And all those mistaken writings make this good idea only a product to sell -as everything.

    And here footiam has right.
    But the idea is good, footiam. There are clinical cases of the healing of terminal states of cancer with this technique (Norbekov).

    I'm agree with you and with my Dzogchen Teaching, the world is perfect so as it is. But for me, but as for me, our way is not only GO OUR way, but unhold, support those who is lost (ourselves too). If we don't do it we don't go God-wards (great word, Zubli), I think.

    But this is a theme for the entire post, that I'll write next.

    Thank you, my dear friends, Zubli and Footiam to helping me in my rambling.

  3. You have taken the right decesion and treading the right path
    Raja yoga is the king of the yogic practice of different schools.That will certainly bring peace to mind and will help evolution of your soul
